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Starting April 17th

Erika Bumgardner

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Hi Sue!!

I can't remember what day it is either... I think that's a good sign :) :)

How was the baba ganoush??

Things are going well for me--I just spontaneously booked a trip to see my BF next weekend and am so excited (he is in the Navy too and is out to sea right now, and stationed in San Diego so we don't see each other much!!). I am a bit nervous about the food choices/drinking though--like what if I have a bad reaction to something, or am suddenly totally bloated? I plan on drinking a bit and probably will end up eating some non whole30 foods (luckily it will be the day after the whole45 is done!). What do you think?? I want to be as good as I can be.

Definitely a rest day for me too... my legs feel like lead! 6 days/week is pretty good I'd say for both of us!!

roasting another chicken in the oven w/ brussels sprouts, carrots and onions too. yum!

hope you had a good day!

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Hi Katherine,

How awesome that you off to see your man and how lucky it falls after the 45 Days:). I would suggest easing into it and not going to far off plan especially at the start. Maybe avoid good that you think may previously caused bloating and avoid them. Bet you are looking forward to a nice glass if wine too. Well deserved after the great effort you have put in. He is going to be gob smacked when he sees you.

Feels so second nature now. Day 38 for me.

Baba ganoush was great and now cooking lamb shanks in the slow cooker.

Guess what!! Received the DVD and did some of it after my WOD today. Those moves hurt. Can really feel it in the glutes. Those babies are going to be so firm;)

Went back to Melbourne yesterday and had a really nice day shopping and catching up with friends. Went to Sth Melbourne market and picked up 100% grass fed beef and lamb, free range chicken and fresh seafood including fresh sardine fillets which I just pan fried and scoffed down. Amazing fresh food. Forgot how spoilt for choice I was when living there.

Anyway, have an amazing day/night and chat again soon.


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Hi Sue!

Sorry it's been a couple days! Yes, I am going to stick to some wine only (no beer or hard alcohol) as that seems like the "safest" alcohol choice in terms of gluten and bloating. I'm also just going to make the best choices possible at every meal and not go off the deep end!!

I hope he will notice a difference :)

So glad you got the bar method DVD!! i know, it is so good for the quads/hammies/glutes right?? they also have some killer arm toning exercises!

Melbourne sounds AMAZING! do you drive there often/can you bring a lot of meat back with you? that sounds awesome!! i am jealous!!

Day 43 today... so crazy! It's like I never want to stop, but I know I need to at some point. This 4 day vacation will be a great reintro/reward/jumping off point, and maybe I'll get right back on track when I get back home.

I hope you had a great weekend! Talk soon.

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Hi Katherine,

Just finished a WOD and some of the DVD. So sore from doing it Sat and Sun and I thought I was fit-huh!!!!

Drove to Melbourne, it is about 2 and half hours away and oh the joy of bringing home beautiful produce:). Plus some retail therapy as well:)

Day 43-wow!! Day 40 for me and It is such a great way to eat. The beauty of it is knowing you can go off plan and not go totally mental. It is a powerful feeling knowing that food does not control me now and when I do go off plan after day 45 it will be easy to enjoy whatever we are eating and then get back on track again.

Have a great day/night. Bet you are getting super excited:)

Chat soon.


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Hi Sue!

I know, it's amazing the little muscles bar method works that you never knew you had!!

Day 45 here for me, hopping on a plane this evening and have already packed my dinner and breakfast for the plane ride... wow have I changed!! Used to pack some snacks but then rely on airport/plane food. Hoping no one minds a bit of a hard boiled egg smell :) haha.

I hope you have a fabulous last 2 days, and let's keep in touch about our "off-roading" success!!! I'll definitely be doing another Whole30 soon, maybe we can start the same day??


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Hi Katherine,

Congratulations. Great effort. So happy to have been part of your journey and yes, let's do another Whole 30 together.

Have an awesome time away and enjoy "off roading". Can't wait to share our experiences.

