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Mourning food?


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Hi ladies! I am on day 18 and I was wondering if anyone else has experienced emotional breakdowns. I feel ridiculous, but I was literally crying over cravings today (which haven't even been prevalent until now). Today they hit HARD. All I can think about is pizza. And cookies. And donuts. And French fries. Ugh! I'm starting to doubt that I will be able to keep this up long term. Help! What is wrong with me?!


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It's normal, especially at the beginning and near the end of this process. You just have to KNOW that you can do it, and that giving in is not an option. Eating the foods you're craving only makes you feel better for a second, then you'll feel worse because you gave up...plus the cravings will be back in full force and every day after that will be tough. Right now probably just today will be bad...you could be totally over it tomorrow. Try to distract yourself with something non-food related to get over the hump. There is nothing wrong with you!

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Any chance you're expecting your cycle soon? If you are, your body is in need of carbs during the week or so prior to your period, so up the starchy veg! Seriously, the body will send really strong messages during that time period, so it's best to listen to them, only in a compliant way! Based on what you described, I'd be willing to bet that is what's behind this.

If not, well, then you might just have to acknowledge the cravings, devise a plan to stay compliant, and know that in the end, you'll be proud of yourself for sticking it out!

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All of those are starchy, eat some sweet potato or pumpkin ASAP :)


Also think about whether you might be low in iron, magnesium or zinc. I get crazy chocolate cravings when I'm low in magnesium (I can tell because I want to eat chocolate that I otherwise hate, blech).

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And yes, I actually did just start my period...2 weeks early, though!


Early or late cycles are normal, too!  Seriously, the amount of energy needed before your period is why we have those darn carb cravings.  Next month, assuming your cycle returns to a normal length, plan for it and get those carbs in!  It really, really helps.  

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