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Starting whole 30 today for first time ?!?

Katrina Lee

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Just marking my spot, I have always focused on whole healthy foods but since moving here to Arkansas from the west coast, things went south fast (literally). Healthy food here is a struggle to find and my waistline shows it. I have finally found sources for pastured eggs, pork and beef, have found raw dairy (I understand its not ok on the whole30) and I think I am ready for this.... Will have very little fruit or nuts as I have food allergies, but I am able to have cashews, citrus and berries. I may test an apple again as I was able to eat one for the first time in 18 years recently! Today was day one, simple considering there is a half a ham and a gallon of salad in the fridge! I weighed (not sharing that) measured (really not sharing that) and stuffed the scale away for a week. I bought the book... planned my lunches for the week... Breakfast was ham with 2 eggs, lunch was salad with egg and ham. Dinner.. probably ham LOL!

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HAH that reminds me of the old Monty Python sketch about the Spam. I'll take the Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam and eggs...anyone? OK, anyway...LOL.

You said you stuffed your scale away for the week...I'm sure you meant for the month, right?? :rolleyes:

Good luck and visit the forums often! There's always so much support and help around here, I love it.

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