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Anne's Whole 30 Log (July 1-30 2012)


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Day 1 - Sunday

Breakfast = 3 eggs fried in coconut oil, watermelon

Lunch = Salad with some chicken, olives, and hard boiled eggs

Dinner = Chicken breast (1/3?) + 1 avocado, watermelon

Lessons: Even as a die-hard coconut lover, I prefer my eggs in ghee or olive oil. I need to eat more. I specifically need to eat more fat and vegetables.

Day 2 - Monday, work day

Breakfast = 4 eggs fried in ghee (this is huge, I was eating a few spoonfulls of sunbutter or a greek yogurt before I started)

Lunch = Chicken breast (1/3?) + baby carrots + half a dozen dates

Dinner = probably paleo meatloaf at mom's

Lessons so far: I can, in fact, get up without hitting the snooze button 8 times; two is fine. I need to eat more fat and vegetables. I need to find a decent source of fat I can bring in my lunch - I'm thinking some kind of coconut as I don't particularly want to cut up an avocado at my desk.

Only one more work day this week so I'm going to work on a passable meatloaf and homemade mayo (to make the ranch from the book... so I'll eat more vegetables).

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Anne, I recently found a paleo ranch dressing recipe that I really liked, so I wanted to send it on to you just in case you want another option. I have tried creamy dressings based off of the homemade mayo, but I'm not a huge mayo fan, and they always taste too much like mayo for me. This ranch dressing uses olive oil and coconut milk, and it turned out really, really well for me.


Oh, and I second Tom on the coconut flakes. Very easy to bring a baggie to snack on.

Good luck to you!

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Thank you both! My homemade mayo was a fail but given that I had a truly horrible day at work and sort of wanted to just throw everything across the room, it's probable I was doing it wrong/going to fast. I'm going shopping tomorrow so I'll get the last few things I need for that ranch. I'm not a huge mayo fan either so that might be a better place to start. Eventually I need to figure it out for fish (baked with mayo) but I'm doing ok without it for now.

Today's justification for a tiny fail - if Grok lost power most of the night during a major heat wave, well he'd probably have eaten blueberries for lunch too. Better than my usual 'omg tired' binges, but not ideal.

Breakfast (once the AC was back on) - eggs and avocado

Lunch - blueberries

Dinner - ground beef and broccoli

Favorite thing about the Whole30 so far? No clawing, light-headed, insistant hunger. I use the test in ISWF - am I hungry enough to eat steamed fish and broccoli? Yes? Time for food! No? Craving, take a moment, deep breath, move on. Second favorite thing? Ghee. Man that is some tasty stuff.

I did the low carb flu back in April when I tried Mark Sisson's eating plan for a bit. I wanted to die for a solid week and a half. Between that and the Whole 30 I had only put back in white potatoes, some white rice, and dark chocolate (ignoring the business trip to NOLA where I ate my weight in red beans and rice and bloated up like a balloon. Totally worth it, FYI). Not having to go through that again is worth fighting my candy demons. My sugar dragon looks straight out of candy land.

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