Enjoy those boiled eggs, live your discipline:)

Ordered 2 more Bar Method DVd's. It hurts however this is Day 5 and I am curious to see what results I achieve from doing it daily.

Again, have a great break.


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Day 45 done.

Feeling great. May take a day off however going to hop straight back into it.

Energy to burn, sleeping great, skin fantastic, all good.

Katherine hope you are enjoying your days off. The Bar Method dvd is a killer. Swear I can see results already.


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Hi Sue!

Back from my 5 day vacation and still feeling good. I was able to indulge a little without going overboard and not feeling guilty about it. Went back to work today w/ my normal breakfast and lunch and tea and everything, just like I did on the Whole30.

I ate some dried fruit/trail mix yesterday on the plane and felt horrible--guess I will not be re-introducing any trail mix anytime soon!!

Have you been doing the Bar Method daily? Isn't it such a great change of pace? I'm going to do a workout tonight when I get home--thanks for inspiring me as always :)

I'm also going to start trying some new foods around here in Singapore to try to experience the culture more while I'm here. Nothing crazy, but now that I'm not being 100% whole30 for the time being, I can afford to try some new spices/sauces/curries/dishes! I'll let you know how it goes!

Have a great day!!


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Hi Katherine,

Welcome back from your break and great to hear that you were able to indulge and get back on track so easily.

Isn't easy to fall straight back into good eating. Gotta say I am feeling amazing, so much energy it is crazy. This must be what tiger blood feels like. Have been training like a maniac and it feels like all the junk that was clogging my joints etc had gone. Flexibility has improved and I swear it is due to Bar Method. Thanks do much for introducing it to me. Strange to say but it makes Crossfit appear easier and think this is due to all the stretching.

Enjoy your experimenting with new food, you must have an amazing variety to choose from.

Finally tracked down coconut aminos:)

Have an awesome day/night and great to have you back:)


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Hi Sue!!


I am glad too, that the Whole30 has given me such a great framework for eating to go back to. I love that I can go back to the meal template and 3 meals a day after "off roading" a bit for a few days. Such a great structure.


I've decided to try intensely exercising a bit LESS to see if I can melt away more fat. I wonder what will happen. I think it was stressing me out (going from working all day to rushing to work out to rushing to make a good meal to rushing to bed, etc.) and maybe increasing my cortisol levels. Instead of my 6 day/week I'm going to try 4 day/week and see what happens... probably 3 bar method or yoga workouts and 1 squash match, and some crossfit b/c I would miss it otherwise!! Not enough days in the week!


I'm so glad you like the bar method. I wish it was more popular in Asia/Australia b/c going to an actual class is so awesome. Can't wait to get back into the classes when I return to the states eventually.


Have you experimented w/ any off-plan foods yet?? If so, how did you feel?


Have a great day!!


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Sue! Just did a Bar Method workout for the first time since traveling... definitely a lot of shaking today :)


I'm curious, which 2 DVDs did you purchase? I just did the accelerated workout... it doesn't have pretzel so I'm happy haha!


What is your favorite exercise? I love the "back dancing"


Hope you are having a great day! 

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Hey Katherine,

OMG Bar Method after a big break=ouch!!! Purchased the Super Sculpt 2 and the Dancer's body advanced Workout. Having a love/hate relationship with BM however I swear I can see results:)

Pretzel hurts and makes me realise how important flexibility is. Back dancing is fun. Still cannot believe how such small movements kill:). Wish I could attend an actual class too, it would be a killer. Never mind just gotta make do.

Like you, I am backing of a bit on Crossfit and focussing more on yoga and Bar Method as I want to elongate my muscles and find it makes Crossfit more enjoyable when more flexible. Read an article referring to cortisol and Crossfitter's still carrying excess weight around their middle due to the stress and extra production of cortisol.

Haven't really eaten much "off plan". Had a little bit if sweet stuff which sent my heart racing. Not a good feeling!! It is great feeling in control and knowing if you want to "off road" you can which makes it easier to stuck to the template.

