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First Whole 30; Starting Jan 2


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Made it to the end of the first week! Unbelievable!


I woke up this morning feeling SO good that I can't believe it. I jumped out of bed, danced in the shower and sang while I made my spinach and mushroom omelette. 


One of my main issues for such a long time has been affective flattening - very flat emotionally, even when things are good I barely make it in to neutral. Well, today I feel ALMOST happy. That may not seem much but for me it's nothing short of a miracle. There is a lightness to my whole being (not just my butt) that has been absent for way too long.


I truly hope that this continues. Who knows, by the end of the month I could actually be feeling .....happy?


How about the rest of the gang? Are you seeing any major improvements yet?  :ph34r:

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1/5 of the way through guys!

Not that it will end in 30 days but to me that will then be the beginning!!

Keep it up, we can do this!

We certainly can. I'm also thinking that I might try to extend it (perhaps I'm just in an overly optimistic frame of mind) - I have a lot of weight to lose and a lot of health issues to address. Also I feel so damned good  ;)


Keep going, doodlemom2, we are creating a new (happier) super-race here!

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Ok, am I doing something wrong here? :( I know we are only 8 days in and I know patience is a problem...but I haven't noticed any real differences yet. No looser clothes, no big rushes of energy, etc. Waaaaaaa!!! Am I the only one?

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Ok, am I doing something wrong here? :( I know we are only 8 days in and I know patience is a problem...but I haven't noticed any real differences yet. No looser clothes, no big rushes of energy, etc. Waaaaaaa!!! Am I the only one?


Check out the timeline: http://whole30.com/2013/08/revised-timeline/


You are fine.


Most people don't see any huge positives until the end of the 2nd week. A lot of it depends on where you started and what other health issues you are dealing with. Stick to the meal template, stick to the compliance rules, get your sleep, and hang in there for the whole 30 days. 

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Ok, am I doing something wrong here? :( I know we are only 8 days in and I know patience is a problem...but I haven't noticed any real differences yet. No looser clothes, no big rushes of energy, etc. Waaaaaaa!!! Am I the only one?

Really the only difference I feel is from my shoulder. I thought my clothes were a bit looser until today! :) Now they feel tight again. But I really think it's too early to tell like Physibeth says.

I had my 1st food dream last night, suprised it too so long! But boy did I wake up in a panic.

I dreamed that I ate a whole sleeve of Oreo's (could happen) and another sleeve of NutterButters (never had one in my life). As I was eating the last bite I remembered I was on day 7 of the Whole30! I freaked and emailed the Whole30 staff and really not wanting to start over again! I woke up waiting for a response from them! hahaha

Now I can laugh at how dumb the dream was but I was really panicked and even woke up upset! Geez!

People say they can gain weight by looking at cake. Maybe my clothes are tight from dreaming about cookies??? LOL

Anyone else having dreams?

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Ok, am I doing something wrong here? :( I know we are only 8 days in and I know patience is a problem...but I haven't noticed any real differences yet. No looser clothes, no big rushes of energy, etc. Waaaaaaa!!! Am I the only one?

I'm sure you're not the only one. Hang in there, it's worth it. I have had a fast response but I think that it's just because my health (mental and physical) has been bad for so long that my body is practically singing 'Hallelujah" every time I pass up a glass of wine!


I can say that the way I'm feeling now more than makes up for the so called 'deprivation' that is driving it. Your response will kick in and I promise that you too will soon be dancing in the shower. And making a fool of yourself singing at the top of your voice in front of the kitchen window. When your very serious neighbour goes by. Ahem.

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Hi - I am a newbie as well and started on January 2nd.  Hoping to shed a few pounds and some aches and pains.  I have been staying on plan but had to suffer through 5 days of brutal headaches (unhappy hormones I think), also pretty tired.  I am waiting for the good feelings to start.  Clothes do fit a bit better but I have been grieving over my old foods today.  I could use a bit of motivation to hang in there.

