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Whole30 JUNE GROUP (:


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Had my first food dream - that I recall - but it was, um, different. I dreamt I was opening a can of mushrooms and thought, "Oh, I should read the label." They contained sugar. Too funny. First, I don't buy canned mushrooms. And, second, I know sugar is in everything, but mushrooms? At the store this morning I actually looked at a can just to check!  :D


I had meant to follow up on my post about the Well Fed Chocolate Chili. In short, it really is awesome. Be sure to let it simmer at least the full two hours, probably more. I tasted it earlier and it was pretty bleh, but after about two and half hours, O. M. G. I could have eaten way more than I needed. But the most important verdict? My twelve year old? "This is uh-ma-zing!!!" There you go! And, he even pronounced it better than the packaged taco seasoning (poison). Of course, I had just bought ten packs of it when I was in the States as it's so much cheaper. So, he'll have that for back up. From now on it's Chocolate Chili. Easy to make and sooooo much better tasting and better for you!


On to day 13...!

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I keep hearing about the chocolate chili - I am going to have to make up a batch sometime VERY soon! I have the day off tomorrow, will be doing some local shopping to find a local source for ghee and will also be stopping by the market to pick up some beef bones for bone broth to throw in the crockpot. I am sipping chicken stock this morning since my tummy is a little 'tender' could be that I am eating too many eggs - I used to have an awful sensitivity to them but now I can eat them again but I think I may be overdoing it. Need to change up my M1 so I am not eating so many eggs....the chocolate chili sounds like a great breakfast!! Hmmm....hubby is out of town next week - I get to cook some things I know he won't eat :)


no food dreams for me yet - that I can remember anyway - I think I had one the other night but I dont remember exactly what it was about - just that it had something to do with food  ;)

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If you like the chocolate chili, you HAVE to try her italian sauce. OMG, foodgasms. It's a bit of a PITA to make (for me, I'm cheap and lazy), so save it for the weekend:




I just eat it like a stew.


Anyway, I don't think I've been checking in often enough. Yesterday i felt really blah until I had some tea. I also drank 2 bottles of kombucha over the course of the day. That might have been excessive, but the first one was my "usual" treat and the second one was to prevent me from grabbing a candy bar instead at a store. So it was a defensive kombucha.


I had a very vivd dream last night (not about food) and I realized that I haven't been dreaming at all for a very long time. Or at least, I haven't been remembering my dreams if I'm having them. Does anyone notice a change in dreaming habits, not just the food-related ones?


Had some awesome eggs and sauteed zucchini for breakfast with a cup of homemade broth in lieu of coffee. I'm still full.


Lunch is a what-veggies-do-I-need-to-eat-before-they-go-bad salad with can o' tuna and a baked sweet tater with coconut oil.


Planning on making some meatballs tonight, possibly with Well Fed's sausage spices. I feel sausage-y today.


I'm running a half marathon on Sunday (holy crap, that's 3 days away!) so I'll do a light run this evening to wake up my legs. I love taper week!


Great job, everyone! Keep up the good work!

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Hi everyone...I am a little late to the conversation here, but I have been following along almost every day.  Just wanted to say THANKS for sharing your ideas/issues/struggles/experiences!  It has been a huge help to me along the way!


We're almost half way thru our journey!

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Holy Toledo, I'm the freakin' Energizer Bunny!! :D 

Day 16, and I've got OODLES of energy.  Veggie frittata and decaf coffee with coconut oil and ghee this morning, strength training workout at gym, met friend for lunch and had grilled cod and asparagus. Came home, cranked the tunes, prepared turkey chili in the crock pot for dinner (enough for leftovers for future meals), threw a couple sweet potatoes in the oven for a later snack with the paleo mayo I made yesterday, and prepared a batch of gazpacho for lunch tomorrow (also enough for leftovers for future meals).


I typically get into a lull around 2 pm. It's 3:35 pm my time and I'm going strong!


Loving this!!!

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And I'm falling asleep in my chicken salad on day 13.  I will say it AGAIN-this is the strangest W30.  Everything is different.  I'm hoping I don't hit my usual day 22 slump, because all 13 days have been a challenge this time.

