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Green Smoothies for my family


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Okay, I will start by saying I read the book and understand about drinking your calories. However, I am trying to bring my family along and they do not eat eggs and will have a hard time eating veggies each morning. Their participation makes it easier for me to be successful. They enjoy smoothies. If the smoothie has kale/spinach, banana, water/coconut water and one additional fruit like strawberries, pineapple or mango, is it such a bad thing? They do not have sugar demons to fight with and no psychological attachments to the ingredients. It is simply another breakfast option that incorporates fruit and veggies. I would probably drink it and include a chicken breast or some other protein on the plate.

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Smoothies aren't expressly forbidden, they're just highly discouraged. If your smoothie fits in with the meal template (i.e. you're having some protein along WITH your smoothie), then begrudgingly, I'd say you're good to go...but smoothies are so anti-W30, I still advise against 'em

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No, it just violates many if not all of the good food principles. M&D have also got a lot of testimonies of folks not seeing great benefits when they keep smoothies in the mix.

Also, in my opinion, they also goes against what I consider to be an often ignored, but equally important part of the W30, which is sitting down with your food and taking time to enjoy your meal. I think this practice, of changing habits, is a big key to success with this program.

SO, if having a smoothie with breakfast is going to keep you from diving into a plate full of danish....as long as the ingredients are on plan, and you include them in part of an otherwise protein rich meal, they aren't forbidden...BUT we still think you'll do better without them and think there are better choices!

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