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Starting Monday 15th July


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Hi All


My name is Georgina and I am starting the Whole30 this coming Monday 15th July, anyone else starting then?


I am 34 yrs old and doing this to loose weight and to start feeling better as constantly tired, bloated, bad bowels etc! Cannot wait to feel the benefits :)



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I plan to start on Monday July 15 also. Currently I have hives in my mouth and covering my lips from drinking a strawberry "all natural" smoothy at our local county fair tonight.. I am allergic to almost everything I eat. I have constant headaches everyday.  I wake up at 3 am with a headache almost every day. I am 58 years old. Something has got to change.

I am with you on this Georgina...Keep me posted through out the month.

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Hello! I am also starting my first Whole30 on Monday the 15th. Joining me will be my husband, his aunt, and my sister in law. My husband and I already eat Paleo about 85% of the time. I have decided that its time to jump in and tackle the Whole30 challenge to see if I can finally clear up this off again/on again brain fog, get rid of my PMDD, and get the energy I need to keep up with my three children. I'm currently dealing with a hernia and will be preparing for surgery next month but I will NOT let that stop me or bring me down!


Good Luck and keep in touch! WE CAN DO THIS!!!  :P  :)  :D

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I started today!  I am still a little confused about portions.  I did ok between breakfast and lunch but got the 'hungries' around 3 this afternoon.  I had ground meat with sweet potatoes for meal 1 and a ground meat patty with sweet potato fries for lunch.  I planned on grilling some chicken for dinner but I was so hungry by the time I got home, I ended up having the same thing for dinner because it was already made. (I know, I need to work on variety...)  I know the book said to start with protein and then fill your plate with veggies but it also gave recommended amounts and it said if you are hungry to increase the amount of protein but again gave the recommended amounts.  To me this is a bit conflicting.  I feel like I could definitely eat more and I worry that if I'm hungry I will stray.  Any suggestions/clarification on portions would be appreciated! 

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Evonne: Don't forget your serving of fat. That doesn't generally include the fat in the meat or cooking fat. This is added fat. Also aim for more vegetables. When I'm on my game and getting prep work done I aim to have at least 2 different veggies with each meal to ensure I get enough vegetables. Based just on what you posted I would work on those things before you increase your protein size unless your proteins have been smaller than 1-2 palms.

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I started yesterday too. I just came back from visiting family in Switzerland. I fell off the paleo wagon, so I'm doing it to get back on track. Too much good cheese, wine and chocolate. I do feel hungover a bit today. But it was worse an hour ago.

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Day 2 much better!  Breakfast was two beef patties and buttered carrots, lunch was three grilled chicken tenders and buttered carrots.  I just looked at the clock and saw it's almost 4:00 and still not hungry!  I think I got this :)

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Day 2 much better!  Breakfast was two beef patties and buttered carrots, lunch was three grilled chicken tenders and buttered carrots.  I just looked at the clock and saw it's almost 4:00 and still not hungry!  I think I got this :)


Just checking: the butter you used was clarified butter (or ghee), yes??

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Just checking: the butter you used was clarified butter (or ghee), yes??

I used paturized butter from Trader Joe's.  I thought I read that was ok too. Please let me know.  I'm still looking for Ghee, haven't found it yet.

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I used paturized butter from Trader Joe's.  I thought I read that was ok too. Please let me know.  I'm still looking for Ghee, haven't found it yet.



No, pasturized butter is not allowed on the Whole30.  You must clarify butter for Whole30 use, as Physibeth stated.

You can find ghee in Whole Foods or buy this version, recommended by the Hartwigs: http://www.pureindianfoods.com/Grassfed-Organic-Ghee-p/ghee.htm

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Evonne, as others said, you can make your own ghee (though it takes hours) or order some online if you don't have a Whole Foods, Earth Fare, or local co-op nearby. Amazon.com has tons of options and some can be shipped to you in two days if you're a prime member. I wish I could give you my ghee!  I just bought some, then reviewed the It Starts With Food book to make sure I had everything down and found out I'm not allowed ghee on my Whole30 because I have an autoimmune disease. :(  Good luck!  And good going everyone for making it to day 2!! We've got this!!!



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Physibeth, do I need to start over?


What I've seen recommended is either extending your W30 by as many days as you were on when you made the slip. Since this is a dairy slip you could just complete your W30 and wait to reintroduce dairy later in the reintroduction schedule. The idea is to get all dairy solids out of your system for at least 30 full days.

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Ok, found the Ghee. FYI it was in the Mediterranean section at my local grocery store.  I just want to say thank goodness for this forum! Can you imagine how devastating it would have been to go the entire 30 days thinking I was doing it right and finding out I wasn't???

Thank you all SO much!

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Physibeth, do I need to start over?


If I were you, I would either start over or not eat dairy for 30 straight days, basically delaying your dairy reintroduction 2 days once you finish your Whole30.


EDIT: Whoops, sorry I missed that Physibeth also responded, saying essentially the same thing. 

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