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Oh. My. Goodness. My subconscious is bringing out the heavy artillery...

Last night I dreamed I ate Chocolate Mint layered cake. I can still picture it perfectly! haha

Standing strong in the daylight!

Have a wonderful day everyone. We got this!!!!

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Really the only difference I feel is from my shoulder. I thought my clothes were a bit looser until today! :) Now they feel tight again. But I really think it's too early to tell like Physibeth says.

I had my 1st food dream last night, suprised it too so long! But boy did I wake up in a panic.

I dreamed that I ate a whole sleeve of Oreo's (could happen) and another sleeve of NutterButters (never had one in my life). As I was eating the last bite I remembered I was on day 7 of the Whole30! I freaked and emailed the Whole30 staff and really not wanting to start over again! I woke up waiting for a response from them! hahaha

Now I can laugh at how dumb the dream was but I was really panicked and even woke up upset! Geez!

People say they can gain weight by looking at cake. Maybe my clothes are tight from dreaming about cookies??? LOL

Anyone else having dreams?


Those food dreams are epic aren't they? I still get them even off the Whole30. Our brains are crazy places.


As to the clothes feeling tighter don't worry. Remember from the timeline

Day 8-9: For the love of Gosling, my pants are TIGHTER.

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I'm sure you're not the only one. Hang in there, it's worth it. I have had a fast response but I think that it's just because my health (mental and physical) has been bad for so long that my body is practically singing 'Hallelujah" every time I pass up a glass of wine!


I can say that the way I'm feeling now more than makes up for the so called 'deprivation' that is driving it. Your response will kick in and I promise that you too will soon be dancing in the shower. And making a fool of yourself singing at the top of your voice in front of the kitchen window. When your very serious neighbour goes by. Ahem.

LOL thanks! I just needed a little bit of motivation. Weekends are still very hard for me, as that is when I ususally enjoy some wine. These next two nights will not be easy....

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Oh the dreams. I wish they were about something tasty. I've been dreaming all along about waking up, shuffling into the kitchen and making toast. Buttery buttery toast. Halfway through eating it I realize I've just ruined my 30. Last night it was cocktails though. I got about halfway through a FIFTH of vodka (wow, dream stacy is a total lush! geezum crow) before realizing what I'd done. I never realize I'm dreaming until I wake up. But really, dreams? toast and vodka sodas? I wish it was at least something good like mint chocolate layer cake! :)


So far this has been a roller coaster. Day 2 I cried into my breakfast. Day 7 I slept the whole day. Clothes still fit the same. Today I feel ok, like pretty good, for the second day in a row. Things are looking up!


Take care everyone!

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I went to the doc yesterday and got weighed and was not happy with the result, but let's be serious: in a week you shouldn't expect to lose more than .5-3 pounds, and we have been doing this for a week, so what did I expect? In three weeks, I'm sure there will be a difference.

Because we're acting so differently suddenly, we want to suddenly look different - that is not realistic.

The real change I've noticed is I am better to myself. I'm pushing myself more in crossfit because I really want to maximize my results. I am leaving work at a reasonable time (as a teacher it's totally possible to work 10-12 hour days and I have spent much of the year doing that - NO MORE). I am being nice to my body in ways that don't involve food (nice locally made soap from whole foods).

I am totally on the crazy dreams - I dreamt I had to accompany my boyfriend to a cocktail pub crawl where we would be drinking a different sugary cocktail at each spot - I was so unhappy.

I am also in obsessive food and shopping and gadget phase. I just bought a julienne slicer and am salivating over making squash pasta, and I spent a ton of time at the bookstore stealing recipes I want to make, and I spend lots of time thinking about food food food! Anyone else feel like they're getting a little weird?

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I am also in obsessive food and shopping and gadget phase. I just bought a julienne slicer and am salivating over making squash pasta, and I spent a ton of time at the bookstore stealing recipes I want to make, and I spend lots of time thinking about food food food! Anyone else feel like they're getting a little weird?

