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Short Menstrual Cycle?


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We did our first Whole30 in April and have eaten relatively clean since then.  My menstrual cycle used to always be 28 days.  That first month it was 33 days and since then it's been in the mid 20's.   This time it's 17 days.  


Seventeen days seems awfully non-normal.


About two weeks ago, I did begin to reduce my caffeine consumption from three strong cups of coffee down to a couple of cups of green tea.  Could the caffeine trigger that intense a reaction in my cycle?


Any thoughts, ideas, useful links, or similar stories?



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Oh Juzbo - SO nice to know!  I figured the most obvious change must be connected, but still couldn't help wondering what the heck was happening.


PahH - I totally forgot to mention my age which really could play a role.  I'm in my early 40's and I'm on the top edge of the healthy BMI zone.  I lost about 40 pounds last year, but even that didn't impact my cycle.

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