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I had the weirdest night of no-sleep last night. I was tired but couldn't fall into a deep sleep at all. It was an awful feeling. I finally started reading on my iPad around 3:30AM. Then around 5:00 AM I felt like I could get back to sleep but it was time to get up. I was sleeping fine before yesterday. I didn't do anything different during the day. The only thing different I ate what spaghetti squash instead of a sweet potatoe. It's been a hard day for me. I'm still waiting for the abundance of energy (today is day 13). I had a couple of sluggish days in the beginning but other than that, I haven't felt any different than my pre-W30 days. Still waiting for the magic to happen. Chances are I will see no real changes in that area.


Nice work, everyone. It looks like everyone is doing a great job staying on track.

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@Mcfly  I hope you start to feel better soon.


I have to say I find some of the peoples post very strange about your food.  My friend that was down the other day is over and back to the states quite a bit and had loved there for a while, so we were chatting about the typical american diet and what foods you can get in   walmart etc.  OMG how do you guys survive.  I was amazed at what she told me about supermarkets and your eating habits.  I was intrigued by the posts about tins of tomato containing sugar and finding it hard to find a sugarfree option.  I went to 3 supermarkets here today to inspect all the tinned tomatoe on sale, and none of them had sugar in them.  Another thing that is very strange to me is that you keep your eggs in the fridge.  I had to go and look up the reason for this.  And as a bit of trivia to get you through the day, here is the logic.  In America the eggs are washed before you buy them in the shop.  This removes a natural protective barrier and therefor increases the risk of bacteria passing through the shell into the egg, hence the need to refrigerate to reduce the multiplication of bacteria.  In Europe it is against the law to wash the eggs as the protective barrier is seen as a defence that should not be removed.  Also the lack of washing encourages good husbandry practices as no-one really minds a bit of poo on their eggs but we don't want them completely covered in the stuff.  Apparently your eggs are white and go splat when you crack them and our eggs are brown and go plop when we crack them.

Apart from all that, I had a very busy day today.  I had a great run this morn.  Felt very strong on it and then I was busy for the day donig housewifey stuff and polishing up on my interview skills lol.  I have a lot of energy despite my lack of sleep the last 2 nights.  I was down at the track this eve taking some publicity shots for the club with some of our younger members and some olympic athletes.  Then I noticed that one of the coaches was a bit overrun with kids to coach so I jumped in to give him a hand and did a long jump session.  I wasn't planning on coaching so I didn't notice time ticking on.  It was a mad dash home to drop the kids back and get changed for my CrossFit class.  I was twice as wise today though and consumed extra carbs in preparation for the class.  It was great, didn't get dizzy this time.  Another one of the lads got sick during the class lol.  I'm not sure what we were doing tonight. There was a pyramid of 10  down to 1 of press ups, burpees, lunge splits & box jumps, then where was a WAD or something (I may have the completely wrong end of the stick)  Supersets of throwing a medicine ball from a squat up against a wall above a blue line for 10 reps and then doing 10 kettlebell swings and repeating for 5mins and in between we did some technique work for barbell squats and deadlifts.  I am absolutely loving the class.  

Foodwise it was 'Sweet potatoe Omlette's' for breakfast, Homemade Cottage pie for lunch (with a sweet potatoe top instead of normal potatoe) and I had some roast chicken and veg (inc butternut squash) for a pre Crossfit meal and more Cottage pie for my dinner.  I have noticed that my coffee habit has reduced considerably.  I reckon dairy is a real psychological crave food for me.  I know bread is like a drug.  I'm am strictly GF all the time but even if I make a GF loaf of bread, it can sit in my kitchen until it rots I won't touch it and it won't bother me, but see if I have one taste of it and I'll not stop untill the whole thing is finished.  It's like a drug.  I think dairy is like that for me.  I consume very little dairy compared to most Irish people (my husband and doctor was amazed that my DEXA scan showed I had above avg bone density) but even the bit I do consume I think I would be better off to keep it out of my diet on a day to day basis.

Anyways, thats the end to my Day 6.  Hope your day all went well for you.  I think most are on Day 13 now.


