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get it together... again

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I felt so great after my 1st whole 30ish, why didn't I keep up the great work? I think we can all relate.  Anyway, a few months later, I'm back at it again.  Not strict whole 30 yet, but focusing in on cleaner eating and no more alcohol or ice cream!  Have hit a max weight and really need to get this in check. Skin a wreck.  Low energy.  Poor sleep.  Here we go!


Day 1- Monday 7/15 



salad, lots of veg, some chicken salad (commercial mayo)

tri tip and salad with fennel, bell pepper and red onion


snack- walnuts and half apple


hungry in evening, miss my wine and snack


Day 2- Tuesday 7/16


Run Gym this morning



salad with turkey and lots veg (a little goddess dressing, commercial)

czech meat balls, cabbage and zucchini


hungry in evening, tea and peach snack

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Day 3 - Wed

sleep still interrupted, tossed and turned.

massive allergy attack

gut messed up this morning (had some senna tea last night too)



2 bacon/2 eggs



half palm salmon, greens with veg, avo dressing



Chicken breast, zucchini, purple kale w/ apple

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Up and down.... Surgery in may and lots of interstate travel so exercise routine is shot but been eating well enough to keep my health so that's good. Still dairy and grain free 99% since my first whole30 in nov and probably sugar free 95%. Have some wine and chocolate once or twice a week, and a touch of honey every so often. Now if I could just cut back the coffee......

Hope you are feeling better now

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Day 4-

Sleep still interrupted.  3 mile run AM, Xfit PM


Breakfast- chorizo, 2 eggs, avocado, salsa and baby greens

Lunch- Butter Chicken (from a restaurant), cabbage (Really good combo, need to make some butter chick myself and repeat)
Dinner- Grilled chicken, purple kale (half a bunch!)

Snack throughout day- 2 pints of raspberries (too many!)


Day 5-

Woke up at 4 am, couldn't go back to sleep, mind racing.  Workout rest day.


Breakfast- bacon, egg, salsa.  Chinese herb tea.

Lunch- salmon, pesto and asparagus

Dinner- Czech meatballs and salad. 

Snack throughout day- 2 more pints of black/raspberries (they are in season are so amazing)

roasted cashews (has peanut oil)


Want to do more veg at breakfast, will maybe try kraut)

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Day 6-



interrupted sleep, awake too early


messed up tummy this morning and AM allergy attack


Tonight I am hosting a good friends bachelorette party.  Siiiiiigh.  She will be so bummed if I'm a stick in the mud.  I am trying to make all the appetizer and after party food paleo, the restaurant is doing a gluten free prix fixe  dinner for us.  Then there will be alcohol... maybe a glass of bubbles....

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Day 7 -

4 glasses of bubbles and a little bit of grains- chickpeas and rice at dinner, but no gluten/wheat.  Had some desert (pot du creme chocolate). Oh, also a few starburst.  Rest of dinner was olives, oysters, snap peas with aioli, beef tenderloin.

Slept awful.  Headache and terrible mood today.  Stomach messed up- go figure.  Don't feel up to working out, which is the double whammy from bad diet.  Took dog for long walk to farmer's market.


Already back on track-



half gluten free muffin at bachelorette party. 

Bacon and cabbage



Mustard baked chicken leg and greens


Dinner- the VP boss is in town, have to take him out... restaurant temptations in my current state.  Oh boy

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I hate that double whammy too. I have decided to cut out coffee as that messes me up and I have been drinking it consistently now for four weeks and my skin is really starting to complain! I have been overdoing the dates and cocoa too.

Going to have a quiet clean day today!

Good luck for your dinner out

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Well dinner with the VP was a disaster.  Had fish and some chips and 4 glasses of wine

Then Monday started off good, but my braid said " well, you've already F'up Sat and Sun night, you can start fresh tomorrow" so at book club I willingly cheated and later beat myself up about it. 


But TUESDAY, I got it back together.  Whole 30 all day, even went to Crossfit despite feeling not great.



breakfast- local eggs, local bacon

lunch- chicken legs, salad

dinner- tomatoe veggie chopped salad, peach tomato salad, best chicken you will ever eat, (orzo, yogurt sauce, berry crumble, 2 glass wine)



breakfast- local eggs, local bacon

lunch- chicken legs, leftover chopped salad

dinner- grilled chicken, baby greens, leftover chopped and peach salad, zucchini noodles

snack-  blackberries


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no allergy attack this morning, but woke up with headache. 

tummy a little backed up




Breakfast- bacon and eggs (surprise!)

Lunch- chicken legs, leftover tomato salad

Dinner- meatballs, grilled bell peppers, fennel, avocado on bed of lettuce

snacks- nectarine, raspberries, blueberries


still have headache

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Cavegirlmegan, I totally hear you about the blunders and getting back on track! So there right now. Sending good/healthy/clean-eating vibes your way!! And that you didn't just say "screw it" and throw in the towel--teach me. I need to learn how to do that these days!

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And that you didn't just say "screw it" and throw in the towel--teach me. I



Thanks Robotarmy, I feel like I did kind of throw in the towel since there were several willful blunders in a row.  If I cheat once I think I get the cravings back, and the rationalization kicks in too.  It helps me to read my old whole 30 log and how great I felt. 


