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Starting August 1!


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15 days in and I am discouraged, having trouble finding the "magic".  Could it be that because I was not having any significant issues before (with sleep, acne, brain fog, GI, etc) that I am looking for something unrealistic?  I have learned a lot so far, but am needing motivation to keep going.  Instead of feeling the "tiger blood", I am physically tired and honestly just tired of thinking about food so much. 

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15 days in and I am discouraged, having trouble finding the "magic".  Could it be that because I was not having any significant issues before (with sleep, acne, brain fog, GI, etc) that I am looking for something unrealistic?  I have learned a lot so far, but am needing motivation to keep going.  Instead of feeling the "tiger blood", I am physically tired and honestly just tired of thinking about food so much. 


I TOTALLY agree - I didn't really have any significant issues I was trying to diagnose/alleviate going into this. Just wanted a new perspective on eating/drinking and to lose a few lbs along the way. I've gone through many of the normal ups and downs on the timeline but I also am in need of motivation as the last several days have felt a lot less like "boundless energy" and more like "ennui."

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Hello, all! Seems that the August 1st thread I was checking in with has faded a bit as the month has started, and you kids are still going strong (and being chatty about it). Mind if I join you?


I posed this question over in the other thread, but I'm curious: are any of the rest of you CRAVING really fatty cuts of meat? I spent the entire day earlier this week fantasizing about a really fatty lamb shoulder chop with an arugula salad. I've never fantasized about a cut of meat, focusing on the rich loveliness of its adipose before. Is anyone else going through this?

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Today we have reached the halfway point!

For me it's also shopping time, but I have a client meeting tonight after work and probably won't get it done.

I am resorting to the local salad bar today for sustenance at M2 time. M1 was scrambled eggs and venison with a healthy dollop of mayo.


Now....if anyone wants to read my tale of woe...settle in.


For about five years now I have suffered off and on from what everyone believes to be Zoster Sine Herpete (Shingles without the rash)  It is textbook, it's like everything I've read in medical articles and journals and forums online.  Intense, severe nerve pain with underlying muscle aches, throbbing, stabbing pains, fatigue, and sometimes flu like symptoms leading into an outbreak. 

There are a couple of problems here though... 

  1. I'm only 37 years old
  2. It sometimes happens frequently (last outbreak was almost exactly 5 weeks ago today)

I have an appointment in October with a neurologist.  They've pretty much told me if that's what I suffere from there is little to nothing that they can do.  ANtivirals (bunch of bullsh*t, they've never helped before) and Narcotic Painkillers (noooooooo thank you!)


This outbreak and the last have been particularly dififcult because they originate in my left pubic area, wrap around my hip to my butt, and up my back and front to about bottom rib line.  The cutof is always exactly @ midline.  THIS outbreak started in right pubic area, butt, but my entire right leg hurts, aches, throbs, even the very bottom of my right foot.  Imagine getting stabbed in the crotch repeatedly by a very sharp knife.  That particular flavor of pain comes in waves, it's not constant, but it's enough to make me sit up straight and gasp out loud, which is tough when you'r the front line in your office..LOL.  SOmetimes these outbreaks last a month or more, sometimes only 24 hours.


I've tried to reason this out so many times in 5 years, is is menstrually related? Is it stress related??  I am supernaturally healthy, I MIGHT get one cold per year, I can't remember the last time I had the stomach bug...my immune system has got to be rock solid and iron strong, so NONE of this makes sense.


There was a murmur of ruling out MS from a primary care Dr., but she didn'tmake that note in my neuro referral (I almost NEVER go to the Dr. people....except for ongoing maintenance for my asthma, but I'll tell ya, I'm hardly EVER sick)


Just frustrated, and in pain.


oh, one more thing, I had bacterial spinal meningitis at age 5, nearly killed me....this could possibly be some damage leftover from that, but I have yet to find out.

