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Resounding disappointment


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Ok so I was on day 12 of my Whole30 which was St Patricks Day. My dad was in town and we ended up at a pub and I let down my guard and well, the rest is history. Although I went off track, my dad and I ended up having one of the best conversations we've ever had. I just keep kicking myself though for giving in. I'm back to clean eating but I just feel disappointed in myself that I was doing so well and let old habits derail me. I realize this is a lifestyle change so I have to pick up and start over and keep going. Those twelve days were plenty to show me how awful my body responds to all the crap I used to eat. For me, this is like quitting smoking, you don't NEED a cigarette to go with everything, just like you don't NEED processed food and beverage. Do they make Whole30 patches?? Just slap one on every time you have a craving/temptation to get over the hump.

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