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Confused about sugar during reintro?!


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ISWF doesn't talk about reintroducing sugar. I am wondering, if I can reintroduce sugar with dairy,like in a flavored coffee or something. I do want to be able to eat sugar. I miss home made baked goods and yummy flavored caribou coffees with whipped cream more than bread or pasta type stuff. Should I give sugar it's own reintro day, maybe after everything else?

I am already thinking if/when I bake I will deff cut down on sugar, use coconut,apple sauce or honey in place of sugar as much as possible

Also, if/when I indulge in a caribou coffee I will have them put maybe 1/4th of the chocolate/syrups/sugary stuff because I don't think I can handle much more

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Actually, ISWF introduces dairy and sugar together in the form of ice cream. Sugar is not usually something that affects people physically. It's usually more of a mental sugar dragon thing. I never did a reintro of sugar. I am so aware of what it does to me, so no reason. I have found (recently) that fruit does not have the same effect.

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After 6 (maybe its 5) W whatevers, I can tell you I rarely travel off of the W30 path. I just simply feel better with no dairy (actually I do have 1 TBS half and half in my iced coffee), wheat, or legumes. I rarely (maybe twice a year) have sugar or alcohol.

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Just re-read the chapter on reintro, you're right! I must have missed that because I was looking for specific instructions on sugar...

I can't believe how nervous I am! Even just a week ago I was thinking how I could wait for this to be over...now I'm not so sure.

Man I can TOTALLY relate! I'm on Day 26 and I'm actually pretty nervous about reintroduction. I don't want to keep going but at the same time I can't imagine ever stopping.


Outside of having one piece of homemade raspberry pie, going out for an ice cream cone with my kids before the ice cream stands all close down (an annual, fall tradition of ours) is the only thing I'm actually looking forward to post Whole30. Otherwise I could see myself never stopping, both hating it but loving how I feel all at the same time.

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