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Here I go...day 1 June 17.


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I debated whether or not I would start a thread. I am a loner by nature, and used to being self-sufficient. But I think the support here is instrumental to the process.


So let me say a bit about where I've been and what I want to achieve through whole30.


The trouble started a few years back when someone told me how great the Atkins diet was. I tried it and lost weight...while I was on it. Long story short, since then I have lost and regained many times. Lasy year I lost 25 lbs, which was too much, and have gained back 20 or so. Lately it's been 5 down, 5 up...just non-stop. I am really not overweight, but would feel more comfortable in my skin if I lost about 10 lbs at this point. The problem is that the dieting I did led to bingeing. I think it was the restriction involved with dieting that just set me off. I never used to care about sugar at all, but lately I cannot seem to get enough.


So my goals for my first whole 30 are to slay the sugar dragon, and to stop thinking about food all the time. I want to get back in touch with my body, so I can just eat good food when I am hungry period. No counting, no weighing, etc...I want to relearn how to eat like a normal person, and never go on another diet.


The hardest parts of the whole30 for me will be staying off the scale for the duration, and not snacking, in that order.


So far so good. Day 2 is in the bag, and my resolve is strong. I will not list what I've been etaing. I tend to eat the same things for a few days in a row, so you'll get bored.


Hi to Everyone!







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Hi Kathy!

I'm day twoing as well. Glad to know someone on the same schedule.

I relate to what you've said here. I lost 20lbs last year, quite healthily but something about the process didn't quite stick with me so I'm back to try a slightly different method. What drew me to whole30 was the emphasis on high quality food and a rigorousness about eating only to satiate hunger. I think that's me Achilles heel so it will be interesting to test that out over this month.

Good luck!

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Don't worry you will be for so long in the kitchen that you will forget about your weight :P


The secret is to eat a good amount of protein and veggies on each meal, if you're stuffed you won't want a snack in all day.  It has worked for me.


I'm already on day 18th some days has been hard... but at the end I'm sure it will be worth it.   Good luck guys!   

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Day 3 done. I am feeling pretty positive. I must be eating enough to hold me to the next meal because not snacking hasn't been a problem. Perhaps it's the fat with each meal, which I haven't been doing up 'til now.


I've been eating plenty of olives. I bought a big jar of grren olives and a can of black olives yesterday morning. I've already eaten most of the black, so I went out today and bought 6 more cans. :D They were on sale.I've been eating 10 with each of my meals, which I don't think is at all excessive, but it seems there aren't too many black olives in a can. I have some avocadoes now for branching out.


Thanks for the support.

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So, I "started" the whole 30 on Tuesday but had half and half and then yesterday I had a bit of mozzarella. FALSE STARTS. Lol. So, today is day 1 and since your start date is close to mine I'll be following along and rooting for you!! What has been the greatest difficulty so far?

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So, I "started" the whole 30 on Tuesday but had half and half and then yesterday I had a bit of mozzarella. FALSE STARTS. Lol. So, today is day 1 and since your start date is close to mine I'll be following along and rooting for you!! What has been the greatest difficulty so far?



Thanks, I'll root for you, too.


I just finished day 4 (am heading to bed after this). The hardest part so far I'd say is adjusting to not snacking. I was hungry today for the first time, but may need to just eat a bit more at meals. It was a bit longer between lunch and dinner today as I was in pretty slow traffic trying to get home from work. Not getting on the scale, which I thought would be hardest, is OK. I've not felt the need to hide my scale; I can wait.


I started thinking about sugary snacks today. Oh, are you getting the daily emails? But I am toughening myself up mentally, and determined to see this through. I've told about 6 people what I am doing, so if I flunk I'll look like a heel.

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Hi Kathy!


From your question on my log...


I've found coconut oil easy to come by in health food stores and in the natural/organic section of most grocery stores here in Edmonton. Imagine it's the same in the states (not sure where you are). Trader Joe's would have it, and I suspect regular grocery stores too.

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Hi Kathy!


From your question on my log...


