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Starting 9/9/13


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Good morning all and nice to meet ya!



I'm starting the Whole 30 on 9/9/13.  I attempted Paleo 2 years ago and failed miserably because I like eating fruit and whole grains.  After I stopped smoking 3 years ago, I became a sugar addict.  


3 years later and 30 lbs heavier, I have decided to stop the sugar and eat healthier.  My BF swears by Paleo.  


I currently eat a lot of veggies and fruit. I'm not a big meat eater.  I love yogurt but stopped eating it a week ago.  Crossing fingers and toes that I survive no yogurt.  I love bread (whole wheat) and I have to admit I will miss it. :(  I have to confess that I love my once a week fast food trip.  I will miss it but the food is so unhealthy.  


I'm starting 9/9/13 so I can rid my fridge and pantry of the unhealthy foods.  I shopped a week ago and bought bread, apples, orange juice and Lean Cuisine meals.  I do not want to throw the food away. 


Here's to no more sugar!    No more fast food!  Healthier food!  Healthier life!  



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Good luck for your whole 30! I think changing your mindset will make it a whole lot easier - you won't have space to miss the yoghurt, bread and takeaway because you'll be filling yourself with delicious compliant food, and feeling healthier after a couple of weeks! Don't think you're deprived, think of how much good you're doing for your mind and body :)

I used to get caught up with the "I have to eat that food, I bought it and throwing it out would be a waste" mentality. I got over that a few years ago, and put myself first - i threw out nearly 5lbs of lindt chocolate in the process, amongst a lot of other things. Your health is worth more than the food - throw it out and start tomorrow! You are not a garbage bin, don't eat the food because you feel bad about "waste".

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I changed mind sets too. After my first whole30 I threw all my whole grains onto my vege garden as I knew I didn't want them any more and it wasn't worth feeling sick or recreating habits i didnt want just to use them up. I kept my brown rice flour and polenta in case I wanted to do some baking. I have just used it now to make some bread... nine months later! And I didn't really want more than two slices. So you might end up surprising yourself. Good luck for the 9th.

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I agree with these other wise ladies. I also thought "I could never go without..." and have completely changed. I'm totally fine now that my tastebuds and my mindset as changed. Focus on all the delicious food you can eat for 30 days and really enjoy those meals. At the end you may be surprised by what you don't miss or how the foods you do miss taste.

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Thanks all!  Great suggestions.  I never thought of it that way, to think about the healthy food going into my body rather than I will miss the food.  I'm so ready for this new way of eating and life.  


I'm starting the Whole 30 on Monday.   :)

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