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I'm definately wishing for more 'magic'.  I have a mini migraine this morning that I needed to take my meds for.... that's discouraging.  But I know it's unrealistic to think I was going to eradicate them in two weeks after twenty years of having them.


A number of posts suggest it's totally unlikely to feel any magic by day 15.... and some people don't get it till day 25, 30... even 45 or 60.  And if you are generally in good shape to begin with.... the changes are more subtle I guess.


I think the 400,000 hour body post has helped me.  I also liked today's daily whole 30 because my slip up two days ago definately put my brain in - WTH mode... you'ved messed up so have a loaf of bread kind of thinking.  Not giving in to that is a huge change for me.


I'm disappointed that I still wake up wanting toast and jam and still pace after dinner saying 'Not hungry. Definately not hungry.' over and over like Rainman.  But the afternoon sugar cravings have pretty much gone away.


I'm also tired of cooking and cleaning up.... I keep thinking I'm 'prepared' when really I only have a couple days thought through.


My daughter had a friend sleep over last minute yesterday and I panicked a bit.  I can feed one tween... but two?  I almost gave in and took them to get fast food, but I rallied and made chicken.  I just gave them raw cucumber and red peppers on the side with ranch dressing.  I made sunshine sauce for myself (love it).  So I was proud of myself for that.


I'm tired of being so moody and tired and I want some more MAGIC dammit.  It's funny how I started this feeling totally aware and realistic about how hard this would be for me and how long it might take to retrain my head and body.  Yet when I'm feeling down, throwing in the towel because I can't do it  or It's not worth it is  on my mind.  Stupid sugar dragon.

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Hello, all! Seems that the August 1st thread I was checking in with has faded a bit as the month has started, and you kids are still going strong (and being chatty about it). Mind if I join you?


I posed this question over in the other thread, but I'm curious: are any of the rest of you CRAVING really fatty cuts of meat? I spent the entire day earlier this week fantasizing about a really fatty lamb shoulder chop with an arugula salad. I've never fantasized about a cut of meat, focusing on the rich loveliness of its adipose before. Is anyone else going through this?


Oh yes. I crave steak. Nice, fatty ribeye. Mmm.

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I'm feeling pretty good. No real cravings, which near period time were always chocolate and salt.  I had none of that which surprised me.  And I didn't realize it until today which is even more weird. Cramps for 3 days instead of the long lasting 7, another miracle.


No "tiger" blood but I feel good all day. I find myself going for a short nap around 5:30 - 6. Once that's done I'm ready to go again.  Not groggy or foggy, I just feel great. Choosing food is easier but I am looking forward to a Vodka Seltzer which will be on day 31!


My goals were to drop some weight and reset my eating habits so I could be more "regular" and eat more healthy.  So far I'm happy with the program and can't wait to see how I feel in 15 more days!

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The fact that I'm having thoughts about what I can pig out on when I'm done is frightening to me because my plan, is to just keep eating this way for the long term, only adding back occasional cheese and maybe the heavy cream in my coffee, although I haven't had any coffee for the last two weeks, adn I don't miss it)


Co-worker offered to buy my lunch today, Chinese. (panic!!!!!!!!!!!!)  I ordered steamed sweet peas adn shrimp...I ordered so I told the guy ont he phone, NO CORNSTARCH,NO SUGAR, NO SAUCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It all seemed very clean and fresh, adn I chowed down..couldnt' finish all of the snow peas.


had to laugh silently at my coworker...he is convinced that meat constipates him...so he is now living on rice, veggies, and a LOT of granola bars...  *smh*

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my kids have started helping to make meals, or at least washing and chopping veggies, i got them a bamboo cutting board and a special safe chopper for them to use...i find this is helpful with cutting down on the amount of kitchen work i have to do, but also on getting the kids to eat more of the veggies we've been having at every meal. i'm on day 13 and feeling great.

