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Here is what goes on my Facebook page tomorrow on day 30!!

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Well I did it, 30 perfect days, not one cheat, not one slip up. Perfection in the whole30 sense. Not one drop of alcohol not one speck of sugar (which you find is in EVERYTHING we eat), not one grain of wheat, no beans, no corn, no cookies or crackers, no dairy, no white potatoes, no grains of any type, no additives, no artificial coloring, no weird ingredient you can't pronounce. I only ate meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, a little fruit, some nuts and extra virgin olive oil. Along the way I heard from a lot of people "oh, I'm practically doing that now" well...until you do it 100% for thirty days you haven't even come close to doing it. Thirty days is a long, long time trust me. The Whole30 is relentless as you count down the days, the hardest part was the four weekends that it involved. But I will say that after day 18 or 19 it got real easy to stick with it because you saw results and felt so good, and you woke up every morning with the realization that you had made it another day. Along the journey I proved to myself that my Spirit is truly stronger than my flesh. Another side effect is the loss of that final 10lbs (that for a runner like me that equates to 40lbs of pressure off my knees) that everyone seems to want to lose and I always struggled with. I got my blood work done right in the middle of it after a 7 egg day and overall cholesterol was 136. Amazing. Long story short I did something I never thought I could do, but did. So tomorrow after I enjoy a beer like never before i'll figure out how much of this I move forward with. It's been quite a challenge but at the same time fun and doing it with my wife and a work buddy made it soooooo much easier. If you are looking for a jumping off point, to reshape, refresh or jump start good health, I'd give it a try. :D

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Perfection! That is fun to read.

I am now going to start over and do a true Whole30. I didn't eat one chocolate chip or one bite of ice cream, but I did allow myself to ignore the small amount of honey in my Paleo Crunch, I ate too many raisins and I noticed my coconut kefir water contained Stevia after drinking it for 7 days. I also snacked; not a ton, but I snacked.

Reading what you did made me realize how I need to go back for a do-over.

So, tomorrow my FB post will simply read: DayOne.

Congratulations! Don't let that beer be the catalyst to old habits.

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Bravo bravo bravo! What a fabulous experience you've had. The best part for me is reding about your great energy. I'm only on Day 20 and doing a great job, but I let go of coffee on Wednesday and I'm in an outrageous slump. I'm waiting for my energy to return. Wonderful that you have your wife and buddy for support. I know that we do this for healing, but congrats on those last 10!

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Great work!

But are you sure you want a beer? I really missed my wine (and looked forward to having a glass more than anything else I'd omitted during the W30) but be careful with beer if you think you have gluten sensitivities. I also regret that I didn't do reintros more carefully as per the book. I added back in a few things over a weekend (dairy, booze, sugar) and I'm still not sure what is ok with me.

That's all for the school marming. ;)

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