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Is my home brew kombucha still compliant if I add honey just before 2nd fermentation cycle?


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I brew kombucha and keep reading that the booch is acceptable on the Whole30, despite the loads of sugar that are dumped into it before the fermentation process.  I’m wondering if it will still be compliant if I add a ginger juice that has honey in it right before the second fermentation second cycle. (Carbonated versions of the beverage generally have a second fermentation cycle where another sugar ingredient is added, like juice or fruit.) Anyone? P.S. My husband and I start tomorrow!

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No, for Whole30 purposes, the thinking is that the initial addition of sugar in the first ferment is changed/used up during ferment, but sugar added during a second ferment doesn't have the same amount of time to ferment in that way. During Whole30, it's acceptable to use fruit/fruit juice during a second ferment, but not sugar or honey or other sweeteners. 


Have you tried just ginger on its own, either diced or grated fresh ginger, or juiced ginger if you have a way to juice it? It's pretty good on its own, or with apple slices or blueberries (I often use frozen berries when fresh aren't in season). My favorite is apple (either diced fresh apple, or some good quality apple juice with no extra stuff added) with some diced or grated ginger and part of a cinnamon stick, or if you can find or make a chai spice blend, that with apple is good too.

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