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Anyone start on March 20 and still going? I am on day 39.


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Cayenne - welcome!! Yay day 45!! I'm day 53 I think. Congrats on staying compliant on your anniversary. I have stayed compliant through my DH birthday and my birthday and now our 22nd is around the corner. I know I can do it. I would not have said that 2 months ago. : )

That's great that your running is improving. I am doing a mini AIP and I notice that after 3 days my knee is not stiff and hurting. It will be interesting to see if anything affects it when I start to add stuff back in.

Happy Eating!!!

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Welcome Cayenne!! Congrats on day 45!! That is a milestone! Almcc thanks for thinking of me during the wedding today. I made it!! It was easy to avoid the drinks and cake because I had made up my mind before I went that I was not going to off road so I was mentally prepared. I have officially finished day 60! I feel fantastic and as of this morning which is actually day 60 and not the typical 61, I have lost 34.8 pounds total. It is really starting to show now. Happy Sunday everyone!!


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Woohoooool!!!!! Congratulations on making it through the wedding. We can do this!!

And that is a fabulous result - 34+ pounds. Wow!! I bet it is starting to show. Will you do a success post?

I'm finishing up my mini AIP today. Tomorrow I'm going to start reintroductions - ghee then tomatoes then peppers. Company arrives Saturday. Have to call the restaurant this week so I am prepared for Sunday. Preparation is the key!!

Happy eating!!

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Almcc, Do you have a confirmed AI disorder or are you trying things out? I have a fair amount of joint pain from osteoarthritis due to years of healthcare jobs and good old fashioned hard work. Don't think my pain is AI on origin. However, I am willing to try anything. I do eat a lot of tomatoes and bell peppers in my salads these days. (I am assuming AI is autoimmune vs anti-inflammatory or is it both). Jamie-good grief 35+ pounds! That is fabulous! I know you are very proud and feel great at this point.....congrats!!!!

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Cayenne - AI is autoimmune- as far as I know. I do not have a confirmed AI disorder (and no suspected one, either). I do have IBS. I wanted to test AIP out because it removes some potential irritants/allergens. I have still been feeling exhausted even on day 54. And the stiffness that was gone during my Whole 30 was back after I continued on. I did increase nuts after day 30. The mini AIP has been helpful - even 5 days - because I noticed my knee improving and I noticed bloat after eating a 5 Guys compliant meal, and bloat after eating coconut flakes. I think I will get some more good info after I do reintroductions. I'm a retired scientist - so removing as many variables as possible makes sense to me. Anyway I will go back to AIP after company leaves - maybe even add the IBS protocol. Not for long though. I find that too much limitation make me grumpy.

I don't have any osteoarthritis. So I can't comment on it. My joint issues seem to be due to swelling.

Have a good day!

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Hello Almcc and Cayenne,

Almcc, yes preparation is the key to family social events. I know you will breeze through next weekend! You are almost to 60 yourself! I will probably do a success post when I get a bit more weight off. I am guessing there is a special forum/group for that?? I am sure I have read some of them but I haven't been exploring the forums page in a while. While the now 35 pounds seems like a huge milestone, I definitely have a lot more to lose which is why I am losing more weight than most on the diet. The weight loss has been diet alone as I sitll haven't added exercise. It is on my immediate "to do" list. My family was able to see the results this weekend and I have actually taken before and after pictures that I showed them. I had a Day 1 pic and a Day 59 pic. You can defintely see the weightloss in my face and stomach. I am not ready to put up pics yet but maybe one day...

Cayenne - I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis a few years ago in one knee and although it hurt, the celebrex they gave me upset my stomach so I didn't take anything for it. I tend to avoid pharmaceuticals if I can. I knew the osteoarthritis was weight related and so I lost some weight and the pain gradually went away but the stiffness remained. Whenever I gain weight, it comes back. While the biggest benefit of this program has been the over all better feeling and weightloss, the second biggest benefit has been the reduction in stiffness in my joints. I have zero stiffness right now and I can tell when I walk. I used to be a "zoomer".....wherever I was going, I was going fast....over the last several years, I looked more like a "dawdler" and it was because of the stiffness. My legs just didn't really want to bend, much less move anywhere fast. I have gotten my speed back over the last few weeks and I know I am ready to start exercising.....MUST ADD EXERCISE!! Congrats to you on your running! What a great activity! I have a really great friend in Florida who swears by marathons and is forever trying to convince me to do one but I LOATHE running! She is lean with these long legs and I am short and stout....running has never been my friend.