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I am also fighting the ennui.  I don't think it's impossible to finish the 30 days, and I'm still in, but I find myself asking "Why am I doing this again?" over and over.  It doesn't help that I am trying to fight off a depressive episode.  Today I called in sick from work because I've got the verge of tears/no energy/hate everything/nothing has meaning thing on full strength.  Usually I can fight that off with my 5:30 workout and breakfast, but I left the box halfway through the workout....I just kept looking at the bar and thinking "NO.  There is NO POINT."  First time I've done that since starting Crossfit in February.  This too shall pass. . . .But I will have to focus on not going off the eating program while I'm here...alone all day with the fridge.  (Good thing I threw almost everything off program out before I started!....But I know where the husband's stash is......)  Perhaps a Netflix binge. . . .

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The only disappointment I had was my blood pressure was up this morning at the doctors.  I am hoping it is due to stress and perhaps over-training.  I am taking today off if not tomorrow as well.  The doctor said my lower number (90) was borderline and thought it might be hereditary.  He was thinking about meds (I am thinking I am finding a different doc).  My last blood pressure, which was when I did my first whole 30 9 months ago was significantly lower.  It could also have been the fact that I knew they were drawing blood and though I don't fear needles exactly, I definitely don't look forward to them.

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Crashed and burned again today. No sleep, lots of stress, odd mealtimes..... Early bedtime and fresh start in the morning. I have stocked up today on more fresh veg, and I have an interesting aubergine recipe to try.


I guess I have made progress in recognising how good I feel on W30; how bland the junk food actually is; how much I prefer the W30 food, and how quickly I can get back on track?

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because I just want some #%$&!! chocolate.


THIS!!! Oh, I feel your pain - I am still addicted to chocolate even after 2.5 Whole30's!! That is the one thing I will be having when we are done.

I dont need dairy, I know I cant handle it. DO NOT want gluten - I am sure it caused AI symptoms, including Vitiligo. And my diet is pretty clean anyway. I just have to look out for sulfites and carrageenan.

But chocolate, my beloved chocolate! 

I am actually having a great day, just having a moment. Ok, I can carry on now. M3, then yoga.

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Been too busy with work to post so far this week, but after two weeks I'm still feeling pretty dang good. Some fleeting cravings here and there (whiskey, beer, and grilled cheese for some reason, even though I haven't eaten grilled cheese in I don't know how many years). I PRed (personal record) on my front squat this morning (325, up from 305 8-weeks ago) even with taking 2 weeks off somewhere in between. Pretty happy about that. And I've been keeping up with the Crossfit classes, doing WODs prescribed again, after months of fighting issues with my lower back. I'm still not as fast or conditioned as I would like, but I'm definitely improving again, and that's what really matters. It's all about the direction of change, positive or negative. I was on a downward slope the past few months, and only now do I feel like I'm getting back to the point where I can make gains again. It's a good feeling, and one that's helping me stay on track, since I know if I derail I'll lose the momentum I've built (and also feel crappy again).


Food has been good; not optimal, but good. I've been eating more fruit simply due to convenience and not having as much time to cook as I did the first week. Work's been crazy, but I've cut back on snacking and if I do I'm more apt to have some carrots or celery rather than a bunch of nuts. All the bloat I was carrying around in my face and belly is gone, and my regular pants fit again, after becoming way too tight in the last month. Hunger is being kept in check pretty well.


I've lost about 6 pounds so far (222.7 today, started at 228.5 on the 1st), so pretty good results so far. Officially half-way done at this point, just gotta maintain. The 30th is also my 30th birthday, so I plan on enjoy some good beer that weekend (but not until the 31st, I want to finish strong). But my goal is really to keep eating this way 99% of the time, and get down to my goal weight of 190-195 lbs.

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Erg.  Been having  a lot of good feelings and energy for most of the day...then 4:30pm hits.  Headache, so tired I can barely fix dinner and walk the dog.  This is the second day this has happened...Started teaching again yesterday, and noticed my H2O intake dropped drastically.  Wonder if this could be the cause?  


