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Glad to hear you're all finding things easier. Day four today was a little easier for cravings than yesterday, so hoping I've turned a corner. I'm still a little tired and using that as an excuse not to exercise the last few days. Although 30 minutes on the elliptical just might have been what I needed.

I tried a few new recipes today - chicken and apple sausage for lunch (quite good) with fried zucchini and a salad and a grapefruit. I'm also trying spicy baked cauliflower and sweet potato for supper along with my usual chicken Caesar salad.

I've ordered their book "it starts with food" and it should be in on Friday. I'm looking forward to reading it and hoping it will help encourage me to stick this out.

Have a great evening :)

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Lisabug, the book definitely helped me. The whole concept of the Whole30 seemed slightly insane to me before I started. It definitely helped me get on board reading about all the science behind why certain foods are off limits. It made a lot of sense. Also, I had many tangible benefits from doing the Whole30 the first time - I slept better than I ever have in my life, I didn't have any issues with heartburn/acid reflux, my joint inflammation was improved quite a bit - not gone by any means, but better. I also  noticed my moods were much more stable. Since my last one I've for the most part kept away from gluten and soy, but I haven't been great about it, and I definitely haven't been good about keeping some of the other things out of my diet. And you know what? Almost all of those things that improved went right back to where they were. So, that's why I've decided to do this again, so I can really focus on the reintroductions and do them properly this time to try and identify what those triggers are.


I hope that helps at least a little - there are good things that come from this madness!

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I'm sorry to hear you feel like you need to leave. From what I've seen you post of your food I don't think you are eating nearly enough for a breast feeding mama and surely enough starchy vegetables. If you still want to tap out that is your choice, but I would encourage you to eat when you are hungry and add more things like sweet potato, winter squash, etc to your diet. Maybe check out some of the posts in the breastfeeding/pregnant moms section. Even if you decide not to do a whole30 right now the closer you stick to it the easier it will be when you do decide the timing is right.

I was eating enough at each meal to feel very stuffed, but I apparently was missing something.  I am "out" because I'm not following the rules 100% right now.  I've started to have grits for breakfast again before my day gets to crazy, but because my husband is still doing the Whole30, I'm cooking all the meals using approved foods and such.  I would have just restarted, but if I restarted after that particular day I would still be on the Whole30 when I hosted my son's baptism reception and I know I would have caved and had some of the cake and other foods that we have already ordered for it, so in order to have 30 days where I have a chance of being successful I'm going to wait until after the reception at the earliest.  I'm going to spend the time between now and then to evaluate my needs, get my son to the six-month mark so he won't be 100% dependent on me for his calories, and get through a few crazy times that are coming up so I can locate a new balance in my life as I go from stay at home mom to working full time mom.  I'm trying not to sabatage myself by being on a Whole30 during times when I know already that I will be weak.  Thank you for the encouragement and I look forward to rejoining a group later this year.  In the meantime I'm going to stalk this group for meal ideas and things I can rely to my husband to help him through the rough days.  He is doing great and going strong, although he like to have all his fruit for the day with breakfast as a smoothie in addition to the plate meat and veggies. Some habits die harder than others...

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Had my first food dream last night.... It was weird actually as I don't really eat gum often, but it was that my physiotherapist gave me a piece of gum during our session for some reason and I chewed it for a couple minutes before realizing I couldn't. The rest of the dream was spent wondering if I would have to restart... And then I woke up and realized it was all a dream :D

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Thanks CGinDc, that is helpful. And good to know that your symptoms all returned when going off. My asthma symptoms have been so much better since going paleo and I certainly don't want to go back to all the coughing.

I woke up feeling so great this morning - really content, even though I didn't sleep great. That "sleep better than I ever have before" has not kicked in for me yet. I think I've got enough energy for aqua size today.

That's funny with the food dreams. I struggled with that in a program I was in years ago, where a person's "days abstinent" was a BIG deal, but luckily none yet this time around.

