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Starting August 5


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Hi All!

I also started my first Whole30 on Aug 5th, and this is also my first foray into the world of Paleo.

So far so good! I've only experienced a few headaches here and there, and today CRAVINGS... But I can already feel my body adapting to this new way of eating. I'm learning lots from reading ISWF and welcome any and all advice and support as I try to adapt to my 'new normal' during this Whole30.

Looking forward to reading your posts over the next month :)


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Today was a tough one, cravings like mad and the my husband decided he and the kids needed milkshakes for dessert, and I'd love for it to not bother me, but sitting there in the passenger seat while he ordered shakes was really really hard.  Watching them all enjoy their shakes is hard too.  I hate feeling like this.

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I was at a few stores today stocking up for the week. I intentionally walked AROUND the bakery, ice cream, and chip aisles. I think sometimes we just have to be intentional about avoiding triggers for those cravings. I am glad that I don't have anyone at home to drink a milkshake in front of me!!!  :angry:

Jennie, maybe you should find something really yummy and 'special' that you can have...I like carbonated water and sliced fruit. That's my 'fun' drink.


KSP, The cravings DO pass. I'm amazed at that fact, on day 6 for me. Amazed! 


Never done paleo eating before, never dont gluten free before. I'm having fun cooking up some food for leftovers this week!

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The start of Day 7 and today for once I feel OK.  I was so tired yesterday and ended up sitting on the sofa watching TV all afternoon and evening.  Normally I would be very restless after a few hours but not this time.  I think it has done me some good as I have woken up naturally this Sunday morning, flung open the curtains and thought it is a nice day so I will do some gardening.  Not felt like doing my poor neglected garden for a while now. 


I wasn't very hungry yesterday and did not eat anything until midday and then only a few slices of corned beef.  I had been to do all my shopping and few other "town" chores and no feelings of wanting food.  I ended up in the bread and cake aisle and like Marne I did not feel that I wanted any of that stuff.  In fact I thought it all smelt a bit sweet and off putting (progress indeed).  I had to go to that aisle as my local Asda have their eggs there for some weird reason.  Any stocked up on some really lean mince and am going to make a chilli today as well as a keema curry.  Asda do a veg mix containing sweet potato and coconut so I am going to through a couple of bags of that, plus the mince, onions and some other veggies into the slow cooker.  


Still didn't feel hungry but cooked some belly pork slices and nibbled on them.  In the evening I couldn't be bothered to cook anything so I ended up getting coconut flakes and mashing them into some organic almond butter.  Very sticky but very tasty and it was just what I needed. 


I too have been tempted by the scale like Buckeye and acp but I too am going to wait until Day 30 to see if some pounds have come off.


Today will be a good day as I am feeling more energetic and feeling in touch with the world.  Maybe just maybe this new of way eating and its promises of boundless energy, clear headedness etc is just starting to happen :D .


Have an enjoyable Sunday folks.

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Hello August 5thers,

I started on the 5th as well. Finally got on the forums. Have had pretty good week 1. Workouts on day 4 and 5 were kind of rough. Some low energy, felt weak etc. pushed through them and grabbed some jambalaya leftovers to recharge before going to work.

Today is shopping day, and this weeks menus are coming from Robb Wolf's book and the Paleo recipe book.

Some chili , Korean style ribs with water rest, smoked salmon with some trimmings, a steak day with what we veggies I need to burn through, a pork chop meal, and seafood night (a mixture of two seafood meals from the paleo recipe book).

Should be fun times cooking. Good luck to everyone on week two.


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Have a great day 7, everyone! I woke up feeling clear-headed this morning and my acne is completely gone. I swear my skin hasn't looked like this since I was in diapers.

Today we will probably go out for lunch (somewhere compliant of course) because we have friends over, and then I'm doing one of the simple Well Fed ground beef hot plates for dinner. Just finished an excellent and filling breakfast of bacon and egg/spinach/sausage bites. I am so amazed by how most of my cravings are completely gone. I definitely miss my favorite comfort foods (read: cheese) but am doing ok!

Sounds like everyone is starting to feel better as well!

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I woke up this morning BEFORE my alarm! 


I love reading all the positive responses people are having...acne clearing? Awesome! Running Central Park? Fun! I've been feeling pretty energetc as well, maybe due to the improved diet, maybe due to the improved psyche? My head is telling my body to work harder at being healthier. It makes me want to get back into my workouts(that I walked away from after 2 years of Hashi's and I quit getting results). 


I'm hiding the scale so I quit seeing it and am tempted. Read through the Well Fed book. In time, this will become habit but right now, I still need education on what goes with what; I had NO idea that ground turkey and sweet potatoes would be DELICIOUS together, and for BREAKFAST! LOL 


Power on, Week 2 here we come!

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Today I have much more energy than yesterday! I, too, woke up before my alarm. I've been working on homework all morning and didn't snack at all. That is huge for me! I didn't even really feel compelled to. I had a breakfast of eggs sauteed with brussels sprouts and a plantain fried in coconut oil and topped with cinnamon and a bit of almond butter. Yum! It was very satisfying, and I just plugged along all morning, not distracted by food! 


