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Anyone start on March 20 and still going? I am on day 39.


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Hey All,

I started my Whole30 on March 20 and made it through and kept going. I would love to meet others in the same boat! I am currently on Day 39. I had/have A LOT of room for improvement so I am going to keep going. I lost 20lbs my first go and am loving the improvements in my skin! I have purchased the Pre-Made Paleo Success Pack twice and highly recommend them! The food is delicious and so easy! Can't wait to hear from others!



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Hi there!!! I started my first W30 on March 18th and had a glass of wine on April 18th to celebrate, felt marvelously lousy and hopped right back on track the next day. I'm glad you started this thread!! I don't really feel like I fit in with people who are just starting out because I'm not going through all of the stages again but I also feel like I really have a lot more to learn and continue to see really great benefits from this life style daily.

I started my W30 with a friend and we both agreed after the wine debacle we needed more time to make these permanent changes but this week it seems she has fallen off the rails a bit. She's still only eating compliant foods but not following the meal templates and most days she just isn't eating at all. And it is definitely messing with her hormones and emotions. :o Since my caring inquires about what's up with her not eating at all have been met with "What's your point?" I get it. It's not my battle to fight. We all know keeping ourselves on track is hard enough!!! But I realized today that I miss having a partner in crime. I miss discussing what we threw together for dinner or musing about the leftovers we are having for lunch or sharing great recipes we found or the great changes we are seeing. No one else in my life really gets it. Some are very supportive but still just don't quite understand it when I can't stop talking about the amazing sweet potatoes I had for breakfast or why they still have to ask "Are you back to drinking yet?"

:rolleyes: I get a bit wordy. :D It would be great to hear from others in the same sort of time frame as me.

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Hey Ladies! Great to hear from you! I am planning on going to 60. On day 60, I have an out of town wedding so it will be difficult but that is my goal. I haven't stopped yet because I am afraid once I do, I will go quickly back into the "old ways". On day 30 the daily email said if all you could think about was going on a sugar binge then you should keep going, needless to say I needed to keep going...I agree that friends and family don't seem to get it. I have had to "hibernate" a bit and avoid many dinners out. I just meet back up with everyone after dinner. They think I'm weird but I feel great and it is working. I haven't tackled much dining out because it seems to be near impossible to avoid sugar unless you make it yourself. I am going to start adding some exercise and joined the Y yesterday. Anyway, great to hear from you all!



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SonyaT - I agree that friends and family don't get it. My husband and daughter have been great - but everyone else just wants to how much I want to lose. And dinner out can be awful- we went to a steakhouse and I ordered compliant food - which came with the addition of rice (didn't order). I argued with the waitstaff and my friends about not leaving it on my plate to share. Finally I just said I'm trying to find out if I am allergic - everyone went "oh" and the plate went back to the kitchen. Maybe I was a little harsh but it was my first time out and that rice was way too tempting. We haven't ventured out with friends since.

Jamie - I have a catered pre-graduation dinner on day 60 with my daughter's graduation following on day 61. Also have out of town guests that weekend. I'm already thinking about my game plan. Really don't want to eat something off plan at the dinner (unknowingly) and be sick for graduation. I have little control over what will be served and I expect everything will be drenched in butter. I think going 60 days will quite doable except for this issue at the end.

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Hey Almcc,

Your weekend sounds more challenging than mine especially since you are hosting! I am planning on taking food with me and hopefully having access to a microwave. I don't generally use microwaves but it would be better than being noncompliant. I am thankful that mine is on day 60 so there will be strong motivation to stay on it. I think the hardest part will be the open bar. Sparkling water with a squeeze of lime, here I come! I am so thankful that I have so many days under my belt! I had cod with veggies this weekend twice and it was yummy! How much fruit are you all eating? I haven't really restricted my fruit intake and I didn't think I was eating too much of it until I saw people posting they are limiting their fruit intake. Today I had a grapefruit and a small container of blueberries. That is about the norm for me. I have been eating raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, bananas, apples, oranges and pineapple during my Whole60 adventure! Looking forward to hearing from you all.



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Jamie- I am also excited my event is on day 60. It'll make it that much easier. My guests will be easy - I think - they have always had strict dietary requirements. Not W30 - but they will respect my choices. And I think my plan is to eat dinner before I go.

As far as fruit goes - I am not restricting it but also not eating much. And trying very hard not to have a piece by itself. Yesterday I had a small piece of watermelon and 2 dried apricots. Day before 1/2 an apple and 1/2 mandarin orange. I am enjoying fruit for the first time in years.

Have a good day.

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Hey Almcc,

Thanks for the info on the fruit. I haven't had much fruit today. I made a large salad with hard boiled eggs and some olives and tomatoes and cucumbers. It was good but too big. I definitely see that the portions are reducing on their own. Day 42 tomorrow! It sounds like your guests won't be tough so that is good. What do you miss most? Lately I have been missing sour cream of all things!


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JamieM - my portions of everything are getting smaller - except for breakfast.

Today is day 34 and today I have missed soda and pizza. Somebody mentioned "sour coconut cream" in the forum. I've been wondering how they made that.

Looks like I'll be going 66 days - that's when my

company leaves. I don't think doing a reintroduction while they are here is a good idea.

Have a good day.