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Out for meals TWICE today...boss took us to Italian restaurant for lunch...I just had a spinach salad minus the bacon, cheese and dressing....so was just spinach, red onions and a hard boiled egg. I brought my own EVOO/balsamic vinegar for dressing...but wanted to get grilled chicken...but asked about it and they pre-season/marinate their chicken breast...so I got grilled prawns on the salad instead...they said no oil or seasonings. As a back up, I had shredded chicken breast from home (in my purse) LOL.  Tonight after work is my newphew's graduation....dinner won't be until about 7:30...(ate lunch at 12 noon)....another Italian restaurant..but they know me at this one...think I will ask for grilled lamb chop...no oil, no seasoning or sauce...and steamed veggies. Not sure what healthy fat I'll have....maybe a bit of EVOO or I can go home and have some almonds...almost on to day 14 (having coffee with coconut milk to hold me over til late dinner

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I have to say I find some of the peoples post very strange about your food.  My friend that was down the other day is over and back to the states quite a bit and had loved there for a while, so we were chatting about the typical american diet and what foods you can get in   walmart etc.  OMG how do you guys survive.  I was amazed at what she told me about supermarkets and your eating habits.  I was intrigued by the posts about tins of tomato containing sugar and finding it hard to find a sugarfree option.  I went to 3 supermarkets here today to inspect all the tinned tomatoe on sale, and none of them had sugar in them.  Another thing that is very strange to me is that you keep your eggs in the fridge.  I had to go and look up the reason for this.  And as a bit of trivia to get you through the day, here is the logic.  In America the eggs are washed before you buy them in the shop.  This removes a natural protective barrier and therefor increases the risk of bacteria passing through the shell into the egg, hence the need to refrigerate to reduce the multiplication of bacteria.  In Europe it is against the law to wash the eggs as the protective barrier is seen as a defence that should not be removed.  Also the lack of washing encourages good husbandry practices as no-one really minds a bit of poo on their eggs but we don't want them completely covered in the stuff.  Apparently your eggs are white and go splat when you crack them and our eggs are brown and go plop when we crack them.


I don't know how we survive either! Seriously, the food situation is ridiculous. And I hear you about the eggs, although I didn't know about the protective coating. I suppose it's a relic of the "humans with science know better than mother nature" age of yesteryear we're all still recovering from. But I used to buy super-happy-chickens-eating-bugs-and-stuff eggs from a friend's backyard chickens. I rinsed the poop and feathers off before cracking them because I'm a squeamish American, but they definitely cracked differently.

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O.M.G. Well Fed's Ginger-Lime Grilled Shrimp. Perhaps the best shrimp I've ever tasted in my life. 


It takes me way more than five minutes to juice a lime, mince garlic, grate ginger, and mince cilantro so I think the 5 minutes of prep she indicates is a tad off. But, no matter. The results are to die for.


I served them with roasted peppers and mushrooms and a salad made of arugula, cucumber, and melon in a lemon/EVOO/garlic dressing. 


Looking forward to using the same marinade on scallops. Yum!


We have never eaten such good food - for daily meals - as while doing this W30. Really. 

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"I know bread is like a drug.  I'm am strictly GF all the time but even if I make a GF loaf of bread, it can sit in my kitchen until it rots I won't touch it and it won't bother me, but see if I have one taste of it and I'll not stop until the whole thing is finished.  It's like a drug."  


I hear ya! I used to buy a tray of Parker House rolls and would eat the entire thing. Honestly, given the chance, I still could. Yes, bread and cheese, my former addictions. But, yes, I will always be in recovery...

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Today was difficult. I had a dentist appointment to have a cavity filled in the morning, overslept, and scarfed a banana and a handful of almonds for "breakfast". The novicane didn't wear off for 6 (!) hours but I was starving so I spooned in some applesauce and almond butter. When I had a little feeling back I had some chicken soup and by dinner I was okay- spinach salad with chicken, sweet potato, roasted asparagus and onion. I need to start cooking again so that my meals are not just thrown together salads of whatever is leftover in the fridge. That gets a little depressing. On a brighter note, for Father's Day I'm making a peruvian roasted chicken with Aji Verde sauce, tostones with garlic mojo, and an heirloom tomato salad. It's one of my favorite things to make and totally compliant! Only thing is that I usually use beer in the brine/marinade. Maybe I'll use kombucha- lol!

