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Might as well eat white bread?


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Hi everyone,


I'm just about to finish up my Whole30 and I've been thinking about the white vs. whole wheat issue.


Like everyone else, I'd of course been trained to think that whole wheat bread is far healthier than white. But, based on It Starts With Food, the authors seem to argue that all wheat is virtually equally bad. Certainly white lacks a few nutrients and fiber that whole wheat has, but the bigger issue is just that it's wheat/gluten and causes bigger problems than just lack of fiber. Right?


I'm not planning to resume eating wheat very often after my Whole30, but when I do is it fair to say that I might as well have white bread rather than whole wheat, and white pasta, tortillas, etc.? They taste MUCH better to me, so if it's an uncommon thing there's no need to force myself to settle for whole wheat, right?




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I only reintroduced white rice and white wheat (traditional sourdough) when I reintroduced because I wanted to be sure that any reaction I had was due to specific intolerance for the grain not due to the anti-nutrients from improperly prepared whole grains. And I agree...I don't think either are healthy all the time foods so I'm going to go with the tastier versions when I do have them occasionally. All that said I did find out that these foods had more of an emotional/psychological than physical trigger for me

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Leaving less bad v more bad out of the conversation, I'll go with a treat is a treat is a treat.  So, if I am going to off-road, I'm going to pick a food that is worth it to me.  That may be based on taste or it may be based on how I know I will react due to reintros - so it could be physical or psychological.  Basically, it will be in informed decision and I will remember that I am making a choice to have, and enjoy, a treat that is less nourishing than foods on the shopping list.

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