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I woke up yesterday with the worst headache and attributed to to the rain (I get really bad sinus headaches that are sometimes weather-related), but as the day progressed, I realized that I'm definitely getting sick. I had some bone broth before dinner and defrosted some more this morning in the hopes that it helps. I'm drinking a ton of water and tea.


I hate, hate, hate being sick, and it seems like I ALWAYS have a cold. It will be interesting to see if dietary changes improve my immune response at all. It doesn't help that between grinding my teeth at night, adjusting to wearing my mouth guard again (something I stopped doing for awhile), and having very strange, vivid dreams, I am NOT sleeping well. 


Overall, I am just really grumpy today. But I made myself eat a proper breakfast (roasted veggies, chicken sausage, and a fried egg) even though what I really wanted some cinnamon toast. I'm definitely realized that a lot of my cravings for sweets are stress and emotion-related. Interesting observations. 

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I think the weather isn't helping my energy levels - it's been gray and rainy (following a week of extreme cold) and I just hate that. It is already dark in the morning when I'm supposed to be waking up - the crappy weather doesn't help! That said, my first week this time was MUCH better than the first time around - I guess I didn't have nearly as much junk built up in my system.


I think my biggest struggle is following the template - I'm pretty sure a lot of my meals don't have enough veggies. I don't seem to have an issue staying compliant - I think because I have tangible pain that seems to get better when I'm on the W30 it keeps me in check. But the veggies trip me up. I'm making an effort from here on out to make sure that I'm getting enough.


Breakfast today was 2 egg muffins, 2 zucchini fritters, half a sweet potato, and a little faux tabouleh that I made last night. And even though that sounds like a lot, I didn't have a problem getting it down. Breakfast is always a struggle because of time and the fact that I've never been a big breakfast eater - if I ate it at all it would be 1 hard boiled egg or yogurt. Big breakfasts are hard to get down.


The next hurdle for me will be adding exercise back in. My back has been bothering me a lot lately so I'm afraid to go back to yoga, but I at least need to get on a treadmill and do some walking.

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Yesterday started off great, and in reality didn't end too badly, just seemed like it did at the time.

Started off my day with a sweet potato, onion and pepper hash with eggs.

Drove my mom to work as my car broke down, drove to the mall to finally get my hands on It Starts with Food(!!!!).

Called the tow truck for my car and read the book.

Made some taco beef with compliant seasonings I found in my parents cupboard, poured that over a couple cups of chopped raw veggies (cucumber, pepper, tomato and onion) and topped with an egg to use the yolk as a sauce.

Went shopping with at Costco with my mom (I definitely use her for her Costco membership a lot! Haha) and bought more eggs, chicken thighs, sweet potatoes, and avocado, coconut and EVOO oils.

Then it went downhill.... Got home and started preparing a whole30 compliant dinner for the family (sweet potato, chicken thighs, green beans, carrots and brussel sprouts) and got a call regarding my broken down car.... Needs a head gasket which should cost me over $2000. And while on the phone with the mechanic I burnt most of my sweet potatoes!! :'( Not everything was lost, but I didn't get to eat as much as I would have.... Which left me going to bed hungry.

I did manage to go another day (and stressful at that!) without fruit though, so I am quite proud, and feeling great!

Happy whole30ing everyone! <3

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No fruit Blens? Good for you. I think the fruit saved me today. I've always known I'm an emotional eater, but I've learned that being tired is a trigger for me too. I haven't been sleeping well, and last night was especially short on sleep, so I was back to craving chocolate cake again today. Arrrggg!!!

One thing that is working when I'm tempted to cave, is watching a few youtube videos on paleo: testimonies, recipes, etc. gets me refocused on why I'm doing this. Anyway, Day 6 down. 10,000 to go. One day at a time!

