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Starting April 17th

Erika Bumgardner

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Yay, thought I was the only one here, so good to have some support. Just finished a crossfit workout with a 20 minute yoga finisher. Could have easily fallen back into some old habits today however beat the internal dialogue.

So far bloating gone, skin,eyes and tongue super clear and energy up there. Think I will continue and try for a Whole 100 to really instilled the good habits.

How is everything going for you?? Would love to hear about your journey:). Best thing I have found this Whole30 was reading It Starts With Food, put everything into perspective.

Have a good one.


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Day 24 done!! Have been away for a couple of days so no Internet. Day 23 had severe cravings so I was grateful there was nothing in the house to eat after dinner except for an apple.

Have found that night time is a trigger to overeat however I have resisted anything except herbal tea once I have eaten dinner.

New Whole 30 friend KEO1234 are thinking of continuing for a Whole 45 so if anybody wants to join us feel free.

Feeling really good and today is a particularly good day cos I feel downright skinny:).

Have a great one everybody:)

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Day 25 done. Big day at work then a quick rest when I got home, then a big workout. Dinner a little late however it was all veggies and a portion if turkey breast. Going to sleep like a baby tonight I think:)

No cravings today.


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Great to here you are going well Katherine. Day 26 done today and I am up for a Whole 45 too.

Very hungry today which stems from having a rushed breakfast and insufficient fat during the day. Did not succumb to fruit to quell the hunger pangs and just soldiered on. Making sure dinner includes a decent amt of good fat.

Hope your weekend was great to Katherine-chat again soon.


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Day 27 done!! Just finished a massive workout, dinner a little late however it is s light mixed salad and tuna. Feeling remarkably calm too. Fruit and nut free day as well:)



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Great Job Sue!! I thought it would be so much more difficult to give up fruit and nuts, but I really don't miss them at all! Been nut and fruit free since Day 3. Don't you feel so much better without it?? Must be all the other delish stuff I'm eating :)

Where do you get your workouts from? do you follow a specific crossfit blog?

about to eat a dinner of chicken thighs, roasted broccoli and tomatoes. YUM!

Day 30 for me tomorrow! Not gonna even think about it and go on to 45. Feeling so great I don't want to stop now!!

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Yum, your dinner sounds wonderful. How exciting for you Day 30, you must be so excited and what a great job you have done:)

My workouts are from Crossfit Geelong where I used to train before the travel got to much. Your Hot Girl workouts sound challenging, we have nothing like that in Oz.

Just settling down to poached salmon, mixed veggie salad with roasted capsicums:)

Day 28 done and like you I am going to continue with a Day 45 plus no caffeine for the 15 extra days. Feeling great too.

Have fun on your Day 30:)

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Hi Sue!

Day 31 here and I didn't blink an eye... carrying on and going to take "after" (or progressing!) pics on Saturday when I have a minute!

What made you decide to do no caffeine? I've been thinking about it too. I've cut down to 1-1.5 cups in the morning w/ a splash of almond/coconut milk. I worry that the headaches are going to be terrible... I wake up at 530 every morning and really look fwd to that cup of coffee!!

Yes the "hot girl" workouts are challenging and a great change of pace from crossfit/squash. I really enjoy them as it incorporates a lot of stretching. They have videos if you're ever interested (The Bar Method). I do them in my house b/c they don't have anything in Singapore either.

Just "liked" your Crossfit gym on facebook! Always looking for more variety in workouts!

Keep up the good work!!

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Congrats Katherine,

Well done!! You inspire me:). Day 29 done and I am going to join you for a Whole 45.

Decided to do a caffeine free challenge after reading about it in one of the daily emails. Find that I can now drink black coffee however I really don't like the taste so have questioned why I am still drinking it:)

So going to google the Bar Method and see what it is all about. Like you, always looking for more and anything with more stretching has gotta be good:)

Check in again with you tomorrow.

Have a great one.


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Day 30 done. On I go to day 31 and a whole45. Feeling great, no desire yet to indulge anything.

Things I noticed. My beauty therapist told me my toenail fungus had cleared up due to not being rundown and keeping off sugar. So happy that I didn't waste money on an expensive treatment which would have only been a bandaid. So true that a change in food can clear up ailments.

Katherine, googled The Bar Method and immediately purchased it. The workout looks fantastic. Hope your day 32 is going well:)

Smashed out a workout too. Now enjoying a well deserved dinner.

Let us see how my caffeine free challenge goes. Don't drink a great deal so hope the headache is not to bad. Wish me luck.

Have a great one.

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Hi Sue!!

CONGRATS on finishing 30 days!! how are you feeling?? Glad I have a buddy to go to 45 days :)

How awesome about your toes! What other positive changes have you noticed? I made a list today and will share w/ you tomorrow. Made a list of the "goods" and the "will work on for next time"... the list of the goods was WAY longer!

How's caffeine free Day 1? I hope not too bad. Sounds like a cool challenge I should try next... 30 day caffeine free!