Yesterday also started wondering, what if this doesn't help me drop the way I want it to?  Yes the feeling good is wonderful, but this week seems like the leaning down has slowed significantly.  I want BOTH!


I am planning on continuing the whole 30 - would love to do a whole 60, but my husband is being deployed to Afghanistan, and there are send-off parties to be had.  I think I'll be able to eat 85-90% clean, but that doesn't cut it, so I'll have about a week of not worrying about what kind of oil they used or if there is sugar (and Lord knows I will need a drink or two!) but then back on track.


 I'd love to get a bombshell photo taken while he is gone...like one of those pin-up gals from WWII...and send it over, maybe for a Christmas surprise.  So good healthy eating and killer crossfit is the name of my game :0)


Here's to Tiger's Blood...may it come soon, and often!


Anyone celebrating their half-way day?  

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Yesterday also started wondering, what if this doesn't help me drop the way I want it to?  Yes the feeling good is wonderful, but this week seems like the leaning down has slowed significantly.  I want BOTH!


Weight loss tends to happen in bursts. It's been called the "whoosh" effect (see http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/of-whooshes-and-squishy-fat.html), so don't worry about it too much. If you don't lose anything for like 2 weeks or something then you can consider adjustments, but a few days isn't enough time to gauge what's going on with your body and fat loss.

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Sorry to say that I am more of a "throw it in a pot and see what works" kind of a cook so I rarely jot down recipes but I usually make ketchup one of two ways:


Long process with real tomatoes, onions, etc: (here is a recipe adapted from Jamie Oliver)



1 large red onion, peeled and roughly chopped
1/2 bulb fennel, trimmed and roughly chopped
1 stick celery, trimmed and roughly chopped
Olive oil
Thumb-sized piece fresh ginger, peeled and roughly chopped
2 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced
1/2 a fresh red chili, deseeded and finely chopped
Bunch fresh basil, leaves picked, stalks chopped
1 tablespoon coriander seeds
2 cloves
Sea salt
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 pound amazing cherry or plum tomatoes, halved plus 1 pound canned plum tomatoes, chopped or 2 pounds yellow, orange or green tomatoes, chopped
3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons balsamic or apple cider vinegar

Medium process: a can of tomatoes, a can of tomatoe paste, spices and vinegar (just read labels with tomatoes- sometimes sugar gets added)
1 (15-ounce) can tomato sauce or tomato puree
1 small onion, peeled and quartered, root end left intact
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
3 tablespoons tomato paste
1 tablespoon kosher salt
1 cinnamon stick or a pinch of ground cinnamon
(adapted from Giada DeLaurentis)
sometimes I'll rehydrate apricots and blend in for added sweetness.
There's also a super short way with just tomato paste but I've never tried it. you can find the recupe here http://notinmoderation.wordpress.com/2011/08/26/nailed-it-ryan-wilders-wicked-easy-paleo-ketchup/
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I am happy to report that once I make my mind up, I can do anything.  My challenges during the first two weeks have been Sprinkles cupcakes, Magnolia's cupcakes, celebratory champaign (after long run), Garrett's popcorn, wine at the wine bar, one breakfast and one lunch with friends. However, I am pleased to say that I have stayed compliant during this entire time. By the way, did I mention how very, very much I love sugar? 


This experience of clean eating has allowed me to begin to identify some that may be causing allergies and skin problems.  I've noticed reactions to tomatoes, shell fish, and eggs but will need to give a little more time before totally confirming that these foods are problems for me. 


I do have one concern and that is if I will ever truly be able to kick the sugar habit.  I still have those cravings but will continue to eliminate sugar from my diet and give it time.  Here's to hoping...


I am very happy that I have taken this challenge and will continue to move in my current direction.

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@michaela - thanks so much! can't wait to try those recipes!