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Lisabug, I am such an emotional eater too. Sunday after having a hella time cleaning my very dirty oven (to the point that my arms HURT), I just wanted a slice of chocolate cake. Yesterday, I found out a friend's father died, and I so wanted to say f--- you Whole30 and open a bottle of wine. Food is definitely a comfort and soother to me. One thing that I have found helpful is to make a cup of tea: the whole ritual of putting the kettle on, adding some fresh ginger to the cup, and sipping on a mug before bed (it helps that my spicy ginger tea is a bit sweet but compliant) has helped me keep the sweet cravings at bay. Maybe I'm just replacing cake with tea, but it is a healthier option, right? Tea might not be the fix for you, but finding some soothing food ritual might help. 


Blens, sorry to hear about the car. That just sucks!


I was in a terribly grumpy mood all day yesterday: a combination of a cold, period cramps, etc. I went to bed really early and woke up feeling significantly better. Proof that rest and regular use of the neti pot really do make a difference!

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Oh I am having a day. Work is exploding, I'm moving in the next month or so and just starting to look for a place, and there's just a lot in the pipeline for the next 1-2 months and I really don't know how I'm going to handle it all. I might have to go to Guatemala at the end of next week, and I have no idea how I'm going to be compliant while I'm there.


One thing I do know is that the first thing that goes out the window when work blows up like this is my self-care. So, to the extent possible, I'm going to try to stick with the W30 even if my first reaction is to go have wine every night to get me through. In the end I know that doesn't help anything and really only makes things worse.

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I'm reading your post about tea JDindc, as I sit here drinking some new cranberry tea I just bought. It does hit the spot. I was in the city today, and just mentally decided that this is too hard and if I just did that "primal" diet, that would be more manageable. I even bought myself some dark chocolate to have when I got home (cause that Mark guy says a little is ok). I had my mind all made up. Then I got home, and guess what was on my front step??? My amazon book order with "it starts with food" inside. So I told myself to just read a few chapters before I had some chocolate. LIFESAVER!

Melissa says " during those thirty days I went through a lot of ups and downs. It was easy. It was impossible. I was tired. I had boundless energy. I tossed and turned. I slept like a baby. But by the third week, something shifted. It was as dramatic as flipping a switch - and my life would never be the same." Encouraging for me, cause that's exactly how I feel. So if I can just make it to three weeks, maybe my switch will flip :)

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Good catch Lisabug!  I found the book to be an incredible motivator as well, I could have used it at day 2 when I was at my worst, but it's been a very enjoyable read the last couple days.  Finished ISWF yesterday and will start the Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf today I think.  Thanks for compliment on the no fruit, I'm really really limiting it, however yesterday and today I had a bit.  So glad you're still on board, if you're not feeling good now, I guarantee you will soon.  I've been feeling great the last few days with absolutely no cravings and loving the program, so much so that I'm wondering how much I'll ever want to go off the program in the future (aside from not worrying about the sugar in my organic chicken broth lol)


I was majorly struggling with period cramps yesterday as well jdindc, and overall feeling weak from it (periods have always been difficult for me, I think I lose far too many nutrients on it?) so I added in some fruit (half a banana yesterday with dinner), a handful of raspberries this morning with breakfast and half a small apple with some almond butter with lunch.  Remarkably these additions were not at all because of sweet cravings (I wouldn't have ate them if they were), but more so in hope that they would give my body something it was looking for and feel better physically.  I am feeling better today and will likely go at least another couple days without fruit again.


I have been enjoying tea as well, granted I've always enjoyed tea so no surprise.  I used to put honey and milk in my teas, however have been sipping on mass quantities of green tea, hot warm or cold lol.


Happy day 8 to you all! 

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Where is everyone today?

It's 11:30 here and I just crawled into bed. I spent the evening at a ladies fellowship with our church, with a table full of goodies. And I wasn't even tempted!! Had a few celery and cucumber sticks, but that's only because I didn't get a full supper cause I ended up too rushed. Today was so much easier than yesterday. I'm still struggling with tiredness, mostly late afternoon.