All time favourite meal at the moment is Nom Nom Paleo slow cooked chicken. The gravy made from all the goodies , garlic onion etc is to die for. Katherine, you have to try it.

Life is good at the moment and I am 100% convinced it is due to the food.

What about you? Noticing any other major changes physically or mentally??

Love having a like minded person on line to bounce things off:)

Have a great day/night.


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Oohh, forgot to mention. Had the all time best sleep last night!! 9.30pm to 7pm. I have really tight scalene muscles due to Crossfit and normally the tingling in my fingers caused by the tightness wakes me at 3am so I was ecstatic!! Another benefit:)

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Hi Sue!!


Super Sculpt II is awesome!! Just did that one yesterday as well! Also the Advanced Dancer's Body is a step up... that one is TOUGH!!


Oh no, I'm sorry about your headache! What sugar did you have? Isn't it amazing how you just don't crave it anymore? I don't even eat fruit anymore and I don't miss it at all.


I made some delicious roasted carrots and dipped them in dijon mustard last night. So yummy!!


So great to hear about your sleep!! Wow! What a difference good sleep makes huh? Do you think the stretching from Bar has helped?


I've noticed since coming back from my trip I've been trying to take things slower and be more relaxed and less stressed. I've done 2 bar method workouts and a 45 min hilly walk on the treadmill as exercise, instead of pushing myself to do something very strenuous and not allowing myself enough time to decompress after work. I think it's making me feel better and not as stressed out. Still eating whole30 (besides being a little less strict w/ what things are cooked in at restaurants). More to follow!!


Great news--i found grassfed beef here, but still no organic chicken, which makes me nervous to make the slow cooked chicken. How bad is the non-organic fat in chicken? I know, it's like how crazy can you get about whole30 and everything, but still... very happy I found the beef though :)


What article did you read about the crossfit cortisol thing? I think I totally agree... i wonder how different I'll feel in a couple weeks doing more moderate exercise.


Hope you had a great week :) talk to you soon!


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Hey Katherine,

Been a busy week with heaps of hours of work, lots of training and energy to burn.

Just did a Crossfit Wod then Super Sculpt 1-ouch, ouch, ouch. Holding off on tackling the Dancer's Body Workout-I'm scared:)!!!!

Love this sound of your new workout regime, less stress and less cortisol production. Read the article a while ago and found it when googling.

Like you, I am not beating myself up anymore if I miss a Crossfit workout or scale it back. Wanting to really focus on the stretching and also the stress releasing benefits if yoga.

So happy you found the beef and understand your reluctance regarding the chicken, just not worth it unless it is organic.

Love the sound of the carrots and Dijon mustard. About to head out to dinner at a friends place, chicken and veggies and I have made the boys a chocolate pudding. No desire to have any my self.

Sleep still good and yes, attribute this to Bar Method too.

Have an awesome week and happy to hear everything is going well.

Chat soon.


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Hi Sue!


We are totally on the same Bar Method schedule... I did Super Sculpt I yesterday too, I think it may be the hardest one--jeeze!!


I'm glad we are both on the less-stress program... I would beat myself up so much if I missed a workout, but I think I'm in a better mindset now--If I'm eating well all day, and walking a lot (I walk to and from work, train, etc probably 40 min a day), I shouldn't feel guilty if I want to RELAX when I get home!! Even with this mindset, I'm still exercising by CHOICE and not forcing myself to do so about 5 day/week. I feel good about it.


Proud of you for continuing to do so well :) I drank some wine on Friday night and had some sweets and felt pretty crappy all day Saturday, so no more of that!! Sometimes you need a reminder of how bad it makes you feel I think!


Hope your work lightens up a bit and that you have a great day!



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Hi Katherine,

Bar Method rocks. Like you, not beating myself up anymore. Awesome that you get a great work everyday. Just did Super Sculpt 1 and yoga and feel so much better. Very stretched out.