@nsyversen - I'm guessing you live in Chicago? Sprinkles and Garrett's are my absolute favorite. My last treat before starting the Whole30 was a Sprinkles Peanut Butter cupcake. I don't live there but visit often and man, if I was around all those delicious temptations...I don't know if I could make it through a Whole30, so cheers to you!

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I am finally getting what it means to be full and not snack between the meals. I have never had this feeling before.  I was in a company meeting today that had the requisite pastries and bagels, fruit, juice and a box lunch with chips and cookies which I didn't even look at.  I ate a really good breakfast at home before I came and brought my own lunch - green salad with veggies, grilled king salmon, hard boiled egg, olives, and homemade dressing - and was not hungry until I got home tonight.  What a wonderful feeling! Everyone was a bit jealous of my salad to tell you the truth. So I am feeling like am making progress and had to toot my own horn a bit.  Just sayin'.

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I'm definately wishing for more 'magic'.  I have a mini migraine this morning that I needed to take my meds for.... that's discouraging.  But I know it's unrealistic to think I was going to eradicate them in two weeks after twenty years of having them.


A number of posts suggest it's totally unlikely to feel any magic by day 15.... and some people don't get it till day 25, 30... even 45 or 60.  And if you are generally in good shape to begin with.... the changes are more subtle I guess.


I think the 400,000 hour body post has helped me.  I also liked today's daily whole 30 because my slip up two days ago definately put my brain in - WTH mode... you'ved messed up so have a loaf of bread kind of thinking.  Not giving in to that is a huge change for me.


I'm disappointed that I still wake up wanting toast and jam and still pace after dinner saying 'Not hungry. Definately not hungry.' over and over like Rainman.  But the afternoon sugar cravings have pretty much gone away.


I'm also tired of cooking and cleaning up.... I keep thinking I'm 'prepared' when really I only have a couple days thought through.


My daughter had a friend sleep over last minute yesterday and I panicked a bit.  I can feed one tween... but two?  I almost gave in and took them to get fast food, but I rallied and made chicken.  I just gave them raw cucumber and red peppers on the side with ranch dressing.  I made sunshine sauce for myself (love it).  So I was proud of myself for that.


I'm tired of being so moody and tired and I want some more MAGIC dammit.  It's funny how I started this feeling totally aware and realistic about how hard this would be for me and how long it might take to retrain my head and body.  Yet when I'm feeling down, throwing in the towel because I can't do it  or It's not worth it is  on my mind.  Stupid sugar dragon.

Lexes42 - I too have migraines (since age 20 and I am now 59) and I started the paleo journey September 2012.  After the first month my headaches went from 15 to 6.  Second month 4, then 3, the it stabilized at 2 per month until July of this year, 2013.  I am now down to 1 per month maybe. It is so worth the journey so please stick with it.  And I want to write the neurologist who only wanted to give me drugs and tell him neener neener, look what I did with food which you said wouldn't change anything.   I also found out that I have sleep apnea and have taken care of that by fixing a deviated septum and getting a mouthguard to sleep with. Good luck! 

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&Sanguine Aspect- Welcome!

Cravings are gone, however I had a really stressful night last night. Following the news of a death in his family, my husband left work early and got rear-ended on his way home, hit his head, and was sent to the hospital. I gathered with the rest of the family to mourn and wait for my husband to meet me there as his mom and borther were with him (He's OK!!! Scans came back normal, thank Goodness!!) of course there was wine and desserts and a bowl of potato chips in front of me and at this point I literally walked there from my train after a long commute so I didn't have dinner yet. Definitely heard a little voice in my head "halfway is good enough. You are stressed and grieving. Have some wine."

Thankfully I fished out a LaraBar from the bottom of my purse to hold me over until I got home to fix us both leftovers.

I want to do something nice for my husband or give him a small gift or something and normally I would give "treats" in times like these- any suggestions on non dessert like gifts?

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