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Day 1 today


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How are you doing? I just started today! I had a smoothie for breakfast (plenty of good fat, but not enough protein) and steak salad for lunch. For dinner I'm making chicken and veggies with lots of olive oil.

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Day 1 for me also. Food today was all good but coffee with milk will be hard to give up. I'm planning to quit coffee on day 3, a chance to get easier changes in place first. I CAN do it!

Its 10pm here (Australia) so day 1 is over!

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Hey BessW..congrats on starting the W30 - but just an FYI..smoothies are pretty much a no go for the 30 days...the plan wants you eating your food not drinking it...check out the meal template and program guidelines for more info and have a great 30 days!

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Day 1 - egg and zucchini frittata this morning. Turkey muffins and zucchini for lunch. Feeling a little stress and anxious about the distance between meals. I felt full at breakfast but I am so use to eating every 2-3 hours. Definitely going to be hard to gets use to. Are we allowed any snacks? Good luck everyone!

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