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Since I insist on posting...


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Hi there :)

I've put off posting in this particular forum because the Whole30 I'm currently doing is not so much a Whole30 and more a "Whole3weeks". A group of girls I blog with decided May was just the PERFECT month for a Whole30. Which would be true except for this teensy little thing: my husband and I have our one, annual leave-the-kids-at-home beach trip scheduled later this month. Any other event I would just pfft and charge ahead -- I'm navigating my father's birthday and Mother's Day with no issue -- but this one I'm not.

So instead I'm doing a Whole3weeks -- because why not start up with a group of friends, even if the timing and implementation are less than perfect? -- then going to the beach and will be primarily compliant (no grains, no dairy, no legumes, nothing too obvious for the most part), and when I return I will start a REAL Whole30 on May 22nd.

My food was relatively clean prior to starting, although I did include legumes and dairy. I'd already cut out artificial sweeteners (fare thee well, Diet Coke!) and most gluten. Even just 10 days into my abbreviated variant, I've noticed I can breathe through my nose for the first time in about 15 years, and a rough patch on my elbow has cleared up. My mother and I both attribute those to dairy, most likely, as I had a severe dairy allergy as an infant.

It's interesting to watch, and I'm somewhat annoyed at the timing of my trip! But as I said, starting over on the 22nd so it's all good and forging on straight ahead until then regardless :)

Activity-wise, I do primarily bodyweight exercises, upper body on MWF, lower body on T/Th/Sa, and I have a dance class I go to on Wednesdays. Sunday I rest, and by "rest" I mean "cook all the food for the week".

Outside of all that stuff I have 2 sons (14 and 10) and we share our house with 3 cats, 1 dog, 4 pet rats, and 4 scalier things. I'm married to (obviously) the most tolerant man on the entire planet.

He won't be doing Whole30. He considers bacon and mayonnaise each their own food group, and feels they are best combined on bread.

Preferably white.

He's cute, though -- I'm keeping him :)

Nice to "meet" everyone!

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Welcome! Your hubby sounds like mine :D He does his thing and I do mine and occasionally we have the same meal. It's easier because there is just the 2 of us. He told me he felt sorry for me the other day because of all the things I couldn't eat. I starting laughing and told him I'm really happy eating this way, but I don't think he believed me,

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