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I am exhausted myself from my busy weekend. We should all be proud of our commitment to ourselves. I am super proud that I made it through the wedding and am now moving on to day 62 tomorrow! I will add exercise, I will add exercise, I will add exercise...


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Hi Jamie, Have you ever thought about aquatic exercise? There are always pool around with great classes for every level and if your joints get stiff, the water will ease that greatly. Finding an exercise you like and will do if like a free, magic pill that helps with every possible health condition from depression to chemo. Not everyone is a runner. But there is something that will be fun that you can be consistant in that will be helpful. C

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Hi Cayenne,

Yes, I love the water! I actually just joined the Y that has a great pool but all of the classes are during the work day. I have to make time in the morning and the problem with the pool is that is requires getting the hair wet before work so I have to add in extra time to dry/style my hair. I used to work out on an elliptical and did very well with that several years ago. I also had a trainer that was very motivating. I have recently relocated and am learning my new city so I know I will be able to add it in somehow, I just have to get started. It is a goal of mine for the next 30 days. I hope you are having a great day!



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Hi All,

Just made our plane reservations. So now I know I can go 100 days. Not ready to commit yet but it's an option.

Exercise is my focus, too - after graduation and company leaves. I already do 2 workouts. I think I want to add another 2. But it will be all up to me as the trainer is too pricey. My DH may want to work out so that would be great - to have a partner. JamieM - is there someone you can / would want to work out with?

Happy eating!!

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Hi Almcc,

Yes that is what I keep telling myself....it is an option. I don't HAVE to go 100 days but right now I am having too much success to stop and I am still a little afraid that the eating will go out of control quickly when I stop. My sugar dragon is very powerful, bossy and persistent! What great news that your DH wants to work out! That will be a great partner. How is your daughter doing? Yes a partner would be great. I am limited on partners right now as I am flying solo and brand new to the state/city I live in so I don't really know anyone yet. I have recently gone through some pretty significant transitions and am still trying to get settled. It's going to happen for me though, I am sure! I just have to add it to my schedule and make it a habit like I have done with the food. Thanks always for the encouragement!



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JamieM- you'll do it. It always takes time to adjust when you're to a new place. How long have you been there?

Today I did some AIP reintroductions- ghee and almond meal. Not feeling so fab. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Happy eating!!!

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Hey Almcc,

I have been here since mid-February so I'm still very new. The one nice thing about that is that it has been easy to avoid social outings since I don't know anyone here. It would be good to have a gym buddy though.

I hope your reintroductions go better tomorrow. With all of the restrictions, it has to be frustrating to keep taking food out.



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Almcc, This plan is so restrictive in and of itself that to take away more is really tough. That is a true testimony to your dedication! I hope you find what works for you very soon. When you say you dont feel well, what does that look like?

Jamie-my hubby and I don't work out together. If fact, we go to different gyms. And, I do alot of my training outside on my bike or running if the old hip can take it. I ran Saturday for a bout 60 min and had one of the worst night with an achey hip I have had(but the weather has been prety bad here as well-could be that). So I keep pluging away trying to find the right combo that keeps me running.

I stepped on the scale last week to see a whole new "decade" of numbers only to see it go away yesterday-sigh. Thus the rollercoaster with the scale.

Have a great day, all!


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Hi All,

Taking it slow with reintroductions today. Will try peppers tonight. Making red curry with fish or shrimp. Haven't tried eggs. Tomorrow.

Yesterday and today I have taken a car in for maintenance. The dealer has free sugar bombs aka muffins. Normally I would eat a few - even though I noticed them I do not miss them. 😀

Cayenne. I think getting rid of the scale is a good idea. I have not done it and I don't know if I can/will. I'll weigh on Saturday. Day 60. Everyday I try clothes on in my closet. Mostly sorting to see what to send to goodwill - but partly to assure myself I'm getting smaller.