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Thanks for sharing that recipe and it looks easy! If the texture is as pictured and the taste is good, it just might do the trick. Yes, a reintroduction is probably better after your company has left. I will probably end up going another week too since I will be traveling on day 61 and then back to work on day 62. No need to do any reintroductions in the workplace! I will wait for the next weekend. I agree with you on the pizza cravings and must say that the pizza commercials flooding my tv don't help with this matter. I literally look away! Now soda has never been an issue for me. I rarely drank soda before starting the Whole30 so it hasn't been hard to give up. Dont get me wrong, I have plenty of other foods that ARE issues: ice cream, chocolate, pasta, white potatoes, bread in any form...With that being said, one of my favorite drinks on this Whole30 is sparkling water with a key lime squeezed in. It definitely has that soda feel with no guilt and it tastes good if you like lime. Have a great day!


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I have never been a big soda drinker either. I notice though when I am out running errands - when I get thirsty I want to stop and get a soda. Maybe it's my mind sting tricks on me - trying to lure me and get me to buy fries. Haha.

I love sparkling water with lime. Have not tried a key lime. Will have too.

Have a good day.

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Hey Almcc,

Oh yes, the fries...another trigger food for me. I really hope that what they say is true that after you finish this, it resets your body to not want those foods. That is one of the reasons I am still on it, I am AFRAID, to go off it. I have really clean eating right now that is well controlled but I fear that first taste of bread, pasta, ice cream or fries could send me off a cliff. I know that once you stop something like this, it is hard to get started again. So I continue...Day 43 tomorrow!


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I am the same. My husband's birthday is this weekend and I already have a plan. I considered going off plan for his birthday but that us a bad bad bad idea. I know that especially tonight - I made tostones and I just stuffed them in my mouth. No breaks at all. So I will continue to eat clean for as long as I can.

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Hey Almcc,

I agree Almcc, so many times I have thought of taking a day off especially after the 30 days was over but I know myself a little too well and realize that would be a recipe for disaster. I am really curious to see how the old foods affect me. It would be so great if I tasted ice cream or fries or pasta and was like "blech, I want some cauliflower!" I am going to order another round of food from Pre-Made Paleo, it makes it so much easier to stay on because I don't have to think about the meals. What I need to add is exercise...I am not nearly as active as I need to be and I know it would only improve the effects of the clean diet. Do you do any exercise? Have a great day!



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I have to check out pre Made Paleo.

I do some exercise. 2 times a week I work out with a trainer. Whatever torture he comes up with. It's been a challenge to add more - mostly because of how I have felt. My digestion is still funky so makes scheduling challenging. But now that I am starting to feel better - I am trying to figure out what and when. I'm signed up for a Nia class next week. And I hope to start walking with a friend. Exercise and water - what I need to more of.

Have a great day.

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I used to work with a trainer years ago and had a lot of success so I was thinking of hiring one, but I want to make sure I can commit to doing it first. Then I have to find the right one. I recently joined the local gym and they have a pool which I love so I am hoping to at least add some swimming. I have never heard of Nia but I googled it and it looks fun and easily adaptable to many levels. Great hearing from you!


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Hey Almcc,

Bodywise, I feel good and all of the stiffness that I had before the Whole30 in my joints is gone. I can walk faster which is why I want to start exercising. I have lost about 24 pounds. I had blood work done about 10 days into my Whole 30 which looks at the last three months and my vitamin D was really low so I have started taking that as a supplement which has helped me feel better too. I still feel really tired some days and I believe that could be due to not enough sleep (I average 6.5 a night) and I do have some stress in my life right now. I am working on the sleep. I know exercise would help with the stress so I really need to plan for it. I ordered more food yesterday that will arrive today so I am looking forward to that. Have a great day!



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Wow. All of that sounds great. I lost some weight and hope I lose more. But I most excited about my joints and allergies. My joints feel so much better and I am not having allergic responses to much of anything anymore. But I am still tired during the day. I need to work on that.

Have a good day tomorrow.

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Hey Almcc,

Day 45 for me today! I have had a busy couple of days which has put a monkey wrench in my meal planning. I haven't been noncompliant but my lunch yesterday and today was a Whole30 trail mix and a grapefruit. I skipped breakfast today and I am hungry now but I'm going to hold out until I can get a well balanced lunch. Did you sign up to receive the daily Whole30 emails support? I am trying to remember what they said about creating a new habit. I remember it was way off the stat I had always thought which was 21 days. I may have to do some digging in the old inbox. I hope you are having a great day!



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Hey Almcc,

Did you see the thread called "Is there a section on Whole 100s". Kirsteen has some interesting points. There are definitely times when I feel a little bitter! Haha! If your feeling weak, don't read it!


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JamieM I didn't eat enough the last few days and I felt icky. Today I planned and ate plenty. Feel better.

I did sign up for the emails - I'll see if I can dig it up.

I'm going to go look at the W100 thread.

Congrat on day 45!!!

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Hey Almcc,

Planning is key, I agree! I did better yesterday and will be going grocery shopping today. I am feeling some spaghetti squash in my future. I found the email, 66 days...which is what I was thinking about doing since I will be out of town on day 60 and then work. It said it can take 8 mos for some habits to take hold. Now that is a scary thought! Have a great day!


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Which email was it? I'm doing 66 days maybe longer. I need to plan around vacations.

How's the bitterness? I have only had a little of that. I bet it will show up soon.

I went to a farmers market today and got breakfast. Realized when I got it home the eggs were cooked in butter. I went back and forth. Finally put their eggs in the fridge and made myself eggs in ghee. I was mildly irritated - but it's ok. This is my choice. And I really want to continue cause I'm not feeling as good ad I would like.

Have a great day.

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