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Starting tomorrow! August 26th


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Hi fellow cave-people!


After seeing a few friends successfully complete the Whole30 program, I knew it was time to jump on the bandwagon! After a week's worth of research, shopping lists, testimonials, and recipes, my supportive partner in crime (the bf) and myself have decided that tomorrow is the day. It coincides with my first day back of my fall school semester. I must say I am a little anxious. Being a student who also works full time, is a photography assistant and intern, and still attempts to maintain some form of social life... well, I am concerned that, perhaps, time is of the essence in a food journey like this one; especially because this is my very first introduction with paleo-eating entirely. We are excited, but as we wrap up our final night - a little (a lot) overwhelmed with the meal-prepping, the shopping, and the overall full-time commitment it takes. Our hearts and our stomachs are in it for the long haul. But what are your recommendations for time management? What are easy meals? And also, after spending an hour in Whole Foods today with what could have been a full mental breakdown at the meat counter had it not been for my boyfriend explaining to me that it is JUST a grocery store, how does one keep from looking like a total newbie reading labels, and looking entirely lost with a mostly empty grocery cart in Whole Foods... or is that just part of it? Any and ALL advice is welcome. I am very much excited to be a part of healthy, organic living here at the Whole30 community!

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Hi taylor


good luck for tomorrow - you mention having recipes and doing prep, have you made anything already?


I'd keep it as easy as possible - all you really need is a portion of meat you like, vegies or salad, and your fat. When you cook, cook enough for 2-3 meals. use the leftovers to take to school, or for breakfast when you're on the run and don't have time to prepare anything fresh. in the first few days overestimate portion sizes - if you're not used to 3 meals a day, you may underestimate and end up hungry after a few hours. the aim is not to snack in between meals - don't be afraid of fat, and eat sufficient protein to help with "lasting" and feeling satisfied. if you overestimate portions then find you're full and cant finish your meal, you have a perfect mini-meal (protein, vegies, fat) to save for later in case you find yourself starving before your next meal.


I always have chicken pre cooked, HB eggs, protein based meals in the freezer in appropriate portion sizes, and starchy carbs pre cooked. the fridge is also full of eggs, vegies we like to cook or for salad, and a little fruit. we also have plenty of coconut oil/butter/milk, ghee, evoo, mayo, avo, to add for fats (we don't really like olives but theyre a good option, and we stay away from nuts).


sometimes meals are weird combos, and you need to get over thinking that breakfast needs to be breakfast food....tomorrow I have salad for breakfast. I would NEVER have eaten salad for breakfast before the whole 30 :)


you do need to scrutinise anything with a label. food has things in it you'd never imagine. you need to check!! I still read labels (often for fun) because i always want to know what is in the food i'm buying.

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Hi! Sounds like me in Whole Foods the first time. It's a learning curve and then easy. Here are some tips: Grill your chicken or prepare a bunch of cv round meat at once and have it for the week. Roast some vegetables ie sweet potatoes. If you can't prepare in advance just stir fry. If there is not Tessa Mae marinades in whole foods go to the website and get some.

I also make a bunch of spinach, chard or collard greens and use it in my eggs in the morning. With Cholula hot sauce.

Wild planet tuna and the canned salmon are compliant-- from Costco. Carry one in your bag at all times.

Take your hand at homemade mayo. It's great on everything. To the The Clothes Make the Girl website. Also buy her book-- great primer!

After awhile you will know what's compliant and what you like and it won't take so long in the grocery store.

It's a journey well worth taking.

Have a great week, good luck.

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Look around at whole foods and any grocery store and you'll see that so many people are doing the same thing! After a few trips you'll stop caring, but I remember that same initial anxiety of "everyone knows I'm clueless and they're probably posting about me on their news feeds right now" but really, nobody cares! It's like Zumba. Nobody is watching you..they're trying to get their own selves taken care of:) good luck! I started yesterday as well

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