My DH who is not doing W30 but eats what I eat at home and has made some significant adjustments (no soda, no dessert) had lost 10 lbs on day 30. He weighed last night and the scale has not budged. But he has been working out a lot more - weight lifting. Luckily he immediately thought about the muscle he is gaining. Anyway - the scale is a tricky master.

JamieM - can we set up some exercise buddy system on line? It might work.

Happy day!!

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Hello Almcc and Cayenne,

Thanks for the encouraging words. I just finished working so it has been a long day. Go to bed and get up and do it all over again. I weigh myself periodically but I don't get discouraged anymore if the number doesn't move because eventually it does. I can feel the loss in my clothes which keeps me motivated. I just ate some blueberries all by themselves which I know isn't ideal but I have done A LOT worse!


Do you have a smartphone by any chance? I was looking at some apps that might be good. I would be all for it if we could set something up, I am just not sure what that would look like. I will have to do some more research tomorrow. Good for your husband for thinking of muscle gain and not getting discouraged!

Excellent news about the muffins! I was presented with 3 boxes of Krispy Kreme doughnuts in a training I attended this morning and had no problem passing them up even though they were being pushed because no one was eating them! They should have brought some fresh fruit! Day 64 tomorrow!





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Yes I have a smart phone - iPhone. Let me know what apps you find.

Yay on the donuts. Isn't it amazing? The last two nights I have been at a Mexican restaurant and

wasn't bothered a bit by the chips. Yippee.

Hope you all have a good day.

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Hi Almcc,

Busy, busy day at work for me that just ended at 8pm. Didn't get to do any research on the apps. It's on my "To Do" list for tomorrow. I am so looking forward to this long weekend! I still haven't recovered from last weekend. You have a big weekend coming up! Day 60 and celebrations! I am sure you are busy preparing for that. I hope you had a great day!



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Day 50 for me! Occasionally thinking about fudge, like one of my patients kept talking about this morning even to the detail of what pan she cooked it in. I am doing OK overall and plan to continue till something REALLY good pops up. I would love a glass of wine but still not worth it. I would love a small piece of chocolate but afraid I would fall off the cliff. You guys are right, sometimes it takes a lot longer to get secure with this food thing than 30 days. In fact, I think most people whould benefit from a 60 dayer BUT I can see that that would really turn folks off to even trying. Baby steps, people, baby steps.

I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend and stay safe.

Have fun!

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Hi All

Graduation weekend. I cannot believe it. DD and I were supposed to go out for breakfast to celebrate. Ended up not going because its too hard to find compliant food. I've started thinking about how to do reintroductions cause I want to eat some things when we go on vacation and not get sick. We are taking the trip of my lifetime to Paris. I still have 2 months so I'll figure it out.

Cayenne- congrats on day 50! That is a big deal.

JamieM - let me know what you find.

Here's to eating well.

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Hello All,

Congrats on 50 Cayenne! You hit a milestone! I totally agree with you about the 60 days being good for many. I, too, am waiting for something that I just can't pass up before going off. So far nothing has come my way. I found organic cherries in the local market the other day and ate 30 of them in one sitting before I was like "step - away - from - the - cherries!" They were so good! It might have been too many, but it beats the pint of Talenti belgian milk chocolate gelato I would have indulged in before this program. Just as an aside, if you have never tried that stuff, it is AMAZING! I keep telling myself that it is always available in a grocery store and will be waiting for me in moderation when I off road briefly! Sorry Cayenne, I just realized I am putting myself in the same boat as your friend who described the fudge in great detail! I guess it is a day for sugar cravings. On another note, I bought myself a grill today and plan on grilling up lots of yummy compliant food this weekend.