I am, I am! I have turned into a cooking fiend! But loving all the recipes! What kind of julienne slicer did you get? I need to get one and have been putting it off.

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Ha. I was wondering why I wasn't getting the dreams ..... mine was a bag of those little chocolate nipples that you use for baking. My daughter was holding them and I kept taking handfuls. About halfway through I remembered all the sugar and dairy and started panicking. I didn't even like them, but kept shoveling them in and feeling like a big sad failure :(


I wish I'D had dream about crunchy, buttery toast...


On the other hand, I woke a little late this morning but instead of my usual ritual of hanging around on my bum until someone reminds me that I have to go to work, I jumped out of bed and went for a walk. I was halfway through before I remembered that I was supposed to be sitting on my bum reading the interwebs. And I can't stop dancing. Ironically, the kids think I'm drunk all the time now when in fact I'm probably more sober than they've ever seen me  ;)


Keep going folks. I know it's working, I'm wearing my tight pants today and I still managed to eat lunch without having to undo them!

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I went to the doc yesterday and got weighed and was not happy with the result, but let's be serious: in a week you shouldn't expect to lose more than .5-3 pounds, and we have been doing this for a week, so what did I expect? In three weeks, I'm sure there will be a difference.

Because we're acting so differently suddenly, we want to suddenly look different - that is not realistic.

The real change I've noticed is I am better to myself. I'm pushing myself more in crossfit because I really want to maximize my results. I am leaving work at a reasonable time (as a teacher it's totally possible to work 10-12 hour days and I have spent much of the year doing that - NO MORE). I am being nice to my body in ways that don't involve food (nice locally made soap from whole foods).

I am totally on the crazy dreams - I dreamt I had to accompany my boyfriend to a cocktail pub crawl where we would be drinking a different sugary cocktail at each spot - I was so unhappy.

I am also in obsessive food and shopping and gadget phase. I just bought a julienne slicer and am salivating over making squash pasta, and I spent a ton of time at the bookstore stealing recipes I want to make, and I spend lots of time thinking about food food food! Anyone else feel like they're getting a little weird?

It is disappointing to try so hard and then not see a massive shift on the scales. It's unrealistic to expect it, but we're all so conditioned to equating good health and body composition to a number on a scale and we find it hard to trust our own perceptions, even when we know we're feeling better. Keep at it. If I'd lost that much weight every week for a year I'd be an awful lot better off right now  :rolleyes:


I am finding it easier to 'just say no' in other aspects of my life now. It's like this plan is supercharging my willpower. I haven't read The Daily Mail (awful British online paper) for three days and my life is so much better for it.


Also in cooking and gadget mode. I am on a mission on Monday to find me a slow cooker. I am going to slow cook anything I can lay my hands on. And guess what? I'll have the time and energy to spend the early morning prepping the evening's dinner because I won't have spent it guzzling Diet Coke, devouring toast and getting anxiety attacks over "The Daily Fail". Yay for willpower!


Good for you, Iamspacy. Keep on keeping on and you know that you'll be glad in three weeks time.

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I ordered the zyliss julienne peeler from amazon for $8. It's the one nomnom paleo appears to have in her picture. Works like a dream! I did a practice run on cucumbers for fun and it was a zip to do and came out perfect - also made my salad just that much more exciting.

I need a slow cooker - one of those things I left with my ex and I am kicking myself over :/

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I ordered the zyliss julienne peeler from amazon for $8. It's the one nomnom paleo appears to have in her picture. Works like a dream! I did a practice run on cucumbers for fun and it was a zip to do and came out perfect - also made my salad just that much more exciting.

I need a slow cooker - one of those things I left with my ex and I am kicking myself over :/

I had an old outdated slow cooker and never got another one because I thought they were too expensive. I finally went to get one at costco and I think it was $25. I was kicking myself for not getting one sooner. It is 6 quarts and a little too big for the two of us but it works great. 

