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In order to loose fat...? FEEDBACK PLEASE

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So in order to loose more fat, would I be ok to avoid sweet potatoes all together and just stick to low starch vegetables with the 1 to 2 palms of protein and 1 to 2 fats per meal and no snacking? and of course continuing working with kettlebells and doing interval runs a few times a week? Feed back please!

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I would also suggest steering clear of nuts/nut butters as your fat sources. They are very high in calories. also, dont go too crazy on fruit. I generally use fruit as a condiment (like on salads or on top of things like that) and go for vegetables to fill my plate during meals. Good luck!

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I agree. Watch the fat content in the "fat sources" you are using. Even though sweet potatoes are more carb dense than other veggies, they are not a huge offender (unless you are eating them at every meal)!

To burn more fat, try to workout early in the morning, when your blood sugar is low. Depending on the workout, you may or may not need to eat something. And lower intensity workouts like brisk walking will lead to faster fat burning than high intensity cardio or even anerobic exercise.

Good luck!

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I have been too heavy on the fruit and nuts this last few weeks... I'm going to heed that advice and nix them for this next season... I may have a little fruit here and there but I love the advice about it being a small bit incorporated into a salad. Totally doable and easier to maintain balance... I do kettlebells and interval runs for workouts right now. So maybe instead of working out during the girls nap I'll get up a half an hour early and get my workout done right at the start... So working out in the morning because the blood sugar is low... Does that mean that the chances are higher that fat is being burned instead of sugars? Excited!

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Hi Carrie! Yes, working out in the morning when your blood sugar is low (after your evening fast) tells your body to use alternate energy sources than the immediate "sugar supply" in your blood, because there is very little there when you haven't eaten!

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Just a comment on sweet potatoes. I did an experiment where I ate totally clean and weighed every day. I was very curious to see what foods affected the ups and downs, and how my weight loss occurred. I noticed 3 things. I had much better results when I finished dinner by 7:30 (and didn't eat anything else) and went for a quick (even 20 mins) walk before bed. I also saw the scale drop more consistently when I got more sleep. The big surprise was sweet potatoes. Often I stay exactly the same weight for an entire week or more. Then I would have a sweet potato for dinner, and it would drop (and stay down) the next day. I have tried this about 6x, and it works for me. I really didn't believe that my body needed ANY carbs (other than non-starchy veggies) or that there was any truth to not eating enough. But for me, at least, it's true. I'm not saying that eating a sweet potato every day is necessary, but for me, adding it once or twice a week enhanced my weight loss, not vice versa.

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