So Almcc, I think I have found a good app. It is called Cody-Celebrate Your Fitness. I found it by searching Cody but there are others called Cody so just look for the one that is followed by Celebrate Your Fitness. It is free and for the iPhone. I don't think they have one for iPad so if you are using an iPad make sure you are searching under the iPhone apps. At any rate, I have downloaded the app and created an account. It is not really clear how to find other people but I am hoping I can put in your name or maybe an email address and find you if you want to create an account. Let me know what you think. I used this page http://greatist.com/health/best-health-fitness-apps in my research. If you think you see a better one, just let me know. I am very flexible on this! We can share email and login names in a private message if you think you like this app.

A trip to Paris!! How exciting! Yes, you will definitely want to be able to indulge and eat when you are over there so reintroductions will certainly be in order well before the trip so you don't encounter any surprises! I was fortunate enough to spend a week in Paris when I was in high school and it was fabulous! I will make it back one day! There is so much to see!

Almcc is tomorrow day 60 or Sunday? Regardless, I hope you have a fantastic weekend of celebrating with your family and you will do just fine with staying compliant this weekend.

My goal is to make it to the gym at least 2 times during this long weekend. I will keep you all posted! Day 67 tomorrow! Onward and upward!


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A---a trip to Paris? WOW, that is a trip of a lifetime. How long will you be there? Yeah, you have to at least re-introduce French wine, a bit a baguette and French chocolate(tiny tiny amounts and only if it is worth it-heeheehee) I have never been overseas. Great trip ahead. J--hoping you got in a bit of a workout as planned. That icecream sounds fabulous! I will have to write it down so on a special occasion, I will have to explore that option. I kinda overdid the fruit today-strawberries. But, you are right, at least I didn't eat a ton of popcorn(my weakness). But I am thinking hard about it. Hungry today but almost time for dinner.

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Bummer!!!! Well today was day 60 and I had a dime sized piece of white potato. I was starving at the special grad dinner. All I could eat were the green beans and I did not eat enough before I left or bring food. I did not eat the chicken/cheese wrapped in pastry, rolls, the rest of the potatoes, or the brownie and lemon bar. So I was a 99% successful.

Rather than restart I am going to call it a slip/learning experience and continue on. And add another 30+ days. W59+41 here I come.

Tomorrow night should be better. I had a long talk with the restaurant and know what I can order. BUT I have to eat before I leave at 6pm. Dinner is not until 9:45.

Preparation is the key.

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Hey Almcc and Cayenne,

First off Almcc, I wouldn't sweat the potato. I think you are right that it was just a dime size portion and it IS after all a vegetable, just not the best one so I think you are totally in line with not doing a restart. I think you should be proud of what you did accomplish. I hope you had a wondeful time celebrating with your family! Hopefully your dinner tonight will be a little easier to navigate.

I did make it to the gym today! Hooray for me! I survived 30 minutes on the elliptical and actually I felt really strong. I am tired now though. I will be eating dinner soon. I am going back tomorrow for another 30 minute round and maybe some weights...

I made myself a nice little patio spot this weekend and fired up my new grill last night. I started off making some of Melissa Joulwan's best chicken you've ever had and it WAS really, really good. I did brine the chicken but I didn't have coconut aminos and I didn't make the dipping sauce although it looked delicious too. By the time I got the patio set together and the chicken brined, I was just ready to cook the chicken and eat. Here is the link to the recipe I used: http://www.theclothesmakethegirl.com/2009/06/09/the-best-chicken-you-will-ever-eat-ever/ I put some hickory wood on the grill and that chicken was so so good! I made plenty of it so I am going to freeze some of it for later although I did get up and eat some for breakfast this morning. Today I am going to grill some veggie kabobs, steak kabobs and some pineapple. I LOVE grilled pineapple! I hope you both are having a fantastic weekend!



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Congrats on the trip to the gym,Jamie, and A, for resisting all the food. A dime size potato slice is not failure. Like you said, it is a veggie-just not the best one.

I struggle some days rationalizing the philosophy here at times. I mean only putting the absolutely most healthy foods in your mouth vs what, some days, you THINK you want/need. There are so many things we have to do that are not so healthy ie work under less than ideal conditions, stress from family, money worries, possibly health issues. I guess the biggest thing we have control over is what we put in our mouths to help support the things we don't have control over.

Day off from work today-maybe go to the movies?

Have a great one, folks!

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