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Okay so I'm a little confused on the whole starch issue. I've heard we shouldn't eat starches because they spike our blood sugar levels, but then I see people saying that sweet potatoes are fine, but white potatoes aren't. What I'm confused about is, WHY one is healthy and the other isn't? And also if starch is bad, why do people say to eat more of it if you are trying to "bulk" or not lose weight? Please help!

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Sweet potatoes are more nutritious than white potatoes - the white potatoes are also out during a whole30 as so much of society teams some form of white potato with everything (usually as chips or crisps etc) and it's easy to just stay with (or return to) normal eating habits that usually aren't as healthy.


whole 30 doesn't restrict carbs - you get plenty of carbs from vegetables, and most people have starchy carbs every day. will the amount be lower than normal SAD? probably....


people with insulin problems may need to monitor their intake (I don't know - I don't have an issue that I know of)

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people with insulin problems may need to monitor their intake (I don't know - I don't have an issue that I know of)



I do have diabetes and did have to monitor all of my food intake and adjust my meals (mostly to include more meat, fat AND veggie) in the beginning.  I had been told to really limit sweet potatoes (and other carbs), but it turns out I can have them after all.  I tend to eat a little every day, although sweet potato sizes vary and I don't measure or weigh anything so I can't really say how much.

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Also white potatoes are nightshades and some people have problems with these but not sweet potatoes. Very few people restrict white potatoes while not whole30ing but keep off dairy and grains and legumes. I know when I allow white potatoes on a whole30 I often extend this to packaged plain potato chips and even fries once or twice so I can see how it helps to restrict them on a true whole30.

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White potatoes are also often a 'food with no brakes' for people psychologically.


Sweet potatoes are also encouraged (with squashes too) because if you're like me... if you switch quickly to too low a carb diet you will swing toward agitated and anxious with only protein and fats in your diet.


It's not called the carb coma for nothing.  We crave carbs (bad ones) when we're stressed and depressed because they dull our emotions a bit and make us sleepy.  Natural valium!  I use sweet potatoes as binge blockers!

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