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Hospital Stay


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Hi all, this is my first time posting. My wife and I are on day 11 and loving it! Our primary reason for doing the Whole30 was because of all my wife's health problems (fibro, arthritis, pcos, Interstitial cystitis ... just to start). I've been convinced for a long time that a lot of the problems stem from environmental/diet but Whole30 was the first thing I found that could give us the tools we needed.


Long story short, next Wednesday she is having a full hip replacement. Ideally, we would have planned Whole30 around this, but we didn't want to push into the holidays. So, we are faced with at least two meals in the hospital. They are telling us that she HAS to eat hospital food, but, I'm planning on fighting that TOOTH and NAIL. 


I think the best way to fight it is to bring our own compliant food for her to eat, where I can show them that she is getting plenty of nutrients. 


I'm looking for advice or ideas for easy-to-pack, no heat meals that will be compliant and satiating. Salad seems the easy and obvious but she doesn't tend to eat those well, so I'm hoping the community has some good ideas! I don't mind a little work beforehand if it gets us through that first twenty-four hours ...

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Who have you spoken with at the hospital?  Maybe they can help you warm your food.  I am having trouble envisioning cold, but cooked foods.  (I eat everything warm.)  Could you try to bring everything hot in a cooler?


You may need a few backups (extra servings of broth) in case your wife doesn't tolerate food well early on.  They may offer a soda when she first wakes up.  Ginger tea may be a good substitute.


I am thinking of things they often give as the first solid meal....turkey dinner, roast beef...  You could do W30 versions.  I think soups would be nice.  Chicken soup with any veggies she would tolerate - I like zoodles, carrot, and celery.  Carrot ginger soup - which is not bad cold. Butternut squash soup.  Tuna or hard boiled eggs as protein on the side(?)

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As a cold meal I like at work is cucumber spears with chicken (like your cooked one you can roast early) and avocado.  I do an egg salad with hardboiled eggs mashed with avocado (sometime with canned compliant salmon) in a lettuce wrap.  You can include diced celery for crunch. 

For breakfast this morning I had a mashed sweet potato with cinnamon, nutmeg, and ground cloves with toasted pecans (for protien, I had a couple eggs, so in the hospital that could be hard boiled or some compliant bacon).  I made it last night and I was too lazy to heat it up...still good cold!  As a sweet something I may bring a banana if she wants a sweet something after dinner.

I'd bring your own tea bags for sure.  At the hospital here (in Denver) there was a family area down the hall that had a microwave, so you may ask if there is something like that just out of sight?

Good luck and I wish her a speedy recovery!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It may also be worth it to contact the hospital and see what they have in terms of meal prep. I had a prolonged hospital stay after my daughter was born and was urrpsied by the amount of care and thought they put into their menus. They had special sections for every sort of dietary restriction including simple grilled chicken breasts, salads, steamed veggies, etc...


Good luck with the surgery!

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