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Day 3 is proving very very tough...Please help

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Hey guys,

I started my first whole30 on Wednesday even though I've been paleo on and off for the last 6 months. It's amazing how much the info in 'it starts with food' resonates with my previous lifestyle. Anyhoo, first couple of days have been alright, have eaten really clean and have managed to go to bed without bingeing (a first for the last 3 months).

Today, it's really really tough though. I've had my third meal (6:30pm UK time) which was homemade bolognese sauce with roasted carrots and two fried eggs followed by a banana with 1/2 tbs of almond butter and a nectarine.

Right now, I am struggling not to get in the car and splurge on some chocolate, bread, butter, ice cream, apple pie, waffles etc. That's just the start too!

I just really want someone to tell me that this is to be expected. Will these seemingly uncontrollable cravings get better. I'm so tempted to give in and give up, start again tomorrow but I know if I give up now without completeing the 30 days, I'll never be able to do it.

Sorry for the mad rantings of a chocolate obsessed mama!


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It does get better! It's just your sugar dragon throwing a wobbly because it's realised you're serious this time! Here's a useful tip, it sounds mad but it's worked really well for me: Put an elastic band (a thickish one) around your wrist. Whenever you feel the start of a craving, twang the band against your wrist & say "STOP! I am satisfied!" The pain temporarily derails your train of thought away from buns... The first day i tried it i was twanging quite a lot, but i'm now on day 10 & while i still have a wistful glance down the confectionary aisle, i'm no longer sucked in  ;)

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Hang in there Winsta! I am on day 3 too and my battle is to resist Mt. Dew! I had to drink some tea to get rid of the caffein headache. I am reading that this week is the worst as our bodies adjust. We will get cranky too. Just revel in being cranky cause we are supposed to feel that way and it is not our fault, just a reaction to our new diet. So no guilt! :)

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The first couple of weeks without sugar are often VERY hard. You are not doing yourself any favors by eating fruit and nut butter, especially after dinner. This makes it more dessert-like. You might want to consider giving up fruit completely for a few weeks until you're past the worst of it. I had to do that! Also when you're having a craving, you might try having pickles or green olives...or anything with a strong sour or salty flavor.

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Don't quit now!  You will just go through this part again!  There is no way around...just through.  Distract yourself and take pointers from the others that have slayed their sugar dragon.  I love the rubber band idea.  It's so twisted!  :)

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Thanks so much for the quick replies. Roz, will definitely try the elastic band trick...something's got to work. Mike, I will most definitely revel in the crankiness ;)

I think you're right JJB, I'm eating way too much fruit to curb my sweet cravings. Think ill cut it out for a week and just eat more greens.

In bed now and soooooo pleased I made it through the day without caving!


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Congrats on making it through!  Sometimes in the early days, you're really hungry, and you think you're craving sugar when you're really hungry for nutrition.  You can eat a mini-meal following the template, especially if the rubber band trick doesn't work.  I'm just adding this to the excellent thoughts posted already, because I've been surprised at how often I THOUGHT I was craving junk but when I really evaluated it, I was actually kinda hungry.

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Think about it this way - "am I hungry enough to eat more of (veg/protein/fat) I had for dinner?" If the answer is yes, ask yourself this second one - "am I hungry enough to eat fish and steamed veggies plain?" (or something less appealing for you). If the answer to both is yes, then you are legitimately hungry. If you aren't hungry for question 2, think about whether you just want more of what you ate for dinner because it was delicious (overeating perhaps) or if you just want a tiny bit more.


That's usually how it goes for me - I make something delicious and then want more of it due to its deliciousness, not hunger.

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