You can do it, just take it a day at a time.  What's going on with you?

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Did not sleep great, but had vivid dreams

Headache still here

Allergy attack this morning.


Today is 3rd day after slip ups so hopefully I will feel better again tomorrow after I process the toxins/anti-nutrients. 



sauteed cabbage, bacon and 1 egg

Lunch- salad bar special (organic greens peppers, brussel sprouts, avocado, oil/vinegar, salmon)

Snack- cashews

Dinner- HUSBAND MADE DINNER!!!???!!! Ok, half of it was heating up my cooked leftovers but he actually made zucchini noodles and took initiative!  Love it!

3 meatballs, 2 chicken tenderloins, zucchini with bacon, olives, half bell pepper

snack- 1c blueberries and raspberries


I love the fruit in season so much... I know I should cut way back on the sugar.  And I eat too many nuts.  Ok, I will focus on the nuts and only eat in case of emergency snacking with nothing else available. 


I was reading last night about the hormone (sorry I forgot it already) that causes you to burn fat which is triggered when hungry.  That is really good motivation to let myself be hungry between meals and not worry about the old dieting mentality of eating 5-6 small mealsl and "Stoking" my metabolism. 

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Friday 7/26-

woke up with headache, vivid dreams.

really sleepy in afternoon, took a two hour nap!

no workout



Breakfast- bacon and 2 eggs

Lunch- beef stew (Mostly starchy veg)

Dinner- chicken liver pate, cuke/squash instead of bread, melon coppa salad, a little salmon and green bean.  Can you tell it was a restaurant? I even checked on the ingredients of the pate! It was fantastic.  (confession- one leetle bit of Rose).  But then I went to an event afterwards and didn't have any drinks or appetizers!

snack- cashews (I'm not buying these again, way too good and ate way too many)


Saturday 7/27-

Woke up feeling pretty good! crazy vivid dreams.  slept uninterrupted.

Crossfit- really hard tabata workout but did ok.  Almost Rx.



Husband made breakfast!!!!  This is becoming a trend I can't explain but won't argue with. 

Scrambled eggs, bacon bits, pineapple salsa and avocado.  Delish combo

Lunch- leftover stew

Dinner- see below...


Going for hike with dog and husband and then a wedding tonight---- yikes! Wedding cake!!! Champagne!!! hors d' oeuvres!  There may be a little splurge but I'm hoping it is crappy cake and cheap wine so I won't be tempted.  Going to eat snack beforehand.

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Sounds like you are persevering despite a few set backs.  The best part of it all is that you are being more mindful, some times it takes a few stabs to get back on the wagon.  I know I went a little crazy after my W30 ended and now I am struggling to bring it back round.  Don't beat yourself up for mis-steps, simply keep moving forward :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm baaaack! 3 weddings and a business trip across the country. I'd say I've been about 80% whole 9/paleo.

My compromises are:

Wine. I need to quit this but I've scaled back and lot and always crumble in the moment thinking: at least it's gluten free

Not worrying about cooking oils in restaurants

Organic and grass fed when I can but not obsess

A little sugar in my almond butter

Probably too much nuts

Probably too much fruit but at least it's not straight sugar/candy/artificial sugar.

Meals have been good the last few days. Maybe I'll come back and post. I've been reading practical paleo and primal moms look good naked. Some highlights: Starting to try to add some fermented veg and some gut healing gelatin. Also, tomorrow I am making beef liver and onions for breakfast. Get ready for super food nutrients!

Tuesday Aug 6

Breakfast sausage egg scramble, kimchee

Lunch- romaine salad, some turkey, raspberries and half apple, walnuts

Snack pistachios (too many due to pre shelled giant Costco bag=amazing)

Dinner pulled pork salad with grilled bell peppers. Salad was this raw Costco super food blend of kale and brussel sprouts and other crunchy things. Kind of like slaw. Really dry, lots of Evoo.

Dessert raspberries and gelatin

Cross fit- Fran train and an amr.

Good digestion today (2) but then really bloated and distended/gas tonight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Things have been going really well on the food front. Haven't been craving anything too badly. Food almost 100% compliant, just the occasional wine. Have made some amazing food. Roasted cauliflower with butter and capers. Super delish slow cooker thai pork with almond butter (modified from peanut butt recipe). And then the most exciting of all- chicken liver pâté. Super tasty, been eating it with carrots and cucumbers all week. I had some beef liver too. Can't believe how cheap organ meat is!

Sleep a little interrupted. Digestion regular. Allergies good. Skin good. Haven't been to xfit this week by accupuncturist suggestion for TTC (no lifting heavy things at certain times of month) Miss it and will surely pay with soreness when I return!

I'm bringing my friend who had a baby this week a meal train dinner tomorrow - a big batch of the full fat seafood coconut curry and zucchini noodles. Tons of veg protein and fat- sounds perfect for a breastfeeding new mom! She didn't ask for paleo (shes pescatarian) but she's gonna get it and she's gonna like it!

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