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Today is Day 1 of my Whole30.

I've been gluten free for about 3 weeks and feeling awesome, but giving up dairy will be the big challenge for me. I love cheese! Tried to drink black coffee, but couldn't do it, so I switched to green tea.

Eating breakfast is a challenge for me as well. I struggle with finding time in the morning to make something, then sit and eat it. I'm also not that hungry either. Any one have suggestions? I have to get myself and my two year old out the door alone, so quick & easy ideas are needed. I usually eat my leftovers for lunch, so this isn't really a viable breakfast option for me.

Thanks everyone!


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Eating a good breakfast is really key to success. IMO the best choices to ensure that are either getting up earlier/going to bed earlier so you have time to cook and prep breakfast, making breakfast the night before or eating last nights leftovers for breakfast. Plan ahead, make plenty for leftovers for lunch AND breakfast.

Another option is to cook a big batch of breakfasts and freeze. Egg/meat/spinach "muffins" are really easy. From 'Well Fed' http://www.theclothesmakethegirl.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/meatandspinachmuffins_wellfed.pdf

Prioritize breakfast.

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You could bake some eggs and vegetables in a skillet at night and then put it in the refrigerator to reheat and eat first thing in the morning. Baked eggs heat up well. That might only save you 15 minutes, but maybe it would help. Here is a recipe that reflects how I frequently make it... http://www.wholelifeeating.com/2011/12/baked-eggs-with-roasted-red-peppers-mushrooms-tomatoes-onion-and-prosciutto/

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Hi, I'm new and starting my 30 today. Breakfast is really a deal maker for me. If I have a good breakfast, the day will go well, if not, I'll be thinking about sweets and junk all day. Maybe cook something and bring it with you and eat it when you are hungry? Or eat dinner earlier (or less of it) so you're hungrier the next morning?

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