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clarified butter - every day?


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So I bought grass-fed butter, and made clarified butter from that. I have been using it for 90% of my cooking and I also put it on my sweet potatoes. I'm eating a LOT of it since I cook eggs, meat and fish in it.

Just checking this is fine to do (I know FRUIT is fine to eat but we are supposed to limit it, not sure if that's the case for clarified butter).

Before the whole30 I used to cook everything or almost in olive oil but if I understand right it's best not to cook stuff in olive oil. So I drizzle it cold over food.

I eat nuts sparingly and on average half an avocado a day, and olives from time to time.

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Sounds good to me. The template says a 'thumb' of fat per meal, and unless you're tipping the pan to your mouth you're leaving a lot of your cooking fat behind. I just got done with a Whole100 (today is Day 100) and initially I worried about my fat intake. I'd roast vegetables in ghee, and sometimes also have a salad with olive oil, plus some avocado chopped in. But although I was eating a bit on the high side for fat, it didn't do me any harm, and I even lost weight. Frequently, when people complain they are feeling hungry on the plan, the suggestion is to increase their fat somewhat.

Try some coconut oil on your sweet potato. I find it delicious!

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