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Eats for day 13:

**big salad: romaine, cucumber, avocado, red pepper, strawberries, chunked up leftover mahi mahi, creamy vinagraite (balsamic and olive oil dressing shaken up with a big spoonful of mayo)

**strawberry Kombucha

**zucchini noodles (modified from Well Fed), marinara sauce, garlic and artichoke sausage

**Tejava tea, cantaloupe

Another steady energy day. Ran errands and had no urge to snack. Thought about almonds before dinner, but resisted... finally finding my "full"! Just didn't need them. Made several quarts of herbal sun tea today to stay hydrated.... All different kinds in quart mason jars - lemon ginger, passion fruit, cinnamon spice, peppermint. Looking forward to these treats!

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M1-yam, cauliflower, shredded chicken, avocado, coffee with coconut milk

M2-Muscios – spinach salad with hard boiled egg, red onion, tomatoes, 6 small grilled prawns, EVOO, balsamic dressing, mineral water with lime

Snack before Eric's graduation-LARA BAR (cherries, dates)...more iced coffee w coconut milk

M3-Arrividerci's -soda water w lemon/lime, grilled NY steak, steamed veggies, black pepper, mixed greens, tomato, olive, pepper, EVOO, balsamic vinegar, guacamole

Good day...long day (:

No workout...just 20 ab slides

Still no cravings

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Hi All,


I haven't posted in a few days.  I blew it yesterday and am trying hard not to beat myself up.  We have family in town and went to my daughters preschool graduation. Did fine not eating the food or the cupcakes (usually my weakness).  the adults wanted more food so we choose to go to Jacks Urban Eats - a salad joint, so I could eat.  I got this great salad and then saw they had sweet potato fries.  I was so excited, I didn't even think to stop about the oil they fry the fries in.  I even asked them if they add seasonings, but not about the oil. They were so good.  I also got balsamic vinegar dressing.  On the way home, I started thinking about lunch and that is when I realized the oil issue and the dressing most likely had sugar in it.  I am trying so hard not to beat myself up over it, but I am really sad because I have been 100% on it.  My in-laws are in town for one day, I drop my guard! My husband doesn't think it's that big of a deal, but I'm still sad.  Today, for the first time, I'm starting to think thoughts like, when this is over, I can't wait to have wine, or a bite of chocolate.  I haven't had any of these thoughts until now.  Is it just the low of the day?  I hope tomorrow I can start fresh and be re-energized by all the success I have been having. Tomorrow I make a cake and cupcakes for my daughters 4th birthday party on Sat. That will be the true test - wish me luck.

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Hi All,


I haven't posted in a few days.  I blew it yesterday and am trying hard not to beat myself up.  We have family in town and went to my daughters preschool graduation. Did fine not eating the food or the cupcakes (usually my weakness).  the adults wanted more food so we choose to go to Jacks Urban Eats - a salad joint, so I could eat.  I got this great salad and then saw they had sweet potato fries.  I was so excited, I didn't even think to stop about the oil they fry the fries in.  I even asked them if they add seasonings, but not about the oil. They were so good.  I also got balsamic vinegar dressing.  On the way home, I started thinking about lunch and that is when I realized the oil issue and the dressing most likely had sugar in it.  I am trying so hard not to beat myself up over it, but I am really sad because I have been 100% on it.  My in-laws are in town for one day, I drop my guard! My husband doesn't think it's that big of a deal, but I'm still sad.  Today, for the first time, I'm starting to think thoughts like, when this is over, I can't wait to have wine, or a bite of chocolate.  I haven't had any of these thoughts until now.  Is it just the low of the day?  I hope tomorrow I can start fresh and be re-energized by all the success I have been having. Tomorrow I make a cake and cupcakes for my daughters 4th birthday party on Sat. That will be the true test - wish me luck.

Don't give up now! Can you give them a call to ask what's in the dressing? Even if there was sugar you didn't do it on purpose but you should start the whole30 over if you want to do it right. You can consider it a whole45 if you want :-)

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