Glad you bought the Bar Method! Which DVDs did you buy? It's so different from crossfit but i love doing both!

Hope you have a good day 31!

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Hi Katherine,

Day 31 was great. To be honest I did have one black coffee however I am back on track for a caffeine free 30 tomorrow.

Skin is super clear, tongue non coated, not sure how much weight lost as I do not weigh myself however clothes are looser, workouts better and energy all day-no mid arvo slumps.

Can't wait to get the DVD, need something else besides Crossfit as it appears to have heaps of stretching too. I purchased the Super Sculpt DVD. What one do you recommend?

How was your day. Hope it was awesome.

Just used my new slow cooker and cooked Nom Nom Paleo slow cooked chicken with gravy served with dry roasted sweet potato, beetroot and Brussels sprouts. Such a divine meal. Have you downloaded her app. It is great.

So happy to have you as a Whole 45 buddy. Will report tomorrow re day 1 caffeine free:)

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Day 32 done. Have decided to hold of on my caffeine free 30 until I come off my Whole45 or longer. One coffee a day is not to bad. All good today, just finished a workout, now cooking some poached fish and veggies to finish off the day.

Have a great one:)

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Hey Sue!

Woo hoo great job!

I think that sounds like a great plan--get through the Whole45 and then tackle caffeine! Its not like you are drinking 10 cups a day :)

Super Sculpt is great! Let me know what you think. I have all of the DVDs but I think do the super sculpt I and II the most.

I took my "after" photos and weighed myself today and am thrilled with the results! I started at about 145lbs at 5'8", and weighed in today at 138lbs. I can tell that I have toned up and gained muscle too, which is the important thing. Feeling awesome :)

I was supposed to get underway on a ship for work (I'm in the Navy) next week but I don't have to go now. I was seriously dreading having to eat the food and go off-plan! I'll have to do go on the ship mid-June for 3 weeks, but am preparing by buying a lot of jerky, tuna packets, other foods that I can bring along with me. Any ideas??

Have a great night :)

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Hi Katherine,

Wow that is awesome!! What a fabulous result, so proud of you.

What a job you have being in the Navy. No wonder Crossfit suits you. So fortunate that you can complete the Whole45 before departing as it may have been challenging. Positive you will keep eating as clean as you can whilst you are away.

Very excited about the DVD, waiting for it is going to be challenging as it generally takes 2 weeks to get to Australia and really looking fwd to a different workout. Told my partner he needed to build me a ballet bar by the end of next week in preparation:)

Lucky for you there are plenty of snacks you can take. Let me put my thinking cap on to come up with something interesting.

Have a wonderful night too😄

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Thank you!! It's nice to have someone to tell/support me! I find that most of my friends here aren't into the whole30/paleo lifestyle and I don't like to talk about food/working out at work very much... so thanks for the encouragement it means a lot!

WOW how awesome it will be to have your own ballet bar!! is he a good carpenter? get some mirrors too! in the meantime you can use a kitchen chair (that's what I do).

Thanks for thinking of some snacks for me. I had the semi-weird idea of bringing baby food like this


just in case there aren't any good veggies (They often put corn in the vegetable mixtures..ew!)

roasting a chicken now. yummy! have a great night!

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Day 33 done, just about to sit down to slow cooked chicken and veggies.

Katherine checked out the pouched food on Amazon and they look great.

It is so awesome to have found you as my friends in Melbourne think Whole 30 is to restrictive and the people up here on the Grest Ocean Road just shake their head and think I am a demented exercise lunatic:). So having a buddy who understands make it do much easier to stay on track and focussed.

Hope your roast chicken was yum and that you have had a great day.

My ballet bar is going in tomorrow, no drama for my partner and I am hanging for my DVD.

Just came in from a WOD and was happy with my efforts and finished off with Pilates.

Now to eat. I am starving:)

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Hi Sue!

Hope you had a nice weekend, and happy Monday!

Roast chicken was delish! I just wish I could find organic/free range here. I get it "fresh" at the wet market near my house but I'm not sure where it really comes from. I was so spoiled in the USA with all of the grass-fed and free-range, organic meats. Now I know they are FRESH (meaning slaughtered the day of/before), but I'm not sure of how they are raised. Most of the beef I buy is from Australia though!!

Great, I think I will buy a bunch of the tuna pouches that are in olive oil to make sure I get enough of the good fat and don't have to rely on the stuff on the ship.

Did yoga yesterday for the first time in a while. Man, I needed it! My hips get so tight from squash/crossfit. Do you ever do yoga?

Have a great rest of the day :)


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Hey Katherine,

Yes, you must miss the US for the wide range of goodies. Challenging here to find sugar free bacon, grass fed ghee is unheard of and finding coconut aminos is near impossible:(. Never mind, we both do the best we can:)

Just finished a WOD and about to have turkey burgers without the bun of course and veggies. I practice yoga 3-4 times a week doing Baron Baptist Power Flow. Find the same thing as you, very tight hips.