I've found coconut oil easy to come by in health food stores and in the natural/organic section of most grocery stores here in Edmonton. Imagine it's the same in the states (not sure where you are). Trader Joe's would have it, and I suspect regular grocery stores too.


OK, thanks. I'll check the organic section. I live near in southern Maryland, not far from Washington D.C. There are Trader Joe's here if I can't find it in the regular grocery store.

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Day 5 done!


My jeans, which I haven't had on since day 1, fit much better today. I think I've probably lost at least 3 lbs.


I was not hungry today either. I went to the gym for a couple hours this morning, and had a turkey burger and hard bolied egg after. I also mowed the lawn this afternoon. In general, I average about 1.5 hours of exercise a day now, and before I started Whole30.


My meals so far have been more or less like:


coffee when I wake up


meal 1: 3 eggs scrambled up with a plum tomato, half an onion, about a cup of fresh spinach, 10 green olives, and a couple mushrooms, with hot sauce. also an apple or pear


meal 2: salad with romaine letteuce, plum tomato, mushrooms, red onion, cucumber, 10 black olives or 1/2 avocado, roasted chicken, and homemade vinegrette.


meal 3: roasted chicken, and roasted veggies (cauliflower, zucchini, and yellow squash) with 10 black olives and hot sauce.


Did I mention I love hot sauce?


I have been also eating extra protein after working out (don't really like the starchy carbs).

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Day 6...so far so good.


I am just keeping my blinders on, and focusing on completing the Whole30.


I've been thinking of what I might have for treats when I am done, which is not good. So I'm trying to focus on how much looser my jeans feel, how much better i feel, etc. By the time I get to the end, and well before no doubt, thoughts are of sugary "food" should become much more fleeting. I will trust in the process.

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Day 7...in the bag!


As the days go by, it's getting easier to just forge ahead as the benefits I am gaining become more reinforcing as well as motivating. My clothes are definitely looser; I think I've lost probably 5 lbs in the first week. A lot of that is water, I'm sure, so that will likely slow down from here on.


I know my body has switched to more of a fat-burning mode. I can tell from the taste in my mouth, and because I am sweating more at the gym. I definitely feel better overall despite the fact that I am just a bit sleep-deprived at the moment.

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Day 8 done!


Snacking: I thought that second to not weighing myself, that not snacking would be the hardest thing about Whole30. What I've found is that this is not the case. I'm presuming that it's the fat we eat with each meal that keeps us from being hungry until the next. But what astonishes me is how little fat it takes to do the job when one is not eating all the carby and sugary crap.


I did get some sleep today (I work nights and sleep during the day), so feel much better. Went to the gym for a couple hours this afternoon for Body Pump and Body Combat. I am still sweating more than before, which I think is tied into being in fat-burning mode. But I felt great.


Staying off the scale hasn't been to bad either, and I know I really need to learn not focus to on the number. I'm very curious though as to what the final number will be...but will wait for it. My abs are starting to show more, too. Very motivating!

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Done with day 11. I was pretty tired today, but it could be my irregular sleep schedule. Felt better after an afternoon nap.


Having told a bunch of people I'm doing the whole30 has helped in that it holds me more accountable. I am fairly determined anyway, but some safeguards don't hurt. It's easier to reign myself in when my thoughts drift to cookies. ;)

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Day 12 done!


I'm trying to get my game plan for what I'll do from day 31 on together before I'm done with the 30 days. I've been reading some of the pertinent sections in the forum. Does anyone else know what they will do...not including the reintroduction? Will you start snacking? Will you allow yourself treats? Will you be able to maintain without rigid monitoring of food intake? Thoughts appreciated.

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For me it's adding in wine and chocolate and some paleo desserts. I can't tolerate dairy, gluten and legumes anyway and don't miss grains enough to have them intentionally. Whole30s for me are more about eating habits than food type. That probably doesnt help you much wx


I appreciate your feedback...truly. I will start with the reintroduction andn go from there. I don't care a lot about grains, but dairy and legumes will likely be featured in my diet again.

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