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9 May 2013: First Timer Kirsten


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Howdy! I'm Kirsten. New to the forum, currently on Day 5. Have not read the book but have the PDFs all saved in iBooks and accessible everywhere.

I wasn't going to post here, just read...but today I find myself with a headache and I needed a place to say, "Today I feel oogy and have a headache." :0) My run was "off" this afternoon too.

(Oh yeah, not one for changing one thing at a time, I'm also on Day 5 of no smoking, Run Day 4 of a walk-to-5k program, and Day 6 of my second year of med school. Welcome to Build-A-Better-Kirsten!)

Ok, I'm going to go take an Epsom Salt bath in hopes of helping the detox move along a little quicker.

Great work everybody! Keep it up!

[cross-posted on the "Start Date" thread]


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Hi Kirsten welcome to the forum. I don't know if you're getting the daily emails or not but they explain that Day 5 is the Kill-all-things day. It's the day most people feel worst and it gets better from there on - and that's without giving up smoking, taking up running an starting med school all at the same time :) Seriously kudos on all the healthy changes - good luck

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