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So I haven't used this at all yet and just got inspired that maybe it would help with my out of control fruit consumption...I think I'm eating too much fruit and I'm already on day 19! Worried..

Breakfast: unusually big today I had chicken blueberry sausage pumpkin soufflé and plantains..usually no plantains

Snack: apple

Lunch big salad with grilled chicken tomatoes pineapple, peppers and craisens

Snack: apple, nuts

Dinner: coconut cashew chicken with roasted cauliflower

Nightly freak out: an orange and coffee with coconut milk ( where I worked tonight had cake and ice cream so I was annoyed about not eating it and had this instead)

I'm trying to be better at snacking and fruit help!

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Wow! Day 19 that's awesome! I'm on Day 8 but from what I noticed I think you may need more protein and fat, especially at your "snack" times. Thinking of those times as a mini-meal instead of a snack may help balance it. You could try hardboiled eggs with olives (protein/fat) or a can of tuna with some avocado. Just fruit by itself can harm your efforts in the long run.

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Yep. Snacks are supposed to be "mini-meals." Protein, fat, carbs. Except in the case of pre- and post- workout.


Though I've recently heard some interesting stuff (Balanced Bites podcast w/ Chris Kresser) discouraging pre-workout meals, since your body will shut down digestion to deal with the stress of the exercise. But that's outside W30 recommendations. Just throwing it out there since it's interesting and you will eventually be post W30.

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