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homemade garden cocktail


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Ive read that smoothies are not good and i understand about the fruit ones but is it the worst thing to have a homemade garden drink from my vitamix - tomatoes, spinach, carrot, onion, green pepper, parsley and ice.  I am very good about eating veggies at m2 & m3 but sometimes in the morning i just want to grab a couple of boiled eggs and go and i feel that the drink is better than nothing.   weekends i try to make veggie omelets but thats not daily...   i guess i've already made kup my mind that its the best way for me but am i completely fooling myself?

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Are you fooling yourself that its the best way to get vegies? Perhaps - because it means making less changes and making the program fit your schedule.

If its a time issue, could you not pre make a vegie frittata or egg "muffins" to have for meal one?

Would you physically sit down to eat all the produce you'd consume in your drink? I'd much rather eat it in a salad, or in a frittata, than drink it...to me your concoction sounds like something I'd need to hold my nose to force down!

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The idea of the Whole30 is to EAT your food, not drink it. Chewing vs. drinking is more satiating  - you're less likely to feel hungry 2 hours later if you eat the vegetables vs. drink them.


Are you willing to shelve the smoothies for 30 days, as an experiment?

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