Have a good weekend all :)

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I'm here! The past couple of days have been very hectic - staying with it has been a challenge. But I did not give in to the urge to open up a bottle of wine last night, even though I really wanted a glass (or three). Interestingly I haven't had many sugar cravings, but my downfall has always been salty fatty stuff more than sweets. French fries, potato chips, pretty much anything fried and salty.


Lisabug, I sometimes struggle with tiredness in late afternoon too. When I left work yesterday at 4:30 I felt like I had been hit by a truck. Granted, it was a very stressful day, so I imagine part of that was the crash after an adrenaline rush. But in general I have noticed that I could use a quick nap int he afternoon to reset. Maybe I should move to a siesta culture? Is anyone else struggling with this? I make sure to eat a lot of starchy veggies like sweet potatoes and squash, they are supposed to help.


I am kind of upset that I have to travel to Guatemala next week - I tried to get the trip pushed back a couple of weeks but the timing just didn't work. So now I'm probably going to have to go off plan - it's so hard to stay compliant in other countries where I don't have much control over what I can eat, and where food sensitivities are not really recognized. I'm leaving either Thursday or Friday, so it will be day 14 or 15 for me. The same thing happened last time I did the Whole 30 - I actually hit day 30 the day I arrived in Uganda though, so I at least made it through the 30 days. One of these days I'm going to be able to do a W30 the right way, reintroductions and all!


For those of you with significant others, how are they adapting to this? My boyfriend is supportive but I think he doesn't really "believe" that this plan can work. He is trying to lose some weight and going the traditional route of limiting calories and I am having a hard time not lecturing him on why that's not the best way to go. But I know that being preachy isn't going to help anything - I am hoping that I have good results and that he'll see that they can come without depriving yourself. How about the rest of you?

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CGinDC I'm having the same problems when I'm around family.... Endless comments about how much food I'm eating and how much fat I'm eating. This coming from those that believe anything low fat is healthy (really a toxic, chemical mess!!!!). And with my car broken down near my parents and not close to my house about 100 km (60 miles) away I'm stuck here :(

I have been feeling great though! Despite non compliant food all around I haven't even had a craving!

As far as that 4:30 wall, I'm experiencing the same thing... It's been manageable but by 9 I'm absolutely done and falling asleep. Sounds great, except I work shift work and start my first of 4 night shifts tonight and need to figure out when my 3 square meals will be and how not to fall asleep at work!

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Sorry guys, I caved :(. That chocolate cake that has been calling me since day 1 has finally got me (Yes, I'm blaming the cake). I had been doing so good with cravings the last couple days and actually thought I was over the hump. Then today, I was upset with my son, and before I even had a chance to tell myself to get out of the kitchen and wait for the moment to pass, I was eating a piece. I wasn't even craving it, it was totally a stupid emotional thing. SIGH!!!

Well, the good thing is I remember how good I was feeling physically before I ate it and how crappy I feel now, that I'm encouraged to get back on track tomorrow. Sorry though, that now I've dwindled this already small group even more.

Best of luck to the rest of you. God bless :)


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Lisabug, go easy on yourself! I have been dreaming about chocolate cake for day, and I'm sure I would have caved had I been presented with it. And in the words of a very American movie heroine, remember, tomorrow is another day. And please don't feel like you can't contribute to this thread even as you hit reset!


Sorry I have been MIA, everyone. This weekend was very challenging: I went to my hometown for a funeral and then got smacked in the face with the cold I have been fighting off for a week. Interesting, my friend (who I saw at home and who is a PT) suggested that my cold happened in part because of the change in diet. She called it a major shock to the system that's going to jolt the immune system but encouraged me to stick it out. 


Anyway, I am feeling better but didn't have time to cook this weekend. And I am realizing that I do not have enough veggies for my lunch. I grabbed some frozen endamame from the freezer this am, only to realize as I entered work: non-compliant food. Ugh. I'm going to be hungry by the time I get home today.


