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Day 14 stomach pains


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I'm on day 14 and so far I've felt great, not really bloated or anything and my energy has been good overall. This morning I woke up with hunger pains so I ate breakfast and then 2hrs later I had more (what felt lik) hunger pains, I ate a little more and my stomach is still growling, rumbling, and feeling acidic. It's up high, not down low where I would normally feel gas pains or something. I am also really tired all of a sudden today and bloated. What's this about??

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Some days, you may be hungrier than other days. You should eat more on those days. 


To really be helpful, we need to know what you are eating and how much you are eating. And it matters what you have been eating across the day. If you skip a meal or eat light during one meal, it can have an effect later. Sometimes it is difficult to make up for what you missed earlier.

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