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15 days in, starting over... ah nuts, peanuts that is


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So, I don't know how I missed this but I've been doing great with the Whole30. Eating right and feeling great, last week I picked up a can of "Mixed Nuts" and somehow the peanuts just didn't register with me and I didn't think anything of it. I've been getting the daily emails and reading the various blogs and whatnot and someone mentioned peanuts not being Whole30 compliant. crap.

Now I begin anew, I guess my first Whole30 has now become the Whole45 and I'm OK with that. It's been great so far and I've been thinking of what I'm going to do when I finish up, now that's just a bit further on up the road

A little background on my reasons for doing the Whole30.

I'm 52, overweight and I've been dealing with a lot of arthritis/joint pain and related problems over the years. I had my left hip replaced in 2008 and the right one replaced in 2010. After 5 years of major pain meds and a smorgasbord of other pharmaceuticals I finally got clean of all that garbage and realized that most of my health problems were being caused by the "medicine" I was taking to make me healthy, W.T.F.?

I will never again blindly trust a doctor and dutifully fill whatever prescriptions they give me without a full explanation of the risks and benefits, and then doing the research myself before I put anything like that in my body.

My rheumatologist recommended the Whole30 to me and that's when I started to look into it. At the time my diet was still very bad, he was encouraging me to start right away but I didn't feel like I would have a good chance of success at that time. I cleaned up my diet and started exercising and after a few months of that I felt like I was ready to do this.

I've lost about 30 lbs. since this whole adventure started and I'm fully convinced of the truth and benefits of the Whole30,

I just needed to vent about the peanut fiasco :)

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Thanks for the encouragement!

I really am happy with this new doc, the fact that he was open to a more holistic approach was one of the reasons I made an appointment and I've really benefited from his advice, especially steering me to the Whole30. It really is amazing how much my energy levels have evened out throughout the day, no more afternoon crashes :D

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That is so awesome to hear that your rheumatologist recommended the Whole30! I hope to hear more and more stories about doctors getting on board with this. Congratulations on your success so far...sorry about the peanut fiasco! Happens to the best of us.

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