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I have had some back issues so I haven't exercised since I started the program which is a little over a week ago. This morning I managed to drag myself out of bed at 5:20 a.m. to go for a walk. My morning is super busy and really crunched for time so I barely had time enough to walk a mile. BUT, I did it and I got to see the sunrise. Tomorrow I'm going to get up a little earlier so I can walk and not feel as rushed. Super excited about this change. While it's not where I want to end up, it's sure a good start!


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Hello fellow Oregonian...I bet it was super nice out for your walk today (I am stuck in my cubicle), but I do have a pile of soil sitting in my driveway awaiting my arrival this evening. I made a few raised garden beds and need to get the soil and seeds in there before the window of opportunity closes and it gets too late to get these vegi's started.

Anyway, I digress...keep it up. Back pain sucks, but gotta keep on-- keeping on.


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