Had some if the chocolate sauce from the pudding and oh the headache I suffered on Monday. Just not worth it as you found with the wine etc.

That is so great that you have made the mental shift and are now exercising by choice. Bet you are enjoying it a lot more too. Know I am:)

One more day if work then four days off-yay!!! Going to chillax and get a few things done. May even attempt the Dancers Body workout. Find I go around saying "give it to the ball" even when not doing Bar Method:)

Have a great day/night and chat soon.

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Hey Katherine,

Day 1 of another strict Whole 30. Decided to stay clean as I want to do an experiment to see the results with less Crossfit and more Bar Method and yoga. Want to see what changes occur to body shape and composition. Swear I can already see changed since starting BM.

Also want to see what changed occur with less stressful, less cortisol producing exercise. Should be interesting:)

Not sure what is helping but my sleep has been awesome!!

Hope all is going well with you too.


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Hi Sue!!


So excited for you for your Whole30 round 2 (is it round 2 or more?)


Let me know your results--I bet you will get leaner w/ less crossfit and more yoga!! Did you have digestion problems at all before starting whole30 or was it more for just leaning out/healthier relationship w/ food? 


I'm planning on doing another whole30 when I get back from my work trip on the ship... leaving on Saturday for that--wish me luck! I may be a bit delayed in responding to you as the computer connectivity isn't so great.


haha i totally laughed out loud when you said you say "give it to the ball" in regular life. Isn't Burr funny?


Have a great day 1--proud of you!!



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Thanks Katherine for the support.

Will continue on the Whole 30 journey when you return back from work.

The reason I did a couple of whole 30's was because I landed in hospital late November 2012 with bi lateral pneumonia and landed in hospital for a week. Was pumped full of so much stuff that I want to keep my system as clean as possible.

My relationship with food is sooooo much better now. Was bingeing and beating myself up prior to this and now feel so much more in control.

At 5ft 7 and 123 lbs weight wasn't an issue.

Already feeling much better for the increased stretching in BM and yoga. Swear my hips are not so tight. Man, that stretch after pretzel hurts!!

How is your eating and training going?? Still going strong??

Good luck with work. Know you will eat as clean as you possibly can, your commitment is amazing:)

Looking forward to hearing about all your adventures.

Do you take your DVD'S with you. Burr is funny and luckily her voice is not annoying:)

Have a great/night day.


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Sue!! Heading out today--I will talk to you as often as the connectivity allows :) thank you for all the support. 

Started the morning w/ a TABATA workout--have you done those before? the 20 sec on 10 sec off for 4 min? Didn't have time for a long workout this morning and that at least made me feel like I did something!!


Hope your whole30 is going well!! Sending good vibes your way! I will be in touch! wish me luck on the ship :) 

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Hey Katherine,

Thinking about you today. Good luck and look fwd to chatting when you are able.

Yep, done a few Tabarta workouts. Quick and gets the heart rate going.

Today's WOD for me 500 mtr row, 100 thrusters and 500 mtr row. Finished with yoga.

So today I had fruit and milk in my coffee. Badly organised morning as I slept in so restarting tomorrow. Organisation is so important!! Great thing is that I still ate clean and didn't go "oh well let's eat everything".

Stay safe and well.


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Proud of you for keeping a positive attitude... and just think, in the scheme of things, a little milk and fruit really is'nt so bad, especially because it didn't cause you to completely "off road."

WOW sounds like a tough WOD. Do you use the bar for thrusters? You are amazing!

Thank goodness I brought a lot of snacks... i already ate 2 cans of tuna. I've been good so far, but like you had to put a bit of milk in my coffee and eat more fruit than usual, but I'm doing my best (for example, last night was pizza and chicken wings for dinner... i had a can of tuna and some chicken broth and some melon...)

Hoping to get some workouts in!! i brought some bar method DVDs and will probably to some body weight TABATA workouts as I have a very small area to workout in.

Hope your restart is going well!!! I am praying the little bit of milk doesn't totally screw up my stomach!!

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