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Pre-WOD snack, post-WOD meal plus 3 meals for early am WOD'ers?

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I work out at 5:15am. Its hard to eat a Pre-WOD snack, but I do get hungry mid WOD. Any suggestions on what to eat that early? Also, ISWF book says that post-WOD meals are essential but are in addition to the three meals. Is this true for morning WOD'ers since the post-WOD meal is the same time as breakfast?

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For pre-WOD, the Whole9 Nutrition Workshop Packet says to include a small amount of protein (1/2 a meal size or smaller), and (optionally) a small amount of fat (1/2 a meal size or smaller). Do not add fruit or carb-dense veggies to your pre-workout snack. It specifically says if you train first thing in the morning, something is better than nothing.

I opened this question up to a few of the athletes at my gym and the answers were all over the board. Some eat big at night, their WODs seem fine (they are not dizzy or too exhausted to continue) so they don't pre-WOD snack. Some like hard boiled eggs and/or some Applegate sausage before...just a bit of fat and protein, but not much.

I workout in the evening and I eat about an hour before I do. My pre-WOD snack usually consists of whatever protein I had for lunch and some avocado or some olives.

For post-WOD, take it with you to the gym and eat it before you leave. Do not wait until you get home. Try a meal sized easily digestible protein, up to a fist-sized portion of carb-dense veggies and little to no fat. Do not use fruit as your primary post-workout carb source, but rather choose sweet potato or yams or squash or pumpkin or beets. Your post-workout meal is a bonus meal and should not replace breakfast, lunch or dinner. It is designed to help you recover from a high intensity workout. I like to bring leftover protein from lunch, which is usually leftover protein from dinner the night before and a yam or sweet potato.

The only bad thing for me is I start thinking about that yam/sweet potato during my workout and can't wait to eat it! haha!

Take a look in the Whole30 For Athletes section of the Forum and see what works for others. I also believe this will take some tinkering on your part, perhaps start with a hardboiled egg or two in the morning, then adjust.

Hope this helps…

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I work out at the same time as you do and the only thing I can stomach that early is a handful of raw cashews or almonds. For post-WOD, I usually have a grilled chicken tender or two and some cold sweet potato or baby carrots. I pre pack everything the night before, and grab it as I'm leaving for the gym. I have the post-WOD immediately after leaving the gym (in the car). I do eat both pre-WOD and post-WOD meals, and then a large Meal #1 75-90 min later. Unfortunately, I'm usually in the middle of my hour commute during Meal #1, so I typically eat 3 hard boiled eggs in the car w/some veggies. So far, switching to this method has kept the crazy hunger that I used to have alllll day on workout days at bay.

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Just curious, but why no fruit post-workout? (Forgive me, I have not finished ISWF yet. Just dove into the program as I was a bit excited :) )

I don't do crossfit, usually some cardio in the morning and weight training in the evening. I work two jobs so if I am scheduled to work in the evening, I will get my weight training in first thing (arrive at gym at 5:30) and usually a short cardio session immediate after the weights.

I normally do cardio on an empty stomach and if I am training in the AM I would normally have had a protein shake and slice of ezekial bread before. For my post-wo I would do a protein shake and a banana.

Today I have an evening session and was going to eat some blueberries and some almonds 30 min before going in and some cherries and protein after. So it would be better to have some almonds before + maybe a hardboiled egd and then post have some smoked salmon (need to eat before it goes bad) and some sweet potato?

Thanks in advance!

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Fruit carbs go primarily to the liver. Veggie carbs (sweet potato, beet, etc as mentioned) go to the muscle. I am over simplifying of course since I am stunned when it comes to science. But this is the most basic. Definitely get something in yer belly before any exercise.

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Thank you, Heidi! I just read this portion of the book last night. It is hard for me to change and not have fruit after a workout, but I guess that is part of my sugar addiction!

I am also seeing that eating before cario isn't bad because I want to burn off the food and not the muscle I work hard to build :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am still in the dabbling stage of the W30, but this past week I made some egg salad with avocado and just took a couple of bites before leaving for the gym. I work out at 4:30 in the morning and then my commute to work is an hour. So on the way to work I do raw veges, a couple chunks of meat and a handful of nuts. Within 2 hours I'm usually hungry for breakfast, but it carries me over for sure. I do miss my spinach juice though... I'd love to find something I could pulverize spinach in for a breakfast smoothie.

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