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So I have beeing trying to do a WHole30 since February and basically I get around day 10 and cave into the food at work which is my biggest downfall...food at work, ugh! I am tired of doing the same thing over and over again. I know for me sugar is a killer. When I have sugar and refined carbs I open the flood gates and 99% of the time I end up bingeing. I have gone long stretches of time without sugar and refined carbs and I feel so much better inside and out. I am starting a new Whole30 again tomorrow and I am really committed to no ands, ifs or buts. Has anyone out there had trouble getting through their 1st Whole 30? I would love to hear your experience, strength and hope.

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I went off mine too and have started over. You can do this!!! Planning is everything, I have to have food with me at work that is on-plan because there is work food around here too. Let me tell you, that bag of Cheetos was eyeballing me something fierce but I managed to ignore it. Sugar and refined carbs are my downfall too so you are not alone, I also feel better when eating whole foods. I found that if I have my batch of chili available (I made 2 this week, for convenience) I can grab that and eat it over spinach or kale and I'm satisfied, it's my go-to dish at the moment. I also found that if I make sure to eat a good breakfast with protein, fat and veggies I'm less likely to be tempted by pastries when I get to work, it's not hard to ignore them. As bad as the food I did eat when I derailed made me feel, even though it was a tiny amount, I'm not interested in prolonging that so it was easy to jump back on the wagon and recommit. I'm still working on the "find something to else to do" when the urge to eat bad things hits, and I have a feeling that with my history of emotional and stress eating this will be a life long process. The quote that helps me get through is Melissa's about you aren't a dog, you don't need to reward yourself with food.

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Thank you. I am jumping back on the wagon too and I'm not waiting until my day 1 tomorrow. Do you have the chili recipe? I think part of my issue is I get in a food rut and eat the same things over and over again and get bored. I am pretty good with food prep so maybe if I batch cook some other foods it will help spruce things up a bit.

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Here's two of my favorite cook in bulk stews from Well Fed


http://www.theclothesmakethegirl.com/2009/02/22/my-favorite-chili-recipe/ The BEST chili ever!! My non paleo bean loving family do not miss the beans in the least!

Good luck getting back into the groove, I know it's hard to resist the work food, today my company is eating pizza for lunch, I'm reheating my breakfast left overs. Having delicious compliant food ready for consumption makes all the difference and definitely make sure you are eating a great breakfast with loads of protein and tasty fats to start you off satisfied and carry you through the morning.

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Ahh! I have the same food-at-work problem. I realized that just sitting my desk was a munchie trigger (conditioned from many, many years of stocking candy in my desk drawer), so now I have a strict no-food policy at my desk. I even drew a little sign to hang on my monitor. If I get the munchies, I drink some tea or go for a walk.

My tip: get a list of things you can do to distract yourself from sugar bingeing. For me it's take a few deep breaths, drink some tea/water, go for a quick walk around the block/office, and just eat a meal 'cause I'm probably hungry and that's why I'm craving.

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Thanks! I will make the chili over the weekend. :)

I feel so huge after eating heavy carbs for 2 days straight! I am pretty ticked off at myself. I am done eating for the day except for something healthy for dinner tonight if I am hungry.

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My chili recipe is super easy:

Chop a large onion, saute that in grass-fed ghee until soft. Add 2 pounds ground beef and cook through. Then add 2 cans chopped tomatoes and my spice base that I start with and tweak to taste is:

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp paprika

1.5 TBS chili powder

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp oregano

1/2 tsp sea salt (to taste, really)

1/8 tsp cayenne

1/2 tsp allspice

1/4 tsp black pepper

For our taste, I increased the cumin to 1 TBS and paprika to 2 tsp. My husband's idea and it worked.

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Find a friend to do it with you! I've started and stopped a few whole30's (there was always a birthday, anniversary, holiday that I fell off the wagon for) but this time I convinced a friend to do it with me. I also picked a time where there aren't any events to tempt me (except Cinco de Mayo, and I've been working through that) My friend and I text each other daily to check in and that has been really helpful. I also feel so much more accountable because I don't want to let her down because I cheated.

It's hard sometimes to get in the groove, but after those first 3 days my cravings for the sugar and carbs usually subside.

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I would love to find a friends to do it with, but the problem is most of the people I know are not ready for something like this so I am going solo, but that's not an excuse not to do it.

I do have support, however. My husband is a big supporter and eats most of what I cook. He keeps his non-compliant foods in the garage for the most part. I also have friends who do not do sugar or flour, but they are not willing to go paleo, but they are supportive. I just have to make a commitment and stick with it even if my butt is on fire.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I have beeing trying to do a WHole30 since February and basically I get around day 10 and cave into the food at work which is my biggest downfall...food at work, ugh! I am tired of doing the same thing over and over again. I know for me sugar is a killer. When I have sugar and refined carbs I open the flood gates and 99% of the time I end up bingeing. I have gone long stretches of time without sugar and refined carbs and I feel so much better inside and out. I am starting a new Whole30 again tomorrow and I am really committed to no ands, ifs or buts. Has anyone out there had trouble getting through their 1st Whole 30? I would love to hear your experience, strength and hope.

Right there with you! I am currently on Day 2 of my third attempt at the Whole30. My first attempted failed because I wasn't eating enough protein...I was pretty much starving myself and I let others convince me that this wasn't a healthy way to eat...I made it through day 11 that time. This time I made it through day 7 and then the hubby had an issue with me not having wine at a dinner out...so instead of fight, I gave in. This time though, I am going to power through and hopefully make it the full 30 days. I hate failing, but I am trying to use my past attempts as ways to learn what to not give into the next time around. I hope that you have been able to do your 30 days this time!

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I breezed through my first W30. Then I crashed and burned.

I have started several times since, and have caved in to food at work. I have no problem at home, or when we eat out or travel.

I work in a big resort hotel with a fabulous in-house bakery and 9 restaurants. The temptations are strong, and I have to remind myself that I am stronger than that pastry that winks at me when I go for coffee.

I have three days off from work, and plan to have some "W30 momentum" when I return....

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Thank you for the posts on this thread. I just put up a post about how to get through week #2. I was feeling totally like I was the only one having any trouble with this! Please don't misunderstand - I am not happy that you have struggled, I am just relieved to see that it is not easy for everyone.

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