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AIP protocol for as long as it takes!


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So, I loved my first W30. I am healthier than I have been in quite a while. Because I have a lot of health problems, and did not get It Starts With Food until halfway through, I learned about the AIP protocol late. I have struggled with starting it and then struggled with not messing up - darn seeds are tricky.

So, I am ready to start a new AIP protocol. I had a little break from W30 in the last two days. Ate some chocolate, some creamy salad dressing made with yoghurt and some toast. It wasn't planned. I have not been getting more than 4 hours of sleep each night and defenses were low, and I didn't have compliant food prepared. So, live and learn. I know that the next time I try new food, I am not going to waste the experience on toast. Sheesh. :rolleyes:

Today I am going to start reading the book again. I do not have a science background and a lot of that went over my head, but I am going to try and understand it better this time.

I am roasting short ribs and will follow that with sweet potatoes. I am going to work harder at having food prepared in advance.

So, the AIP protocol is no nightshades (tomatoes, tomatillos, eggplant, potatoes, tobacco); no nuts or seeds (spices are particularly tricky to watch out for), no eggs and no NSAIDS; and the rest of the W30 protocol: no grain, dairy (even ghee). I actually do most of the IBS protocol as well. I do not have the pain associated with it, for which I am very grateful, but I regularly have strange bms and although I eat a lot of meat and supplement B12, my levels are chronically low, which I think means I am not absorbing it. I cook the vast majority of my veggies, have never done well with most raw veggies, and am cutting back down on fruit (was eating a piece a day). The only thing on the IBS protocol I am not following is coffee. Two cups a day, cold filtered.

So I'll start posting here and would love to hear from others who are doing the AIP protocol. Because it usually lasts longer than 30 days and is more restrictive, I would love to perhaps start an AIP group thread? I know I can use all the support I can get. :)

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lulu, I'm not quite there yet--I have to be a little careful about overly restricting food choices for a number of other reasons--but if you got such a thread started I would follow it with interest. My problem is not strictly speaking (on the books) inflammation, as fibro is not considered an inflammatory illness, but I think I need to try not eating a few foods to see if that will help with other problems (skin primarily). But I'm going to finish this 60 days, see what comes out in the wash, and then re-evaluate, But will be very interested to see how this works for you.

Not waste it on toast! Hah! That really cracked me up. There are days when a slice of perfect toast with the right butter sounds like the best thing in the world to me. (But not for another month!)

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Lulu- the second time I read the book I learned so much more- some of it is complex. I have been doing the IBS protocol for a couple of weeks and have just stocked my spice rack with herbs. So it is totally out of my mind that I would reach for curry, cumin or pepper. Instead now I have basil, oregano, thyme, dried cilantro and herb de Provence. I also use coarse Celtic sea salt which is delicious.

One thing that concerns me is the inclusion of coffee in your AIP. The book says it is a strong digestive tract irritant- and the whole point of avoiding irritants is to allow the lining of the intestine to repair and heal so that undigested particles of food stop entering the bloodstream and wreaking havoc on your mind and body. Maybe a moderator can correct me but it seems allowing coffee would slow down or even halt that process.

I would follow an AIP thread too- I'm pretty much there- but I do have ghee and a rare nightshade.

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Good luck lulu. Have to concur with moluv re coffee... Tracking my food for around 140 days now since October and all my good patches have been in coffee- free periods :(... I seem to manage one cup a week with no issues as long as I don't go for a cup the second day.... One to two cups a day results in disaster... Cravings, bloating, upset stomach, depression, skin problems....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry it took so long for me to get back here. I took a big break - off roaded in depth, mostly with sugar, and am back to report that it didn't work so well. I do not want to be all or nothing, but I seem to be all or nothing.

It is interesting that the big response is coffee. I have been so resistant to this. I have been drinking it every morning for 30 years. I have known for years that I am addicted - I get bad headaches if I don't have it first thing. Both of my parents gave it up, so I know it can be done.

Of course, what you all say is true. It makes little sense to avoid all other irritants except the one I am addicted to. :rolleyes:

I wasn't expecting this when I logged on this morning. I know I need to be accountable. I will cut back to one cup tomorrow. Give it a few days and then cut back to half a cup. Goal to drink no coffee in a week or so. Hopefully without blinding headaches.

Starting the rest of the AIP protocol today.

It's good to be back. :)

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