After a morning of work, I did some sprinting and now I'm munching on some tuna mixed with avocado and raw veggies for lunch. Good day so far! I'm making Oven-Braised Mexican Beef from NomNom Paleo tonight - I hope it turns out! Off to go finish some work and start food prepping for the week. Have a great Sunday!

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just came back from grocery shopping, woke up feeling absolutely wonderful, but have to start over tomorrow... how did that happen? as usual after the mixed nuts & dried fruits section at the supermarket, I grabbed one if those tiny "nature's heart" bags, mix of nuts & dried fruits. once I was done with it I realized it contained peanuts. I was so proud of myself for not having a sip of alcohol last night at my best friend's birthday party... and this was not a slip up, this was just an oversight, I honestly didn't notice. so tomorrow will be day 1 for me again, but that's ok, I already know what to expect and have a ton of whole 30 compliant foods in my fridge & freezer ready (no peanuts there!!).


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just came back from grocery shopping, woke up feeling absolutely wonderful, but have to start over tomorrow... how did that happen? as usual after the mixed nuts & dried fruits section at the supermarket, I grabbed one if those tiny "nature's heart" bags, mix of nuts & dried fruits. once I was done with it I realized it contained peanuts. I was so proud of myself for not having a sip of alcohol last night at my best friend's birthday party... and this was not a slip up, this was just an oversight, I honestly didn't notice. so tomorrow will be day 1 for me again, but that's ok, I already know what to expect and have a ton of whole 30 compliant foods in my fridge & freezer ready (no peanuts there!!).


Now, that's a bummer!

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Peskigirl - how many peanuts did you eat? I could be that there were so few that you do not need to start again.  It is annoying though when things like that happen.  I am trying to stay away from all nuts at the moment in any case as I want to lose a bit of weight and they are quite calorific for me as I cannot eat just a few!

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Good morning - it is 8.30 on Day 8!


I am feeling a bit OK today after a weekend of being dreadfully tired.  I managed to sleep very well until some bloke decided to start his van up which was parked outside my house at 4.30 this morning and he had reversing beeps!  Argh. 


Anyway, I had a very quiet week especially Saturday as I returned from shopping (which I have to do on foot and bus) feeling absolutely exhausted.  I wasn't very hungry either so spent the day picking on foods (all Whole3) and sitting on sofa watching TV.  Normally, I would get quite restless doing a bit session of TV watching but I wasn't this time so I knew I had to rest.


Sunday was a bit better.  I had planned to do some gardening but still didn't have quite enough energy plus it got very hot and sunny in the afternoon which put pay to being in the garden.  However, I decided to utilise my time and had a marathon session in the kitchen.  I made mayo, a huge pot of chilli using beef mince and loads of veggies, a keema curry (minced beef) with some veggies that I found in Asda which contained sweet potato and cocunut, I seasonded and roasted a load of chicken pieces and roasted a load of chopped Mediterranean veggies.  I also boiled a load of eggs and made curried egg mayonnaise to last for a couple of breakfasts.  Phew - was feeling quite tired at the end of that lot and standing in the kitchen for about 3 hours what with all the cooking and washing up.  Still I have enough food to feed an army - well, me for the week without having to cook anything else.  Marvellous!


Have a great day 8 everyone.

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Hi everyone!


So how awesome is this that WEEK ONE = DONE!!!


This weekend was a little tough. My sister and her husband are also doing whole30 but he keeps talking about his cravings and then it makes me crave everything! My mom was making smoothies (one clementine and one pear and lots of ice and water) just as a snack for the 4 of us, and as she was buzzing away in the kitchen. I wondered out loud what she was making, and my sisters husband replied "ooooh I hope it's a Milo milkshake with ice cream" ... And I nearly died.  :P


BUT I have made no slips whatsoever and I have to say looking at myself in the mirror is not so hard any more. I think I have definitely lost some weight already, which I am excited about. I had dance class this morning and had SO much more energy than usual, which is very encouraging, but afterwards (now) I am very tired.


I think I need a post workout snack  :unsure: . Just waiting for my Almond Butter delivery. I can't wait to have some with an apple.


Also, I couldn't believe how yummy a ruby grapefruit is without sugar sprinkled on top!! My taste buds are definitely changing!


Week 2 of the rest of our lives - Bring it on  :D


Good luck everyone and stay strong!!

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Glad to see so many people are still with us.  Week 1 is done!  Hope everyone is growing and learning more about their own bodies.  The weekend was tough but I made it thru without any slip-ups.  Yes taste buds do change and I am enjoying my food more.  

Still miss a nice glass of wine with a good dinner but the swelling in my legs and ankles is gone.  Yes I can see my ankle bone and I am guessing my stomach is shrinking too. 

Ready for week 2 and to see what this week brings with it.

Good luck everyone and remember you are worth it!!!

