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Lisa M's Whole 30 blog - 4/1 Start Date


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Well, here goes nothing...and everything.

I have been doing CrossFit for about 8 months. I have completed one Paleo challenge with excellent results. However, after completing the challenge on 2/15, we got devastating news that my father-in-law had stage 4 pancreatic cancer. My family shifted the focus from caring for us and eating properly to spending all of our time with my father-in-law, and allowing friends and family to provide meals for us. While it was very helpful, it allowed me to fall back into gluten-filled meals and poor choices. My father-in-law passed away exactly 1 month after his diagnosis. The past two weeks has been spent mourning, grieving and helping the family cope.

Now it is time to reclaim my life and my health. So, I am here. I am 100% committed to this for the next 30 days. I am doing this challenge on my own, but my husband is supportive of my choices. I want to do this to lose weight, feel better and learn to make better choices.

In conjunction with W30, I intend to continue doing CrossFit 5-6x per week and run 2-3 times per week. I am hoping for increased energy during this challenge.

I did take "before" pictures, weigh in and take measurements this morning. It is an important reminder of where I came from. I will share them on May 1!

Looking for others who are just beginning this journey for the first time to share in this experience with me!

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Measurements were:

Weight - 144.0 lbs.

Bust - 30.5"

Waist - 27.5"

Lower abdomen (pooch) - 34"

Hips - 40"

I know that I probably shouldn't set targets, but I won't get on the scale for the 30 days. But, I am hoping to drop at least 10 lbs. in the 30 days. I think it's feasible.

I also intend to eat 3 meals, 2 snacks and 1 post-WOD recovery snack/drink.

I am supposed to be picking up ISWF from the library today, so I need to research the post-WOD recovery options.

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