Day 34 and found that today was not so much a craving sweet things but feeling resentful 'cos I couldn't have it. Anyway that has passed even though there was a moment when I was really grumpy:). What about you, any random moments happening??

Sleeping well and have heaps of energy so must remember the positives of the program.

Anyway hope you day was fabulous and again, it is great having you on this journey:)


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Hi Sue!!

DId some more yoga yesterday and felt so much better. What a great stress reliever. It gets better and better the more you do it I think!

Wow, how cool! Do you work out twice a day most days? So awesome it seems like you do a wide variety of exercise!! Do you practice pilates on your own or use a video/go to a class?

Ugh, sorry about the resentment, but proud of you for getting through it!! Yes definitely some random moments, especially after lunch/dinner when I just want something sweet. But once I get up and moving and ready for bed or whatever the desire goes away. Waking up hungry and ready to tackle the day is so worth it.

I gave up fruits (besides a few raisins in a recipe a couple of times, avocado, tomato, sweet potato which i guess isn't a fruit...) and nuts completely during the whole30 and haven't looked back!! I do crave chocolate sometimes though still haha.

I would love to hear some more of your 'positives' of the program at some point!!

My latest challenge has been trying to find tuna without added soy!! It's crazy how everything has soy in it. I finally found some online and ordered a bunch of cans for when i go on the ship next month... yes I am gong to be the weirdo bringing a can opener and a stack of cans with me... but it's worth it. I also bought tiny bottles of olive oil to bring with me!

Have a great day!


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Hi Katherine,

Day 35 yay. Got your post relating sugar in bacon, so sneaky, it hides everywhere!! Rang a bio dynamic butcher myself asking about sugar. His comment was "isn't there sugar in everything"!! Good on you for now giving it up especially as you showed no negative effects.

I always do one tough workout - crossfit then throw in yoga or Pilates. Pilates via DVD as the nearest Pilates studio is 2 hours away. Luckily for me I have a strong yoga and Pilates background as when I lived in Melbourne I was a regular at both a yoga and Pilates studio.

Wow, you are super strict giving up all those foods. Sweet potato keeps me going, no wonder you lost 10 pounds!!

Isn't it great waking up starving, such a good feeling.

Good to here you have sourced tuna, yes your workmates will look at you strangely however who cares:)

Did yoga today myself as like you am feeling very stiff and sore. Need a rest day I think:)

Noticed my nails are growing like crazy as well. Must be all that kale, eat about a bunch a day to make sure my body gets enough calcium.

Also Whole 30 has assisted with changing my relationship with food which used to be based on emotion so that is a real positive. What about you??

So hoping the Ballet Bar DVD comes soon, need a change.

Have a great one and keep up the awesome work.


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Hello again! Thank you for putting the bacon thing in perspective. You're right I should give myself some credit now for making the choice to give it up! And yes there really is sugar (and soy!) in everything!

Which Pilates DVD? I would love to try!

I did eat sweet potatoes, just gave up all other sweet fruits and all nuts (nuts were totally food without brakes for me). Love sweet potatoes!! They keep me going too. I added them into my breakfasts and love the energy it gives me. What's your favorite SP recipe?

How awesome about your nails!! Kale is delish. How do you cook it? It's hard to find in singapore but the grocer I go to has it about 75% of the time thank goodness!

Great to hear about squashing the emotional eating. That's a huge deal and something many struggle with for a lifetime. It's still sometimes difficult for me not to reward myself with food but I've been staying strong!! Plus not drinking has helped with my emotions and nutrition so much.

Other positives--no snacking or reaching for sugar, no caffeine needed in the afternoon, sleeping waaaay more soundly, always having energy for a workout in the afternoon, no more huge gluten/dairy belly, my food doesn't sit in my stomach my body uses it and digests it faster. I love that feeling!! Never feeling bad about what I'm eating. No more guilt!!

On my way home from work and a WOD now :) trying not to catch germs on the train haha!

Have a great night!!

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Hi Katherine,

Do they have Crossfit in Singapore and is it as popular there as it is everywhere else.

Got up early this morning and got the WOD over and done with early, hate kettle bell swings :) Going to do some heavy squats tonight plus yoga. The Pilates DVD is an Australian one called the Pilates Trilogy and I prefer this one to some of the others I have as it focuses on breathing and technique.

Kale is my all time favourite veggie, growing it at the moment and in the meantime purchase it from a market Gardner, so fresh it squeaks. Toss it in with a bunch of other veggies and herbs-yum. Love par cooking sweet potato and then dry roasting it. Otherwise Nom Nom Paleo has a great tuna and sweet potato recipe.

No how you feel regarding the gluten food baby, so happy it has gone.

You have inspired me to be stricter. Find I can still eat to much at night even though it is good food so going to focus on that.

Once again it is great having you on this journey.

Going to make some baba ganoush from Well Fed tonight as well as slow cook a piece of lamb. The food is so good isn't it.

Stay safe and away from germs. Thinking of you as I breathe the fresh air of the Otways:)

Have a great day:)


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