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Aargh! I had my first ever food dream last night! I dreamt I'd unwrapped a small crumbly chocolate for my son, then unthinkingly dipped my finger into the wrapping to get the crumbs. And then a part of me was saying "Well, it was only a tiny bit, don't restart, just carry on, maybe add a few days on the end", but then i was faced with a big plate of cakes with buttercream icing, & the devil on my shoulder was going "You already blew it technically, may as well have a couple of cakes!".

I did not sleep very well last night!!

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Happy day 8 everyone. Lovely to see lots of us are feeling more energetic. 


I am blissed out today - last night I was feeling a little grumpy. I wanted red wine. TMI warning, but I felt a little pre-menstrual and was looking ahead to a potential 10 days more of feeling that way - my last 5 cycles have been between 35 and 41 days long with PMT lasting the last full 20 days. But as of this morning it looks like my old 28-day, regular-as-clockwork cycle is back! I'm taking it as a possible sign that this way of eating is good news for me. I actually think my recent lateness has been down to stress, but the lack of stress has been part and parcel of eating less sugar, not turning to giant milky coffees when I'm bored or tired etc.


I have no idea how I test out whether it was eliminating a particular food that did it - could reintroduce things very slowly, ie. month by month, I guess, but that sounds so laborious. 


Anyway, I'm also much less gloomy than I normally am at this time of the month. I feel good. Eating my crazy everything-salad for lunch right now with a chilled-out smile on my face. 

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Happy day 8!


Really tired getting up and moving this morning -- work is slow, and I had a long, action-packed weekend with little sleep. Still, I'm definitely doing better than I usually would be, in this situation!


I packed tuna for lunch but just realized it has soy in it, boo. So, I guess I'm going to run out to the bodega on the corner and grab a salad. Not sure what we're doing for dinner -- I need to go grocery shopping after work today.


I completely agree with everyone re: feeling a lot happier and in a better mood. I'm definitely feeling a lot more positive and a lot more in control of my life/choices, YAY! Pants are also even looser than they were the other day; I used to have to struggle to pull these jeans on, and they would cut into my waist all day. No longer! I may have to buy new pants (or a belt) soon!


I also had my first food dream last night -- I accidentally had a bite of bread (can't remember how) and resigned myself to eating the lot, because I had already screwed up and didn't feel like starting over. It took me a bit when I woke up to realize that all was well!


Here's to a great day 8 and week 2!

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Wow!  We did the first week!  High-fives all around (self, remember to high-five yourSELF, too)!


Still on track with Whole30 plan & AM yoga, but failed at nightly-lights-out-@11 Friday & Saturday.  Not as good as I'd have liked, but I'm still on main goal of Whole30 compliance & I'll do better tonight.


Still having pretty strong fatigue over the last few days, but did my scheduled 4 mile run yesterday anyway.  Man, it was tough!  Started late due to family showing up first thing in the AM & the heat/humidity here in Florida really took a toll.  But even though it felt like a huge struggle & I walked way more than normal (I use the Galloway run/walk training method), I still made better time than the last 4 miler pre-Whole30!!  And NO, I do mean absolutely NO soreness in calves or feet today, which is a first!!  Guess you can teach old dog new tricks. :P

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Aargh! I had my first ever food dream last night! I dreamt I'd unwrapped a small crumbly chocolate for my son, then unthinkingly dipped my finger into the wrapping to get the crumbs. And then a part of me was saying "Well, it was only a tiny bit, don't restart, just carry on, maybe add a few days on the end", but then i was faced with a big plate of cakes with buttercream icing, & the devil on my shoulder was going "You already blew it technically, may as well have a couple of cakes!".

I did not sleep very well last night!!

i had a rough time sleeping all weekend and i had a dream that my sons turned into giant chocolate bars and were in bed on either side of me and i knew that it was still my kids so i refused to eat them, but kept licking them...i woke up with this really weird feeling and was like "that was so screwed up".

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I think I need a post workout snack :unsure: . Just waiting for my Almond Butter delivery. I can't wait to have some with an apple.

The recommended postWO is lean protein and starchy vegies (sweet potato is perfect) - no fat! Fat is recommended preWO, with protein again - you could have your almond butter then (sans apple) :)

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Good morning and it's Day 9.


Well I am feeling a little despondent today.  I am glad (and it is very encouraging) that other people are starting to feel the benefits with more energy, clothes feeling looser but it is not happening for me yet :( .  The only thing that is good is that I am sleeping a lot better but that generally happens with I cut booze out of my diet.  I am still tired, grouchy and still in the "kill all things" stage - maybe that is just because I am getting old though!  My energy is a tad better but that could still be because I am not drinking alcohol.  I have little energy for exercise although I am walking to and from the train station to work (20 mins each way) and also generally moving about a bit more. 


I tried on a pair of jeans that are quite tight around the waist and they are still just as tight around the waist.  Deep down I know that the "magic" may take longer for me as I am very overweight and my body probably doesn't know what the hell is going on but come on bod give me a small sign that things are getting better please!

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