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Laurenacc last won the day on April 21 2020

Laurenacc had the most liked content!

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  1. Hi Kalina! I'll be joining ya for your 1/2/23 start date. I usually do a whole30 reset every 6 months BUT the last time I attempted to do it (would have been reset #6 for me)- was at the end of August 2021 (which is well over a year ago at this point). I got through 10 days and then our refrigerator bit the dust. TONS of meals ruined and we couldn't get a replacement fridge for a week. So I just stopped mid-reset and never started up again But I'm so due to get my body and health back on track...I've strayed from the path for too long! I need to make smarter choices and hoping this reset will help jumpstart a healthier year of eating for me. Excited to join you!
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