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Any recommendations on what to drink.  Day 10 and I still miss my diet pepsi.  I have been drinking crystal geyser, tea, coffee and of course water but I really miss flavored drinks.  I have tried the ginger and strawberry Kombucha (ginger is ok but still not doing it for me.)

Google quench your thirst Whole30. You'll find an article with lots of choices.

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Izze's are compliant - you can get them at while foods and Starbucks and target - BUT they are basically carbonated fruit juice and you're not supposed to be drinking fruit juice....do with this info as you will :)

I bought myself a 4 pack and did NOT put them in the fridge, but they're there in case I go to another party. I don't like carbonated water and I'm not dedicated enough to not do something special at a party, so I have them just in case

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Izze's are compliant - you can get them at while foods and Starbucks and target - BUT they are basically carbonated fruit juice and you're not supposed to be drinking fruit juice....do with this info as you will :)

I bought myself a 4 pack and did NOT put them in the fridge, but they're there in case I go to another party. I don't like carbonated water and I'm not dedicated enough to not do something special at a party, so I have them just in case

Save your Izze for drinking after a Whole30, as it's juice with bubbles (and you are correct - no juice drinking on a Whole30).

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I've had a bit of a craving for something besides herbal teas and fizzy waters too....and I've just discovered the most delicious thing. I made turmeric tea with coconut milk (recipe here http://www.marksdailyapple.com/creamy-turmeric-tea/#axzz2qFNlKnhj), left out the honey and subbed black pepper for cayenne, added a bit of vanilla pod and cinnamon. Doesn't sound too hopeful, I know, I don't even really like coconut milk. But it was warm and creamy and delicious, like a spicy hug in a mug. Who doesn't like a spicy hug?


I have to say though, while on the whole I've been feeling great there are a few things bothering me:


I'm tired again

My body seems to be trying to menstruate (early and unsuccessfully)

I am retaining water

My stomach is bloated



Any ideas?


How's the rest of the crew?

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Good morning!

I'm a Jan 2nd first timer as well. Been feeling great. Still tired in the morning, but I know that I need to work on kicking my iPad out of bed at night.

One great unexpected thing.Yesterday I was at a friend's who has a cat, and I had forgotten to take my allergy meds. Normally I wouldn't make it 15 minutes without dealing with sneezing, itchy watery eyes, the works. An hour into the visit she noticed that I was having NO symptoms. I couldn't believe it. Three hour visit total and not one sneeze. Amazing!!!!

Great day to all!

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Hi everyone -


I started on January 2nd... had a minor slip and started again a week ago, so I'm in day 7. I had discovered the paleo diet a few years ago. My blood markers are excellent as a result but I've struggled to lose weight. Discouraged, I let things slide over time but I still had a pretty decent diet, or so I thought.


After a week, I feel really good and nourished... it's difficult to describe but I can tell I'm getting the nourishment my body needs and I'm now thinking that I was fairly malnourished before. I didn't like cooking for myself and was consuming too many whey protein shakes in an attempt to keep my protein levels up and carbohydrate levels down.


Some specific things I've noticed:


- I had a day of crazy withdrawal symptoms on day 4. Huge headache, nausea, shivers. This was the biggest surprise since I didn't think my diet was all that bad before (maybe I was in denial???)

- I am sleeping 8 solid hours a night and the quality of my sleep has improved. I was a good sleeper in my younger years but in the past 5 years have had problems waking too early and falling asleep (monkey brain).

- I have struggled with mild depression...much of the symptoms are lifting and I feel more enthusiastic about life in general

- Most importantly, inflammatory symptoms that I had just prior to starting this: carpal tunnel syndrome and frozen shoulder have diminished about 50%. This is huge!!

- I'm really starting to enjoy cooking and eating more fresh food. This is also huge!

- My pants are a little looser


So all in all it's going well... very well! I'm tracking my calories and it's not difficult to stay under the calorie limits I have set for myself either. I think focusing more on vegetables is definitely helping on that front.

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