CGinDC, re: partners, mine is definitely not on the diet. But he's been really encouraging. Last night, I really really wanted some dumplings. And he just looked at me and said, "Don't. You can do this." That's helped. And even if he's not doing the Whole30, he is eating better (at least at dinner when I'm cooking). And I have a feeling that he'll probably lose more weight than I will this month even though I'm the one on the Whole30. 


I'm hoping the pending snow gives me an early release from work so I can catch up at home, including cooking up some food for the days ahead. 

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Blens, re: family and their attitude, I was kinda amazed at how interested and supportive my mom was when I was staying with her in my hometown this weekend. That shocked me. I feel like she's more open because she's dealt with some health challenges and needed to change her diet to deal with diabetes. Other family members would be more judgmental and vocal, I am sure. Amazing how changing your life in some way seems to threaten others, isn't it? When that happens, I try to remember that all I can do is "do me." And I don't need their approval for my choices (easier said than done I know, easier now after years of therapy than it was years ago...).

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Lisabug, don't beat yourself up about the cake - I've come really close to slipping a few times. My boyfriend has been encouraging to me as well, in that he knows that I'll just be disappointed in myself if I do slip, so he's not letting me. I have been feeling a little defeated because I know it's not going to be possible to stay 100% compliant when I'm in Guatemala next week, and I really wanted to stick this one out all the way through the reintroductions. I've also been having really bad headaches and I've been really tired the last couple of days, and that is wearing me down a bit. I don't remember this from the first time around - not sure if it's due to the crazy weather changes we've been having here or if it's W30 related.

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Thanks for the encouragement guys. Day 2 for me down now. Very tired and feeling sickly today. I think my son gave me his cold, cause my throat is all scratchy and I'm coughing. I'm not sure though if it's cold or asthma. I came across the whole30 timeline yesterday and found that encouraging and was surprised that day 10 or 11 is the most common days to cheat - right where I did. It'll be good to know the different symptoms I'll have along the way are normal.

I'm a stay at home mom (teenagers), and I have days that are challenging to get meals together (sometimes just because I feel so tired or don't have any enthusiasm about cooking), but I can't imagine what it's like for you guys who work. I guess that's where that big Sunday afternoon cook would be helpful.

Say, do any of you know something I can take for a sore throat that's compliant?

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I agree with jdindc, cooking on Sunday is a must if I'm going to make it through the week. I didn't do what I needed to this past Sunday - and this week has been challenging so far. I've also been at my boyfriend's place since Monday and while he does have a lot of compliant ingredients, it's hard to follow the template with enough veggies. I did make a big pot of beef stew that I've been eating for a couple days, but I didn't brown the meat first and you can definitely tell. I get so frustrated when something doesn't turn out well, especially when I'm using good (read: expensive) ingredients. So even though I'm not a huge fan of the stew, I'm going to eat the rest of it!


Second the comment on ginger tea. I have a homemade recipe for cough syrup, but it's got honey in it so it's not compliant. But if you need something while not on the W30 it would work - honey, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and cayenne. Great for sinus trouble too!

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I have every flavor imaginable BUT ginger. Oh well, I settled for chamomile with lemon till I can get to the grocery store tomorrow. Aside from feeling sickly, today has been good. I have no hunger and no cravings. Maybe these first days won't be so bad cause I was doing it earlier.

I discovered "the clothes make the girl" website today. She's got great stuff on there, including her own four week food plan for the whole30. I'm going to try her chocolate chili tomorrow for supper. And if I can get organized like you girls and do a big cook once, or even twice a week, by using her grocery list, I think that would be helpful. I find just waiting till morning to decide what to make that day, I get lazy, or I don't have all the ingredients, so I end up just cooking boring stuff. And I'm with you CGinDc, I want it to taste good. I hate to be stuck eating something for days that tastes plain.

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