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Changing relationship with food and fruit

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My favorite part of this program and the aspect that has been most difficult for me is changing my relationship with food. I am trying to be guided by nourishing myself and not what I am craving. That considered, is it healthy/ in the whole 30 spirit to get excited about a food? Like, I saw pineapple was on sale and have been thinking non stop about getting one and how delicious it would taste.  I haven't had fruit in a few days since an incident with a melon showed me I needed a reset, but would it be okay to get this or would it be feeding the sugar dragon? Is this my sugar dragon?  Is it okay to get excited about food like this?

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We want you to enjoy food and eat foods that you like and foods that you're excited about. Fruit isn't bad, it isn't something you necessarily need to avoid. Have it with your meals, just make sure you're still eating protein, fat, and lots of veggies. 

To me, a sugar dragon isn't about eating something you enjoy that happens to be sweet, especially something like fruit that does contain vitamins and stuff that are good for you. A sugar dragon is those cravings that you have trouble ignoring, the feeling that you must have something sweet or you're just not going to be satisfied. It's when you keep eating something well past the moment when it's really not worth it, even though it's no longer contributing to your enjoyment of life. When you've eaten something and afterward you think, why did I eat that, it wasn't that great and I really wasn't hungry, I just wanted something -- that was your sugar dragon. At least, that's what it seems like to me, though I'm sure others have different specific experiences. 

It can be normal to eat a little more fruit in the summer when so much of it is ripe and tastes its best. Try not to over think it.

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What was the melon incident?  

I personally get really excited about food, especially in summer.  Fresh rainier Cherries at the farmers market?  Yes!  Fresh wild-caught salmon at Costco?  Yes!  Roasted sweet potato, again.  YESSSS!  The goal is not to hate food nor to not eat foods you enjoy.

Do you think you can eat some of the pineapple, within the context of a full meal, without an "incident"?  

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Melon incident was mostly a joke, day three I ate an entire melon which definitely was the dragon coming out. So I'm nervous, I am going to have a small serving of pineapple with a balanced meal for dinner tonight and see if i can prevent another "incident" .Let's see if I can have a healthy relationship with fruit, nothing wrong with actually enjoying what I eat.

Additionally, I just remembered Melissa stated a craving lasts 3-5 minutes and then ends, also that unlike diets this is not about deprivation. I will use this as my guideline. The mod was totally correct about overthinking it. This program is turning my relationship with food on it's head, which I like, but I am now without a doubt over thinking.

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