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Another whole30 after getting sick??


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Hey everyone! So I did my first 30 back in Feb! A week after I completed my first 30, I came down with flu and pneumonia.. I spent 5 days in the hospital with a temp 110(yep almost saw the light) this was the first time I tried whole30 and everyone around me including family seemed to think it was because of my (new crazy diet) even though I never considered paleo a diet! So I'm hesitant to start again because I'm not sure what caused me to get sick.. I lost 20 pounds during that month and felt great but I'm still puzzled if my whole 30 had anything to do with it and that's what is keeping me from going on it again! I'd love to do it again since I gain the 20 back and feel like I did before I started.. Im not sure if i missed anything...Thanks

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Maybe ease into it? Eliminate one thing for a week, and then eliminate another thing the following week, and so on. It wouldn't be a Whole30 until you're at the point where all the items are eliminated for 30 days, but this would be a way to move slowly back into this way of eating and see how you do?

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If you weren't eating enough food and you were overexercising and not sleeping enough and under a bunch of stress (or any combination of the above), your immune system WOULD be compromised enough to be more apt to catch something.  That's not really BECAUSE of the Whole30, but an unfortunate series of events.  February's also PRIME flu season.


There is nothing unhealthy about eating moderate amounts of high quality, nutrient dense protein and eating tons of veggies and healthy fats, while eliminating OTHER foods that DO compromise your immune system.

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Thanks for your responses!! I thought all of those possibilities and i slept fine but didnt really eat too much so maybe that had something to do with it!! I will restart my whole30 starting tomorrow and I look forward to it... Hopefully I come back with success story

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