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Dizzy spells/ near black outs when i stand up

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Hi team,

I'm on day 25 with about 15 left to go. yeah, i'm doing a w40. anyways. i noticed that i'm beginning to get these bouts of dizziness or like near black outs. Especially when i'm sitting and i get up. I've gotten these before, and I'm pretty aware about how my body is, so I'm smart enough to either kneel down or to get low as possible, as to not actually faint and fall.

But, usually a handful of times a day. I'll get up from sitting or lying down on a couch and i'll get this feeling like blood is rushing somewhere! i'll get a tingling feeling and my vision will slowly disappear from outside in.....usually i'll get close to the ground or at least prepare myself by holding on to something.

I was just wondering what i can add or subtract from my w40 diet that can help with this issue.

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I wonder if you are getting enough salt. Many people go low-salt when doing a Whole30 and that might let your blood pressure go to low. Another concern would be whether you are drinking enough water. I am amazed at how much water I have to drink to be fully hydrated - like 10 big glasses per day. I can't imagine your symptoms having anything to do with any particular food you are eating or not eating.

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