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Hey there! Here's some quick background:


I did a complete Whole30 in January and loved it! Started again in the beginning of August but have allowed myself to not be as strict as I knew I was starting out full time in college. This is my new lifestyle. :) After night classes I stay up and cut all my veggies for the next few days then do my homework. I've noticed that at least one day a week I had something with dairy, but not very much (example: half of a cupcake.. It wasn't worth eating the rest of it!). Other than that, I am not eating legumes, grains, etc. and not consuming dairy. Absolutely no fast food and surprisingly getting a perfect amount of sleep even though I work two jobs and go to college full time! Very blessed.


Even though living mostly paleo and working out 5x times a week, I need to lose 20lbs.. I keep my stress low, and am just an optimistic person... But I have a major concern. I'm 19 and haven't gotten my period in 3 months. I was hoping that my hormones would level out, and in other areas like improved sleep, stronger fingernails, more alert, 3 meals a day, no headaches, they have, except for this area. I haven't always been regular, but it's never been this long. I haven't been in any pain and I have not been cramping.


Does anyone have any advice of what I should do? I feel like I'm eating and exercising right, but I'm concerned about this.


Thank you!


(note: I've been exercising 5 days a week for over 2 years, weights and cardio to shift things up, nothing super vigorous. I also have no allergies [to foods or anything else] and never had. If I ever consume something not Whole30 approved, I have no internal or external reaction)

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I would actually visit a doctor, just to be on the safe side.


Other than that, how much do you actually eat? Also, you say that you "need to lose 20lbs". What does that actually mean? Have you lost a lot of weight thus far?


Here's something from Wikipedia on amenorrhea:



Women who perform considerable amounts of exercise on a regular basis or lose a significant amount of weight are at risk of developing hypothalamic (or 'athletic') amenorrhoea. It was thought for many years that low body fat levels and exercise related hormones (such as beta endorphins and catecholamines) disrupt the interplay of the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. However, recent studies have shown that there are no differences in the body composition, or hormonal levels in amenorrhoeic athletes as compared to regularly cycling athletes. Instead, amenorrhoea has been shown to be directly attributable to low energy availability. Many women who diet or who exercise at a high level do not take in enough calories to expend on their exercise as well as to maintain their normal menstrual cycles.


You do exercise five times per week in addition to two jobs and school. Even if you say that you're keeping the stress low and the exercising is not vigorous, self-assessment isn't necessarily that reliable and your body actually might be under a lot of stress. Also, even if you want to lose weight, it's good to take a diet break now and again. I'm not talking about going back to old ways of eating, but to take a few days when you actually eat a lot more and not think about trying to lose weight.

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What does your carb intake look like? Going vlc can significantly impact your cycle. Every time my cycle is lengthened, I need to remind myself to eat more starchy veg to get it back on track. You may need more, particularly with that much exercise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I urge you to not think about needing to lose 20 lbs. If you want to improve your body, go for it, but try not to attach an arbitrary measurement or number to that improvement -  you could lose 20 and feel the same as you do now, and it could significantly impact your health. 


I also urge you to see a doctor! There are million reasons for missing a period, including diet, too much exercise, too much stress, changes in your medications or birth control pills, are some of the common ones, but there are also more serious medical conditions that can cause irregularity and total loss of a period for longer times. If your doctor shrugs it off, see another doctor. I don't mean to scare you, but its definitely not normal to lose your period, and you should do all you can to find out why you have. 

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Actually, I work in women's/children's health. Amenorrhea is common, especially in teen years. However, use three months as your guide. If you exceed three months its great to see your doctor. Sometimes a light dose (not daily/continuous doses) of progesterone can trigger menses. If it does, don't be surprised if your period goes more than the standard time.

You mentioned you wanted to lose 20 more pounds. You didn't mention if you had already lost a significant amount.

I would also consider backing off on your workouts to no more than 4 days/preferably 3 days a week. On off days think of your exercise as recreational activity , ie meet a friend for a walk, go bike riding, go sledding etc. you might find if you back off, and shift gears, you'll tone up/lose more fat.

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