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Kefir & protein


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I did my Whole30 in January and dropped quite a bit of weight but was having stomach problems so post Whole30 I have started to drink Kefir to sort them out  I make the Kefir at home with whole organic pasteurized milk and drink about 1/4 pint with breakfast and the same before my evening meal.  The kefir has definately solved my stomach problems but I have found that I have gained back all of the weight I lost and can't think that this is soley due to the kefir.  I'm thinking that it may be that my body is adjusting to actually retaining more goodness from the food i eat because of my improved digestion but am wondering if I am now overdoing it on the protein a bit.  This is my menu for today and I would appreciate any feedback.


Breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled with about a cup of leftover veg from last night (brocolli, leek, carrot) and about half a portion of chicken livers cooked in a bit of bone broth.

Lunch - a small chicken breast in homemade mayo and lots of green salad (lettuce, cabbage, spinach, cucumber) and 1/2 an avo

Evening meal - about a cup of leftover chilli, cauliflower rice & mixed stir-fry veg, done in coconut oil.

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Improved digestion is a good bet to explain your weight gain. That said, your meals sound very reasonable and I can't imagine that you should be eating less.


I tried goat milk kefir right after I was on antibiotics to help speed my gut recovering. I liked it, but have since dropped it from my routine. I eat sauerkraut or kimchi regularly and figured I get enough probiotics from fermented veggies.

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Thanks Tom that's what i was thinking but it's good to get another opinion.  For now I'll stick with the kefir and give my body a real chance to fully recover and start working efficiently.

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