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Pain, bone disease and Whole30

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I normally don't post things like this but I was so excited about this, it almost made me cry. I am on day 17? 18? I'm not sure. I have a bone disease in which one symptom is that my bones hurt all the time (it's not imagined). It also makes my joints respond in an arthritic manner. Both add up to pain which I've just accepted as part of life.

Anyway... yesterday I noticed I didn't have any pain while I was walking! At first I thought it was just because I've lost weight during this month on Whole30, but this is different. I literally had zero pain while walking around. I think the last time that happened was when I was a kid.

I'm sure it has something to do w/the way I am eating now, and wanted to point out this discovery. :) I started this Whole30 because of weight; some newly discovered food sensitivities and genetics. I had no idea it would actually help w/pain in other parts of my body. The pain is not gone, but to experience occasional moments where there isn't any, is a huge motivation to me to continue.

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