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Day 1: March 4th


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Today is my Day 1! I'm super-excited to start. I've read through It Starts with Food and the food part itself doesn't seem so bad. It's the alcohol part that doesn't sound awesome. Especially with St. Patrick's Day this month!

I've always been a runner but lately I've been lacking motivation, I'm often tired and my energy isn't nearly as high as I would like. I'm hoping this program will help me kick-start my effort to get back in shape and feel better.

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Welcome and good luck! Believe it or not, it is possible to survive 30 days without alchohol. I'm living proof and I could easily finish a nice bottle of shiraz on my own 24 days ago!!!

I didn't attempt to do any exercise for the first 14 days of my Whole 30. My body really needed to adjust to the lower carb thing. I'm happy to say that I've been able to resume my regular activities, though I do find that I HAVE to eat the pre- and post-workout food or I get terrible headaches.

You're going to love this!!!

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I started today too!!!! I am a carb wh0re lol! So this is going to be my wakeup call for sure! I've preplanned and precooked my first few days meals so there's no reason to mess up! I'm excited for the possibility of seeing my body change in these 30 days... So far I have lost 150lbs in just about 3 years and have kept it off. But it's like I've hit a massive wall and can't seem to drop the last 35lbs or so. I know it's my struggle with food cause I can workout like a BOSS 6 days a week but then undo it all with my eating habits... think pizza and chips and bad bad things!

I also got the book and am neck deep reading it :)

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I started today too, and I'm also excited!

A friend told me about Whole30 a year ago and I said that it was "too extreme" for me. Well, after watching another friend lose 30 pounds in the last six months eating paleo and doing two Whole30s, I decided to get on board.

I'm happy to have some fellow newbies starting the same day. :)

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Thanks for the support! The first few days have gone very well. I haven't had any cravings or problems. I'm worried about facing cheese, though. :) I have however, been VERY tired the last two days. I haven't worked out since I started (partially because I haven't had a spare minute this week,) but have a ten-mile run coming up Saturday morning, if I don't fit a short one in before then. I'll be sure to get in the pre- and post-run meal. Good luck to Pistol and Carrie...hope things are working out for you both!!!

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